Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2298

Chapter 2298

Chapter 2298

2298 Ill feel guilty

Senior uncle Ling, youve been at the half-Saint realm for a long time. Although the five-element life-generating fruit cant compare to the five-element original life fruit, its enough to help you reach the Saint realm. Jie Feiying had long found out about Ling Chuxis origins from Zhuo fanglin, but she did not explain too much about the benefits of the five elements fruit. She must have heard about it in the human realm.

This sounds good. Ling Chuxi cupped her chin in her hands and looked as if she was in deep thought.

Although the five-element life-giving fruit was useless to her, it was indeed a Supreme treasure for others to advance to Sage level. Of course, this was still a distance away from her goal, but it could still be discussed.

Martial uncle Ling, so you agree? Xie Feiying asked excitedly.

Youve given me such good conditions, I cant refuse even if I wanted to. Ling Chuxi said.

Thank you, martial uncle Ling. Thank you, martial uncle Ling. Youre such a good person. Xie Feiying was so excited that she was incoherent.

A good person card! Someone actually gave me the good guy card? Ling Chuxi felt a sense of familiarity. She had always been the one to give others the good guy card, but now it was her turn to be given the good guy card. This feeling was really Tsk tsk tsk

Junior-martial nephew Jie, youve given me such good conditions, so I should really agree to it. But this is just an ordinary pheasant egg. If I exchange it just like that, wouldnt I be taking advantage of you? no, no, I cant do this. If word gets out, people will say that Im bullying the younger generation. Ling Chuxi took out the wild chicken egg and played with it in her hand as she said this in a conflicted tone.

Its okay, its okay, I dont mind. Xie Feiying stared at the wild chicken egg in Ling Chuxis hand, her eyes almost falling to the ground.

In her excitement, Jie Feiying did not realize that what had appeared in Ling Chuxis hand was no longer the wild chicken egg from before, but a real wild chicken egg.

Who would have thought that someone would have a whole basket of Wild Eggs in their s.p.a.ce? She had to thank Yue Kaili for this. If it wasnt for his good intentions, Ling Chuxi would never have thought that Xie Feiying would have the idea of obtaining the spirit beast egg, let alone prepare the wild chicken egg in advance.

Youre the one who had ideas about me first, so dont blame me for setting you up. You asked for it. Ling Chuxi would never feel the slightest bit of guilt for doing such a thing.

However, Ling Chuxi was careful. Although this spirit beast egg and the wild chicken egg looked exactly the same on the surface, it was impossible for them to be exactly the same. If she observed carefully, it was still possible to discover the difference.

Although Ling Chuxi felt that Xie Feiying might not be so meticulous, it was still better to be careful. She would first lose her appet.i.te and disturb her mind.

You dont mind, but I do. Its not on my conscience. Although she did not feel guilty, the expression on Ling Chuxis face became even more conflicted, as if she had done something very wrong.

Seeing Ling Chuxis guilty and guilty look, Xie Feiying and Zhuo fanglins eyes widened and they almost cursed,You still have a conscience? youre still conflicted? why didnt you find your conscience back then when you were silently plotting against Fang Lin? why didnt you find your conscience when you colluded with the sacred armored dragon lizard and tormented everyone in the inner realm? why didnt you find your conscience? why did you find your conscience now? why did you find yourself feeling guilty? who would believe you if you said you had a conscience?

Martial uncle Ling, it really doesnt matter. I dont mind at all. Jie Feiying said, suppressing her anger.

But I really care. If I were to switch with you, Id definitely be so guilty that I wouldnt be able to sleep all night. Said Ling Chuxi with a bitter face.