After changing to my Anbu outfit, I then made my way to the Hokage tower.
When I arrived at the Hokage Tower, Kakas.h.i.+ was already there waiting for me, but he is not wearing his Anbu attire.
"Well, that's a first senpai." I said.
"Well, there's a first in everything Wolf. Come on, let's go." He then entered the tower.
I followed him while he enters the tower and I saw the Ninja Academy which was located at the same building. I looked at the Academy's training ground and a different cla.s.s was sparring with each other.
I immediately knew what cla.s.s was this. This was the cla.s.s Neji, Tenten, and Lee were included. I immediately knew when I spotted the destiny freak sparring with the future guy mini-me.
Lee was defeated after a series of blow from Neji.
"Hey, Kakas.h.i.+!" The teacher of their cla.s.s called on to Kakas.h.i.+.
"Yow! Long time no see Kurenai." He replied.
'Wait what? Kurenai was a teacher in the academy.' I thought as I glance at Kurenai.
She was as beautiful as her Anime counterpart but this time she's wearing a flak jacket.
"So what are you doing here?" She said.
"I'm just escorting this Anbu to the Hokage Office for an appointment." He said.
"h.e.l.lo, I'm Yuhi Kurenai." She said while she bowed at me.
It's weird because she's introducing herself but I can not do the same.
"h.e.l.lo, Yuhi san. I'm Wolf. It's nice to meet you." I said while I reciprocated the gesture.
After Kakas.h.i.+ and Kurenai talked with each other for a few minutes, Kakas.h.i.+ then excused himself and me from her presence and then we proceed to the Hokage's Office.
When we entered the office the Hokage pulled his pipe and smoked from it.
"h.e.l.lo, Hokage sama." Both Kakas.h.i.+ and I said while we bowed.
"What can I do for you Kakas.h.i.+, Wolf?" Hiruzen said.
"Hokage sama, I request for Wolf to take the Seal Proficiency exam." He said.
"Well I've already seen Wolf use a storage scroll so I know that he has learned the basics of seals Kakas.h.i.+. You don't have to worry about his seals' training and skills Kakas.h.i.+." Hiruzen said.
"No Hokage sama. Earlier when Wolf and I were talking. He said that he has already made a gravity seal." Kakas.h.i.+ said.
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The Hokage then wore a serious face and said.
"Bird, Snake. Secure the area." He said.
Both Bird and Snake Shuns.h.i.+ned out of the room and guarded the whole office.
"Kakas.h.i.+ are you serious? You're telling me that Daisuke, an 8 years old child, is a seal master?" He said.
"Wait wait Jiji. What are you talking about? Seal Master? The book said that it was only an Advance Seal." I said.
"Yes, Daisuke. The Book of Seals from the Anbus Library are all Uzumaki Standard Books. Meaning if you learn the advance seals, you'll be an Advance Sealing Specialist from the Uzumaki's Standard. But here in Konoha Daisuke, if you master that Advance Seals book, you'll be certified as a Seal Master." He said.
"And to add to that Daisuke, we only have 1 seal master here in Konoha. That is Jiraiya of the Sannin." Kakas.h.i.+ added.
"Can you show me how you created your Gravity Seals Daisuke." Hiruzen said.
I then put out a blank tag and a special ink from my storage scroll and immediately went into drawing the diagram.
The diagram was a rose-like sword drawing that has intricate brush balance and fluid strokes.
I completed the seal in about 10 seconds.
"Okay, Daisuke. Can you apply the seal to me?" Hiruzen said.
I then stuck the tag at Hiruzen Jijj and activated the seal.
"Fuinjutsu: Gravity Seal"
Hiruzen felt that his body was still the same.
"Did it fail Daisuke?" He asked.
"No Jiji, here let me show you." I said while I did a Bird seal.
"Level 2, Activate."
Hiruzen then felt that his body weight doubled.
"Amazing!" Hiruzen praised.
