"Fuinjutsu: Restriction Seal."
A precise restriction seal then appeared behind Crow's right shoulder where I pointed and poked my finger.
She was unable to move when I draw the seal on her.
"Monkey, Ox! Is that everything you can do?" I asked my 2 Kouhai and then the 2 of them recovered from my attack and charged at me.
Ox covered his Katana with chakra while Monkey summoned a Bo Staff from a scroll.
Ox was the first one to arrive in front of me and jumped from his position to create a huge downward slash.
I then released my Katana and blocked his strike. I then saw Monkey arrive beside me and was spinning his Bo Staff like an expert and attacked me with a thrust.
The attack then connected on my right face.
All 3 of them were shocked that Monkey was able to hit me, but before they can celebrate. I burst into lightning and stunned the 2 of them while Crow was also affected since she was near the detonation spot.
"Lightning Clone."
After the attack cleared, I saw all 3 of my subordinates stunned at their position due to the lightning effect.
I then created 3 clones that appeared behind all 3 of them again with their Kunais on their neck.
"Yield." I said.
"We Yield!" All 3 of them said at the same time.
I then released Crow from the Restriction Seal and talked to them.
"Monkey, Ox. You were quick on recovering from my initial surprise attack but I'm disappointed with you 2. When Ox cross blades with me, Monkey could have pulled and saved Crow away from the battlefield, but what you did was attack me. I sealed Crow in place because I thought of using her as a bait for you and Ox to save her, but I think the 2 of you never thought of saving her but just thought of defeating me. That is why I was disappointed." I said while Ox and Monkey looked down.
"Crow, good job on warning your teammates about the incoming attack, plus you were able to react fast enough and create a Jutsu to counter-attack my initial blitz attack. Even though you were my last target, it is still impressive that you were able to create that Jutsu in just a matter of seconds. The only thing I see that you could have done better was you could have jump back away from the smoke, creating distance from me to avoid what I just did. Your visibility was blocked that is why you should have not confronted me head-on like that. I was able to attack you because I'm a sensor, and the smoke didn't hinder me a bit." I said while Crow nodded.
"Remember this, the 3 of you. I have learned this from my previous Captain and I wanted to pa.s.s it down to you as your Captain. "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are sc.u.m. But those who abandon their friends are worse than sc.u.m." That is the reason why I was disappointed in Ox and Monkey. Your mission was to defeat me and spar, but you could have saved your teammate during that attack. If this was a mission and all of you were in danger, I would have abandoned the mission and save the 3 of you because I consider you now as my comrades." I said while the 3 of them listened like academy students.
"Remember well, the 3 of you. Even if we are Anbus, it doesn't mean that we can't trust our comrades to have our back because we are all lone ninjas. It just makes it more imperative to let your teammates have your back in this organization since the only thing that you have here is the person that you can see right now. That is why create bonds with your teammate and trust each other." I said and finished my speech.
After that, we then discussed our different formations and other stuff. I sparred with them again while I just used taijutsu.
After that, I then dismissed them and told them to meet me again tomorrow around 9 am. I then made my way back home to tell my mom and the others about my mission.
When I arrived home, the only person there was my mom.
"I'm home!" I said.
"Welcome back!" She said.
"Mom, I need to talk to you about my Mission." I said.
"I know, the Hokage already told me, everything son. I just want you to be careful and write now and then, okay? I know that it will be a hustle for you but I need you to promise me that you'll stay in touch." She said while I nodded.
My mom and I then talked about a few things and reminisced. After that, we then cooked dinner together and after a few hours, Hana and Yuki arrived home.
My mom was the one that explained the situation to Hana and Yuki. My mom told them that I'll be away for a year or 2 for training. She said that I'll be traveling around the Elemental Nation with a few others. Hana nee already knows my Anbu status that's why she took it more seriously while Yuki just felt shocked and sad that I might be away for a long time.
"Dai Kun, be careful on your training okay? When you come back, I'll be stronger and I will defeat you if you don't improve on your training!" Yuki said with teary eyes.
"I'll be expecting none the less from you Yuki. I'll tell Guy sensei and Kakas.h.i.+ Sensei to teach you a thing or 2 while I'm away. Also, I'll give Naruto's training on your care since I won't be here to teach him, can I count on you for that?" I said while she nodded.
I then ruffled her hair like what Aniki usually does to me. She usually struggles when I do this to her, but right now, she just looked down and enjoyed it.
"Okay, enough of this drama. Tomorrow we will have a party for you Daisuke so invite your friends so we can celebrate before you leave." My mom said.
Yuki then said that she will tell the others and went out of the house to inform them. My mom then took Hana to plan for the party tomorrow while I was left alone with Kuromaru.
"Be careful on your mission Daisuke." He said.
"I will Kuro, I will," I said as I sat on the ground and rested my hands on his head.