Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2342

Chapter 2342

Chapter 2342

2342 A little foodie

An inexplicable sense of accomplishment rose in Jie Feiyings heart once again. This was Ling Chuxis spirit beast, and it had actually been so easily bribed by her. If Ling Chuxi were to see this scene, she would definitely be angered to death.

Hmph, youre just an itinerant cultivator, and you dare to go against me? dont think that youre so great just because Chi hanbing looks at you differently. A pheasant is a pheasant, and even if you fly to a branch, you can forget about becoming a Phoenix. Arent you lucky? Didnt I pick up a spirit beast egg? you cant even afford to raise it after it hatches.

Little chick seemed to have understood Zhang Feiyings words. It combed Zhang Feiyings hair affectionately and became even more obedient.

Xie Feiying felt even more carefree and left the house with little chick.

h.e.l.lo, Senior Sister Xie.

h.e.l.lo, Senior Sister Xie. When they saw Xie Feiying, the group of disciples still maintained their superficial respect and stopped to greet her. At the same time, they curiously looked at the little yellow chick on her shoulder.

This fellow had its own standards for choosing a chickens nest. Not everyone had the right to let it build a chickens nest on top of their heads.

Were all disciples of the same sect, theres no need to be so polite. Xie Feiying showed a rare good expression and greeted everyone.

Senior Sister Jie, your chicken is so special. One of the female disciples asked curiously after staring at the little yellow chick for a long time.

This is not a chicken. Its a spirit beast that Ive finally gotten. When it grows up, youll know how powerful it is. Xie Feiyings purpose in bringing little chick out was to show off, but when she heard someone mention little chick, she started to show off.

So its a spirit beast. I was wondering why it was so different from the usual little chicks. The female disciple said with some envy.

Seeing their envious gazes, Xie Feiyings sense of achievement and pride swelled up even more. She brought little chick around for a walk.

Han Qingchi was not the only one who had the eight trigrams Queen. Soon, all the disciples of the flower stream valley knew that Jie Feiying had a little yellow chick with eyebrows that was said to be a spirit beast.

The sky was getting dark, and Xie Feiying, who was extremely satisfied, brought the little yellow chick back to her yard. As soon as she got home, the little guy pointed at its stomach and started to chirp again.

Youre so punctual. Xie Feiying looked at the sky. It was dinner time. This little guy was really on time.

Xie Feiying was in a good mood, so she threw another five-colored spirit stone to little chick.

The little yellow chick pounced forward and opened its mouth, causing the five-colored spiritual stone to disappear.

Senior Sister Jie, isnt this thing a little too much to eat? Zhuo fanglin said with envy and pain. It had been a long time since he had arrived at the ethereal sect residence, and he had only managed to get his hands on a few single-colored spirit stones. Not a single five-colored spirit stone had been found, and in just a few hours, the little yellow chick had already devoured two five-colored spirit stones and one single-colored spirit stone. It would be strange if he did not feel the pinch.

Its not like Im using your money, why are you in such a hurry? Jie Feiying cursed under her breath. It was just a few spirit stones, was there a need to be so distressed? But it was no wonder. Where did he come from? How could a low-level human s.p.a.ce be compared to the heaven domain? From Zhuo fanglin, it was as if she could see Ling Chuxis poverty and embarra.s.sment. Other than a sense of accomplishment and pride, a sense of superiority also welled up in her heart.

Senior Sister Jie, Im not in a hurry. I just think that it can eat too much. If this continues, guarding the spirit stone mine wont be enough for it. Zhuo fanglin was much calmer than Xie Feiying as he reminded her.

Tsk, do you really think that spirit beasts can eat that much? It must be because Ling Chuxi is stingy and cant bear to let her eat until shes full. When shes starving, she just needs to be fed a few times and shell be fine in the future. Jie Feiying said with confidence.