"I can still increase the level Jiji up to level 5." I said.
"No Daisuke. It's fine now." He said.
I then did a tiger seal and said.
Hiruzen then felt his body returned normal and pulled the tag away from his body.
"You're turning into a monster Daisuke." Hiruzen said.
I just awkwardly scratched my head from his comment.
"Hokage sama. Since Daisuke has shown this kind of potential, and you were requesting me to leave the Anbu. Would you be able to grant me a favor Hokage sama." Kakas.h.i.+ said.
"What is it Kakas.h.i.+?" Hiruzen said.
"I would like to make Daisuke my apprentice Hokage sama." Kakas.h.i.+ said.
The Hokage thought for a while on how to respond at Kakas.h.i.+'s request.
"Okay Kakas.h.i.+, I'll accept your offer. But just to warn you Kakas.h.i.+, this boy has already attracted some curious eyes and if you don't take care of him I will immediately pulled him out of your apprentices.h.i.+p." Hiruzen said.
"I understand Hokage sama and thank you for accepting my proposal. Both Guy and I had already decided to train him so he'll be powerful enough to protect himself soon. Plus he was able to battle Orochimaru toe to toe for a few minutes, so that wouldn't be too far Hokage sama." Kakas.h.i.+ said.
"Okay, so Daisuke do you accept Kakas.h.i.+'s request?" He asked.
"Will I be pulled out from Anbu for this Jiji?" I asked.
"No Daisuke. You'll still be a member of the Anbu but you wouldn't receive missions from it for a while. Plus you'll need to increase your seal a.r.s.enal. After you learned 2 more Advance Uzumaki Seals and created 1 Original Seal I will give you a gift that you'll surely love." He said.
"So, my 1-month rest will extend Jiji?" I asked.
"No Daisuke. Since you're already Kakas.h.i.+'s apprentice, as of now, you're an active Genin." He said.
I then nodded at Jiji and said no more.
After the meeting, Jiji then dismissed us from his Office while Kakas.h.i.+ handed his Anbu mask to Jiji as a sign of his Anbu retirement.
I then went back home since my Mom would surely kill me if he sees me enter the house wearing my Anbu attire.
When I have changed my outfit to my previous clothes my Mom arrived a few minutes later.
I then told her what happened and she gave me a strong knuckle blow!
"You idiot! Didn't you know that practicing Fuinjutsu is dangerous! One wrong stroke and the seal will explode!" She said.
I then told her that starting tomorrow Kakas.h.i.+ Senpai will be my official Sensei at the moment.
She then congratulated me and she was so happy that I don't need to do dangerous Anbu missions for a while.
For the past few hours, I've been meditating to control the large amount of chakra that added from my system since I battled Orochimaru.
When it was around 5 Yuki and Hana arrived home and I excused myself since Kakas.h.i.+ Sensei said that we'll celebrate the occasion of me being his apprentice and for his Jonin promotion.
When I arrived at the Konoha's Dango shop, I saw 6 Ninjas with Kakas.h.i.+ Sensei.
I then wore my mask again and went to them.
"Yow, Tou san. I'm here." I said.
Guy laughed at my arrival, Asuma swallowed his Cigarette, Kurenai fell from her sit, Yugao and Hayate blushed for a certain reason, while Anko was choking from her beloved Dango.
"Ne, Guy Jiji, why did you expose my disguise. I was having a fun time here!" I said while I felt killing intent from Anko and Asuma since he swallowed his cigarette from my joke.
"Yow Sensei, I'm starting to adapt your late mannerism that I've arrived a bit late from the appointed time you gave me." I said.
"No, you were just in time. Guys this is my new apprentice Inuzuka Daisuke, Daisuke this is my friends Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, Uzuki Yuugao, Hayate Gekko and Mitaras.h.i.+ Anko."
I then bowed at them and then my mouth slipped.
"Yow Senpai." I told Neko.