Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652

1652 Putting gold on ones face

Its that girl whos different from ordinary people. Shes too cunning. Sure enough, someone consoled Ling Gusong as soon as he finished speaking.

Thats right, elder Ling. This Ling Chuxi must have used some kind of evil demonic technique to deceive the demonic beast into this. Another person quickly said.

Elder Ling The palace Master of the Cold Moon Palace was afraid that he would retreat after suffering a loss like he busi, so she said. However, she was interrupted before she could finish her words.

Palace Lord Qing, you dont have to say anything. Ive never suffered such a great loss in my life. Im not a gentleman if I dont take revenge. Ling Gusong knew what Palace Master Han Yue was worried about. He said,however, Im still slightly weaker than Huangfu qingjue. I cant act rashly anymore.

Hearing Ling Gusongs words, the palace Master and the others didnt say anything. Even a blind man could see that the difference in strength between him and Huangfu qingjue was not just a small one. Saying this was merely to make himself look better.

The Cold Moon Palace masters expression was a little dejected. From the looks of it, even if Ling Gusong really wanted to take revenge, he probably had the heart but no strength. As for the few of them, there was no need to say anything more. Let alone Huangfu qingjue, even Ling Chuxi and the rest could not deal with him.

Im sure youve all seen it just now. I still have a rare treasure of heaven and earth with me. Its just that this rare treasure is too powerful, and Im still unable to fully control it. Once Im familiar with it, let alone one Huangfu qingjue, even three to five of them wont be enough to kill me. Ling Gusong could tell that the palace Master and the others had doubts about his strength, so he comforted them.

He still wanted to get the Cold Moon Palace, so he naturally didnt want their cooperation to end here.

Then well wait for elder Lings good news. The palace Master said.

Alright, Ill return to the blue wave sect first. You guys just have to wait for my good news. Ling Gusong flew away and soon disappeared into the night.

Palace Lord Qing, what should we do next? An old man asked the palace Master.

They knew that Ling Gusong was just joking when he said that he could control a treasure. Rare treasures were powerful, and they werent easy to control. If Ling Gusong had the ability, why would he wait until now?

I think Ill have to take revenge myself. Palace Master Frostmoon was silent for a moment before she gritted her teeth and said with a ferocious expression.

But with Huangfu qingjues strength, even Ling Gusong cant do anything about it. Ling Chuxi is not a kind person either. If we go, well probably just be sending ourselves to our deaths. The old man said in shock.

The reason why they helped the Cold Moon Palace Master was because of the benefits of the crystal mine industry and not because of some friends.h.i.+p. No matter how good their friends.h.i.+p was, there was no need to joke with their lives.

Even if I cant kill Huangfu qingjue or Ling Chuxi, cant I kill the others? From today on, I want the Golden core sect to never have a Day of Peace. Sect Master Lu, as long as you can help me kill the other people of the Golden core sect, I wont lose a single cent of the benefits I promised you. The palace Master had no other choice. She just wanted to kill some people from the Golden core sect to vent her anger.

This is feasible. Sect Master Lu thought for a moment and said. With their strength, they could not kill Ling Chuxi, but killing a few small characters should not be a problem.

Palace Lord Qing, I wont get involved in this matter. Ill return to the huiyin Valley now. He busi said with waning interest.

Youre not going? Even your sects Guardian beast has been taken away, how are you going to explain it to the sect when you return? The palace Master asked in surprise.

They had thought that this old fellow would definitely not dare to return after losing the sect-protecting demonic beast and was completely tied to them. They did not expect him to actually dare to return.

Palace Master Han Yue wanted to see how this old man would answer her.