"Come in." Hiruzen said.
Both Kakas.h.i.+ and I then went into the room.
"h.e.l.lo, Hokage Jiji." I said.
"Goodmorning Hokage Sama." Kakas.h.i.+ said.
"It's good that you're finally back Dais chan. Your mom and the others were so worried about you. Your mom was the only person among your love ones that knows about your strength. So most of them were worried to death by your sudden disappearance." He said.
"I'm sorry Hokage Jiji but I was driven by my rage and revenge that I didn't follow protocol." I said.
"No, it's okay Dais chan. What matters is that you are okay. Were you able to locate Inabikari?" He said.
"Yes, Hokage Jiji. I brought him back here." I said.
"It's okay Dais chan. It's fine, don't feel down that you killed someone with a personal vendetta. I know how destructive revenge could be Dais chan. But trust me...." He said.
"No Hokage Jiji, he is still alive. I brought him back here alive. I was about to kill him but someone told me that revenge only leads to more bloodshed and a never-ending cycle of pain and death. Plus he deserves far more worst than a quick death." I said, cutting him off from his speech.
"What? Well, that's all good then. Have you already sent him to the T&I department?" He asked.
"Yes, Hokage sama. I've also told Anko and Ibiki to give him a special treatment. After we get something out of him, we can execute him and gain his bounty as a reward." Kakas.h.i.+ answered.
"Good, good. Okay, Dais chan. You can go home now so your mom won't be worried about you anymore. Also, your sister has already regained consciousness." He said.
"Thank you Hokage Jiji. I will excuse myself first." I said then I went out of the room and went home as fast as I could.
Inuzuka Compound
I arrived at our house feeling nervous. I know that my mom would kill me once I enter the house.
I then went in front of the door and opened it gently. When I entered, I was immediately tackled by a blue blur.
Yuki was the one that rushed me and hugged me to death. She was crying like crazy while Kuromaru was behind her giving me a comforting look.
I then let her cry on my shoulder for a while until he calmed down.
"Where have you been Dais chan. All of us were worried about you. Hana nee woke up a few hours after you left and you were nowhere to be found. Tsume Obachan even searched the whole village to try and find your scent but she was not able to find you." She said in 1 breath.
"I'm okay Yu-chan. I just went out to release some steam. By the way, is mom home?" I said.
"No Dais chan. Tsume obachan left earlier to buy some food and medicine. While I just went home for a bit to shower and get some new clothes. I was actually about to go back to the Hospital when Kuromaru got excited and I knew immediately that it was you." She said.
"Well, you can go first Yu-chan with Kuromaru. I'll just take a bath and I'll immediately go to the hospital." I said.
"Sure Dais chan, I'll go now. Don't stay for long okay." She said.
"Okay. By the way, Happy Birthday Yu-chan." I said while I brought out a Moon and Wolf designed silver brooch for her.
"Wow!!!! Thank you Dais chan. Also Happy Birthday. I wasn't able to buy an awesome gift so I just went with my original gift for you." She said while she gave me a simple black pair of earing while blus.h.i.+ng.
"Well, it matches with my white ones so I thought that it was an awkward gift so if you don't like it I can always find another gift Dais chan." She continued.
"No Yu-chan, it's perfect. Thank you so much. I know that we'll be able to celebrate our birthday today, but this has already made it a very memorable day." I said.
"Same here Dais chan." She said.
"Okay, I'll take a shower now Yu-chan. Kuromaru, protect her on the way okay!" I said.
"Of course, leave it to me Daisuke." Kuromaru said.
After Yuki left with Kuromaru I then cleaned up fast and then made my way to the Konoha Hospital.
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When I arrived, the same scenario also happened. Mom rushed me and hugged me to death for a while. But the difference is she didn't cry but she gave me the most powerful knuckle blow in the history of knuckle blows.
"You, you, you dumb idiot demon little child!!!!! What made you think to just disappear like that! The Hokage has already told me everything!" She said.
"I know that what I did was reckless mom, I'm sorry." I said.
"I'll won't easily accept your sorry, you dumb child." She said. "But I'm so proud of you. Thank Kami that you're fine." She whispered because Yuki was inside the room.
Due to the loud voice of my mom, Hana started to wake up. She then slowly opened her eyes and I was immediately in front of her.
"Dais chan?" She said.
"I'm here Hana nee. Thank Kami that you're fine now. " I said.
"Well I still feel like Sh*t but yes Dais chan, I am fine now." She said.
Mom and Hana then greeted both Yuki and me Happy Birthday. We then chatted for the rest of the day while eating the food that mom bought. After a few hours, Hinata came to check on Hana nee while Izumi nee and Naruto also arrived a few minutes later.
They also both greeted Yuki and me happy birthday while they gave us their presents.
The rest of the day was simple but perfect for me and Yuki.
We didn't have a grand party like what we have planned to do, but what is important is that we celebrated our birthday party with all of our love ones.
The next day, the Hokage announced that Inabikari was captured alive and was sentenced to be executed.
Anko and Ibiki were able to squeeze him out of all the information that they could get from him.
The Uchiha clan and the Inuzuka clan was very happy that the culprit who almost killed both of their clan members were captured.
Their anger was quenched by Inabikari's execution.
Izumi was happy that the man who almost killed her has been captured and was sentenced to death. Now she can rest easy knowing that no one would experience what she and Hana nee experienced from this sc.u.m.
Hana was not there when the announcement was made but she had the same opinion with Izumi.
Inabikari was killed that day by beheading. It was satisfying to see his blank face due to Anko and Ibiki's s.a.d.i.s.tic torture. His head was then used to collect his bounty and I decided to just accept it after Hokage Jiji annoyed me for hours offering it to me.
I now have lots of money from all the missions that I accomplished and most of it just went to treating Naruto and the gang now and then.
After Inabikari's death, Kakas.h.i.+ and I then went and did many missions together. After a year of training and Mission, I was then called by the Hokage to go to his office.
"Do you know why you're here Dais chan?" He asked.
"No Hokage Jiji. Why did you call me exactly?" I asked.
"Well, the one who can teach you more advance seal techniques had sent me a lot of materials that you can work on. Also, he gave me this." The Hokage said while he gave me a scroll and a wooden box.
When I opened the box I was shocked at what was inside.
It was an unusual design because instead of having just one blade, the kunai that was inside the box had 3 p.r.o.ngs in it. It also has an unusually larger handle and a seal tag seem to be rolled in its handle.
"Is this...." I said but I wasn't able to finish it.
"Yes, Dais chan. That is one of the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder G.o.d Kunai."