"My wounds ..... from the battle ... It took a lot from me. Ha ha ha, plus I've ... used my Sulong way too long." I whispered.
When I finally arrived in front of Konoha' Gate.
"Who is that?" Kotetsu said.
"Wait! Those 2 are Konoha Anbu! Report to the Hokage immediately Kotetsu! I'll handle this." Izumo said.
Kotetsu then vanished from the gate and Izumo ran in our direction.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Mission .... went wrong .... contact ... Hokage." I said before I lost consciousness.
Hokage's POV
"Sigh!! Will this paperwork never end!" I sighed.
Then someone knocked on the door.
"Come in." I said.
"Hokage sama!" Kotetsu entered the office and bowed. "There are 2 heavily injured Anbus on the Konoha gate. Both appear to wear Dog masks." He said.
"Immediately call for Aisawa and tell him to get ready for 2 possible critical patients. Bird, Ox. Go to the Gate and get Inu and Wolf to the Hospital immediately!" I said.
Bird, Ox, and Kotetsu then flashed away from the office.
"Sigh, Tsume's gonna kill me for this. Mouse, go to the Inuzuka residence and tell Tsume to go to the Konoha Hospital!" I said.
In the Konoha Hospital a few minutes later.
"What's their status?" I asked Aisawa.
"Hokage sama! Kakas.h.i.+ is experiencing heavy chakra exhaustion and lots of minor injuries while the Kid has a deep stab wound on his abdomen with a lot of minor injuries." He said.
"Kakas.h.i.+ will recover after a week's rest while the Kid needs to rest for a month, but the Kid's wounds are healing fast. If it continues like this, he'll be fully healed in also a week." Aisawa finished.
"Sigh, what have you encounter Inu, Wolf." I said.
"Hokage sama 2 more Anbus appeared at the Village Gate. 1 is unconscious while the other 1 is carrying her." Izumo appeared and said.
"Aisawa, you know what to do. Izumo, bring the conscious Anbu to me." Izumo and Aisawa went out of the room and in a few moments, my worst nightmare came.
Tsume entered the room wildly!
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"What happened to my son Hiruzen!" A wild Tsume appeared!
"Calm down Tsume! Daisuke's alright. Please relax!" I said.
Tsume just ignored me and went straight to Daisuke.
"Dais Chan." She whispered then an Anbu appeared wearing a bear mask.
"Hokage sama!" Bear said while bowing.
"Senpai! Wolf! But they, how?" He said.
"Calm down Bear. They appeared earlier at the Konoha gate. It appears that Wolf carried Kakas.h.i.+ while he was unconscious." I said.
"No Hokage sama. I..." He said while she looked at Tsume.
"It's alright Bear. She has the right to know." I said.
"Well, we were Ambushed on our mission to observe the Land of Rice by 50-70 ninjas wearing a sound headband. We were able to kill 20 of them but Neko was Injured. We then escaped their pursuit, but they were able to follow us a few hours later. Then when we were near the border of the Land of Rice and Fire, Wolf appeared and ambushed the 50 ninjas. Both Senpai and Wolf killed all of them and then we regrouped to rest for a few minutes before heading on our way." He said.
"Well, why was Inu and Wolf injured? Also, why did you arrive in 2 separate group." I asked.
"Well when we regrouped Hokage sama, a ninja appeared and attacked us. The one who attacked us was none other than Konoha's S rank missing Nin, Orochimaru of the Sannin." He said.
"What!" Both Tsume and I said.
"Well Orochimaru appeared and Inu volunteered to hold him down while the 3 of us escaped. The 3 of us wasn't a match for Orochimaru plus Neko is unconscious. Then Wolf argued that he can carry Inu Senpai to a retreat if ever something went wrong and then they ordered me to retreat as fast as I can to report Orochimaru's involvement in the Land of Rice. I then retreated with Neko when Inu and Wolf gave me the opening. After that, I ran as far as I can and headed straight for Konoha." Bear finished.
"Okay Bear. You can rest now. Go to Aisawa and let him check you up." I said.
"Hai! Hokage sama!" He said then he exited the room.
"You Baka Little Demon! Why would you stay to fight Orochimaru!" Tsume whispered.
"Be proud Tsume. No child could have fought Orochimaru and live to tell the tale. Even if he was with Kakas.h.i.+." I said.
Kakas.h.i.+'s POV
After a few hours, Kakas.h.i.+ woke up from his slumber and opened his eyes.
He immediately stood up from his bed and held his head.
"Aisawa sama, Aisawa sama." A nurse that was inside the room shouted.
"Where's Wolf. Tell me, where's WOLF." Kakas.h.i.+ said while he held the nurse by her wrist.
"Wolf? You mean the kid that came with you? He's in the other room." She said.
"Kid?" Kakas.h.i.+ then stood up and went to the other room.
"No, you're not allowed to stand up yet! Wait." The nurse said.
Kakas.h.i.+ then ignored the nurse's plea and went into the room next to him.
Kakas.h.i.+ then opened the door and was surprised to see a young man around 10 years of age. Then a voice behind him said.
"Can't you imagine. They've recruited kid at the early age of 8 to enter the Anbu." Aisawa said.
"8? Impossible!" I said.
"Well, we both had the same reaction. That kid is Inuzuka Daisuke. The young heir of the Inuzuka Clan. It seems that the Hokage is hiding his talents from a lot of people that's why he hid him inside the Anbu." He said.
"Even though his physical appearance matches a small 10 years old but her mom personally told me." He finished.
'How?' I thought for a second then I realized. 'Danzo!'
"You should rest now Kakas.h.i.+. The kid is not in danger anymore. Plus his mom will arrive shortly. She just fetched her things and informed her daughter of what happened." Aisawa said.
"No Aisawa, I'm fine. I'll rest here. This kid saved my life. This is the least I can do." I said while Aisawa reluctantly nodded.
He then ordered the nurse to go get something for me to eat and some extra pillows.
I then sat beside Wolf.
"Thank you, Kami. I thought I just lost another comrade in front of me. Obito, Rin, Tou-san, Sensei. It seems like I won't get to meet you again this time around." I then closed my eyes and drifted to sleep again.