Yuki's POV
In the Village of Konoha
It's been a few weeks since Daisuke graduated from the academy. After he became a genin Daisuke has always been nowhere to be found. For the past 3 weeks, I've only seen him 4 times even though we live together under the same roof.
Well not that we live together alone. I moved in at their house after Daisuke's mom offered me to live with them since I've always been there ever since our study in the ninja academy started.
Well back to the topic, Hinata and the gang including myself have been worried all this time because of Daisuke's long absence.
'Is this how busy a genin's life could be?' I always thought.
s.h.i.+kamaru said that mostly Genins do the Village ch.o.r.es, while Chunins do most of the escort and B rank missions that take a week or two to finish, and Jonins handle their own Genin teams together with conducting A rank to S rank missions.
s.h.i.+kamaru speculates that either Daisuke was directly promoted to Chunin or he's been profiled to another ninja division which is the Anbu.
Most of us didn't listen to his speculation since it was too farfetched.
'How could a newly graduate ninja, be directly promoted to Chunin much less the Anbu.'
As I was walking towards the Village playground to meet with Hinata and the others, I could already hear Naruto's loud mouth and Ino's wild replies.
"I'm telling you, I felt that Daisuke was watching me sleep last night. It was really creepy since Daisuke is always missing. Is it his ghost hunting me on my sleep! Dattebayo!" Naruto yelled.
"Shut up Naruto. Who would believe you that Dais chan is stalking you in your sleep!" Ino said.
"Well that was I felt! If you don't want to believe me then don't! Dattebayo!" Naruto replied back.
"What a drag. Can you both quiet down for a bit. I'm trying to take a nap here." s.h.i.+kamaru said.
"Shut up s.h.i.+kamaru! Who takes a nap during the morning!?" Ino said.
"Yeah! Dattebayo!" Naruto added.
"Well, almost all of my clan members take a nap during the morning." He said.
"Can we please just get along with each other." Hinata said as quiet as she could.
"Munch munch munch." Said Choji while munching his chips.
"Snakdujskajsjwkkxhuakjjwuikjei." s.h.i.+no murmured under his breath that i can't understand a word.
"Goodmorning everyone." I said.
"h.e.l.lo, Yu-chan. Any news about Dais chan?" Asked Hinata.
"Well, Tsume Obaasan told me that Daisuke is still on a mission right now and she can't tell me the details because I'm not a ninja yet. Hana nee-san also won't tell a single thing." I said.
"Ne, Yuki chan. I felt Daisuke's presence last night at my place. Dattebayo." Naruto said.
I just listened to him while I nod at him every now and then.
After talking about Daisuke's absence for a few minutes with all of them, we then decided to just wait for him and play in the playground.
After a few hours of playing with them, Hinata then sat beside me when I was resting after our game of tag.
"What do you think is the reason for Dais chan's absence this past few weeks Yu-chan?" Hinata said.
"I don't know Hina chan. I just hope that he is okay. The first time he came back, he has that blank look in his eyes. But after that, he felt like the same Daisuke that we knew. It's just I'm worried about him. He's been there for me when I was alone, and I just want to help him too." I said.
"Well he's always been like that Yu-chan. The first time s.h.i.+no and I met Dais chan, he has been so welcoming. After that whenever someone bullies the both of us, he'll always be there to save the day."
"Did you know Yu-chan, I've always never liked to become a s.h.i.+n.o.bi. I-I just don't have the strength to hurt someone. But every time someone bullies me Dais chan always saves me like a damsel in distress. That's the reason why he calls me Hime. Since then I've steeled myself that Dais chan would not always be there to protect me. That is why I've always tried my best to become stronger." Hinata finished.
"Well we really do need to grow stronger then Hina chan. If Daisuke always saves us, who will save him." I said.
"Then let's do our best Yuki chan." She said.
For the rest of the day. Hinata and I planned our schedule so we'll be able to train together when we have our free time. Naruto even decided to train with us, he said that he wants to grow stronger so Sasuke won't always defeat him.
Daisuke's POV
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
"This technique is harder to learn than what I've thought." I said.
A month has pa.s.sed since I became an Anbu. I've completed 20 D ranks, 2 C ranks, and 1 B rank Anbu missions.
I'm currently training my Shukutchi the ways s.h.i.+sui Aniki uses his Shuns.h.i.+n Jutsu.
I'm almost at 70% of fully syncing my Shukutchi to s.h.i.+sui Aniki's Technique.
The hardest part of this technique is the remaining 30% which is generating a physical clone.
I've also learned the Chidori from Inu senpai and I've taught him the basics of my lightning fang technique. He was able to learn it as soon as he copied it with his Sharingan while it took me a day to learn Chidori.
I've also integrated it into my fighting style by making different versions of my Chidori.
I was able to create my own Chidori Spear, Stream, Senbon and Running Beast.
I've also been able to combine it with my Katana and created some original variations for me like my Chidori: Javelin which manipulates the Chidori to become a large Javelin I can throw with great speed and penetration. Also, I've combined Chidori with my Gatsuga by forming a Chidori cloak around my body before I use my Gatsuga as well as a spinning Chidori in my arms I'd like to call Chidori: Drill.
Today I'll be able to come home for a week since I've requested a few days off.
I miss my family and friends so much and I know that my friends are already speculating the reason for my lack of meeting with them.
After I'm done with my training I then went back to my Anbu room and took a bath. After I'm done cleaning up, a knock came from outside my door.
"Wolf, the Hokage requests for your presence at his office immediately. It seems like there's an emergency mission for you." He said while I heard a poof outside my door.
I sighed, then I wore a fresh Anbu uniform then i went directly to the Hokage tower.
"h.e.l.lo, Hokage sama." I said.
"Wolf, I have an emergency mission for you. Inu, Neko, and Bear have met a dangerous ambush from their current mission and they request immediate backup. You're the fastest Anbu I currently have and I a.s.sign you to aid them as a backup." He said.
"Where was their last location at Hokage sama." I said.
He then gave me the scroll and said that their current location is in the Land of Rice.
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I then made my leave and rushed towards the direction of the Land of Rice.
'Please, be safe.' I thought.
While it's still called the Land of Rice today, in the future, it would be known as The Land of Sound.