"But why did you put a B Rank mission for this. You should have put an rank mission for a higher survival rate. A team of a Jonin with 3 Chunins would be your escort. Money shouldn't be an issue for you right?" Inoue asked.
"Well, we can afford an rank mission but this should have been a stealthy entry to the Land of Valley so we planned to take a lower-ranking mission to arrive without any suspicion that Kaori Hime is with us." Ken said.
"But we were still ambushed by 10 genin ranked s.h.i.+n.o.bis." Nemu asked.
"No Nemu, those were at most high Chunins. They were throwing elemental ninjutsu one after the other. Normal genins wouldn't be able to achieve the same result of ambush." Inoue answered.
"But Daisuke was able to kill 4 of them." s.h.i.+roe said.
"I told you that I was stronger than you before we left the village right?" I said.
"What are we going to do Inoue Sensei?" s.h.i.+nji talked for the first time.
"Well after we recover from this, we'll head back home." Inoue said.
"But what about the mission sensei?!" s.h.i.+roe and Nemu asked the same time.
"This mission is out of our league Nemu, s.h.i.+roe. If we resume this mission, the percentage of death would be about 90%. I won't risk your safety for just one mission." Inoue said.
"But," Ken was about to talk but was stopped by Inoue.
"No Ken san. This mission is too dangerous for my Genin Team. If you want to, you can come with us and change the mission requirements so you'll be able to get a suitable ninja team for the mission." Inoue interjected.
"But if we don't get back soon, the Daimyo's family would be in a more dangerous position." Ken said.
"What do you mean by that Ken san?" Inoue asked.
"I need to get back to the Land of Valley because my father is ill. Anytime this week my father might die due to his illness. My brother Kosuke is the Heir of the Hinami clan and he would inherit the Daimyo t.i.tle when he comes to age. But as for now, our uncle would step in as my Brother's proxy since he is still too young to become a Daimyo. But when Ken and I investigated my father's illness, we found out that he was not ill. My father was poisoned by none other than my Uncle." Kaori answered.
"If we don't get back in time before the Daimyo dies, their uncle Kagami would be in charge and he can immediately plot to kill Kosuke for him to become the real Daimyo of the Land of Village. But if we arrive there on time, the Daimyo would still be able to reveal Kagami's scheme." Ken continued.
"But this is out of our league Ken san, Kaori Hime. If we continue the mission, all of us might die." Inoue said.
Both Inoue and Ken continued to argue with each other. Kaori just remained silent the whole conversation while looking at the bonfire. The 3 genins were just listening to Ken and Inoue's conversation.
When I finally got tired of their reasonings I then bit my thumb and used a Summoning Jutsu.
"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"
A cloud of smoke appeared at the position where I slammed my palm and a small wolf appeared.
"h.e.l.lo, Daisuke Dono. What can I do for you?" Mia asked.
All 3 of the Genin's were shocked at my performance while Ken and Inoue stopped talking with each other. Even Kaori decided to look up and stare at Mia.
"Mia, how fast would you be able to send a message to the Hokage and get back to us for the reply with this distance." I said while I pulled out a map and pointed our direction to Mia.
"If I send the message now, I'll be able to bring a reply within 3 hours Daisuke Dono." Mia answered.
"Inoue Sensei, can you please write a letter for the Hokage about our situation and Mia here will deliver it to him." I said.
Inoue then started writing a letter and after she finished he gave me the letter and I put it into Mia's wolf flak jacket. Mia then vanished into her shadow after I gave her the message.
"Let's rest first sensei and wait for the Hokage's reply. Since we can't go back to Konoha right now, maybe we can still rest here for the night and wait for Mia's return." I said while Inoue nodded.
Ken looked at me with a face full of grat.i.tude while Kaori looked down again.
After Mia left, we decided to have dinner and make a rotation for guard duty. I told Inoue Sensei that I will take first watch while they sleep in the meantime.
After an hour of silence, I then talked in a whisper.
"Can't sleep, Hime chan?" I said.
"How did you know that I was still awake?" she asked in a whisper.
"I can hear your soft sobs from a mile away Hime chan. I know that you're worried about your family but you still need to rest for tomorrow's journey." I said.
"How would you know if we'll still need the energy for a journey tomorrow if we don't even know what your Hokage's reply would be." She asked a little louder.
"Well, crying wouldn't be able to change anything Hime." I said.
"How would you know? You came from a line of a powerful s.h.i.+n.o.bi clan. You wouldn't need to worry about your family since they are powerful enough to protect themselves." Kaori said.
"Well, my sister almost died from her last mission Hime. You were right, I wasn't worried because I knew that my sister is strong and she can protect herself. But things like death and accidents always happen when you least expect it. And when they do, you just need to toughen up and face your problems. Crying wouldn't be able to change anything, but actions could. Just like what you and Ken san did. You went out of your comfort zone and investigated your father's sudden illness and not cried inside your room until your father dies." I said while Kaori remained silent.
"What happened to your sister?" She asked.
"In some kind of miracle, she was saved by a mysterious ninja from death. That's the reason why I got to see her again. After that, I trained hard so if ever I face the same situation, my love ones wouldn't be worried about my safety because I can protect myself." I said.
"T-t-thank you, Daisuke kun." She said.
"You don't need to worry about it Hime. We're just talking and I just wanted to lessen your Anxiety." I said.
"No Daisuke Kun. Thank you for saving me earlier even though I lashed on to you before the attack began." She said.
"I'll repeat myself, Hime. You don't need to worry. It was my mission to protect you and Ken san. I just did what I had to do." I said.
Kaori then went silent again but she still couldn't sleep.
"Still couldn't sleep Hime?" I asked.
"Since Ken and I left, I wasn't able to sleep much due to the stress and homesickness. My mom use to hum a lullaby for me when I can't sleep." She said.
I then went near her and tried to think of any lullaby song that I can hum for her but I couldn't think of any.
"Well this isn't a lullaby but I used to listen to it whenever I can't sleep when I was a child." I said, but it was a soundtrack I listen to when I was in my previous world.
I then proceeded to hum the Harry Potter Soundtrack Hedwig's Theme for her in a continuous loop.
After a few minutes, Kaori then fell asleep while I resumed my watch for the night while I gaze at the beautiful moon on the night sky. I was still humming the Harry Potter Soundtrack while I reminisce about the wonderful story of Harry Potter on my mind.