"Well I've been able to transform like this since I was 4 mom. Do you remember that night of Hinata's Birthday when I was feeling dizzy. That's the first time I transformed. I thought that it was unusual. That's why I hid myself and went to the nearest forest. Then I saw Hinata was being abducted by the k.u.mo nin and I tried and succeed to save her." I half lied and half told her the truth, just how I told Hias.h.i.+ jiji.
"You reckless idiot! Even if you were a Bijuu you'll still be my baby! You don't have to hide this things! Also what is it with you and fighting a k.u.mo nin the night Hinata was abducted?" She said while her expression transitioned from an unexpected teary eyed face to a scary devilish smile.
I then answered all of his questions after she gave me a huge knuckle blow on my head. I also asked what she knows about my transformation.
"So this is our Ancient Bloodline and they use to transform only with the help of a full moon." I said.
'It matches the description of Lycan. So Elsa really made a great backstory for my transformation.' I thought.
"Yes Dais chan. So Hokage sama, if Daisuke gets to be a part of the Anbu Corps I just want you to promise one thing. Please protect him. The reason why the bloodline of my Ancestors was extinct was because of the curiousity of others, that is why I want you to keep his transformation a secret up until he is strong enough to protect himself." Tsume said.
"Okay Tsume, you have my word. I hereby announce Daisuke's bloodline as a A rank secret. The only person that will know about his bloodline are the person inside this room and those you 2 deem worthy to know the secret." Hokage sama said.
"Thank you Hokage sama." My mom said.
"Thank you jiji" I said.
"Inuzuka Daisuke!!!" Mom yelled at what I called the Hokage.
"It's fine Tsume. You can call me jiji, Dai chan when we're alone like this. Okay?" He said with a grin on his face.
I nodded at his words with a grin of my own. But deep inside I just want to be on his good side since I'll be under his wing from now on.
I don't really trust this old geezer that much since he's a stinky old liar. He's been brainwas.h.i.+ng Naruto to love Konoha even if the village treats Naruto worse than dirt.
Plus if he really wants to, he could simply take down Danzo from his high horse.
He is the F*ck*ng Hokage for Kami's sake.
My mom and i then exit the Hokage's office and I went back to the room where I was reprimanded by Iruka Sensei for leaving cla.s.s.
I can see the worried face of Hinata and Yuki from where I stood.
When I went back to my sit I just told them that I just felt really bored that is why I left cla.s.s, and they seem to accept my lie. I then looked at the others and nodded at them.
When I went back home, my mom and Hias.h.i.+ jiji were there discussing things.
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My mom told Hias.h.i.+ that I was the one that saved Hinata and he acted like he was surprised because of the Rank S secret that Hiruzen declared last night.
"Thank you Dais chan for saving my daughter." He said with a wink.
"It was nothing Hias.h.i.+ jiji. I just did what i thought was right." I said.
"Up until I deem you powerful enough Inuzuka Daisuke your banned from using your transformation because you'll just abuse it." My mom said.
"Mom I'm strong now. For the past few years I've been training and creating my own jutsus and learning some stuff." I said.
"Well how about we have a spar?" My mom said.
I then nodded at her words.
We went to our backyard where my mom usually trains.
"Are you ready Dais chan." My mom asked and I nodded.
She charged at me at very fast. He sported a claw like attack which was our clans taijutsu. I countered with a different taijutsu that I learned from s.h.i.+sui Aniki.
I blocked my mom's attack by deflecting it by the wrist. After a few minutes my mom speed doubled and her attacks became more powerful.
I also upped my speed and parried all of her attacks.
Then my mom jumped back and said.
"Gatsuga" she said.
'Well she's taking this seriously.' I thought.
I then dodged her initial Gatsuga and poofed a kunai from my wrist scroll and charged it with normal chakra.
My mom was surprised by my perfect chakra coating and she decided to charge again. When she was about to hit me I parried her Gatsuga with the kunai.
I made 10 steps backwards from the force of the collision while my mom got out from her Gatsuga.
I then charged at her and did a slas.h.i.+ng strike. My mom dodged my attacks and when I was about hit her she transformed into a wood log.
I then upped my instincts and dodged her strike with a protruding nails enhanced by the bladed claw technique. My mom's physical prowess outweighs mine but I have a slight advantage with speed.
I then jumped backwards and did my handseals.
"Raiton: Lightning Bullets"
This is one of the jutsus that s.h.i.+sui Aniki thought me. It's like Yusuke's Ray Gun from the YuYu Hakusho series.
I then blasted the Lightning Bullets at my mom's direction. She then dodged all the bullets and swiped me with her claws.
I was. .h.i.t by the attack, but I bursted into lightning.
"Raiton: Lightning Clone."
My lightning clone stunned my mom and I shot one last point blank Lightning Bullets when I appeared behind her.
My attack hit her and she sailed across the arena for quite a while before she rolled to a crouch.
She then said.
"This is enough. I can see that you are strong. If I fought you seriously or Kuromaru joins my attacks, I would have won but I can see that your strength is around high chunin to low level jonin." She said.
"Well I hate to break it to you mom but I also now have a nin dog." I said.
I then bit my thumb and made my hand seals.
"Kuchiyose no Jutsu."
Lycan appeared in his full elegance.
My mom was shocked, Hias.h.i.+ jiji was shocked. While Kuromaru appeared in front of my mom in a burst of speed.
"How?" She said.
"Well I got the wolf contract from Itachi nii." I lied. "Lycan this is my mom Inuzuka Tsume, mom this is Lycan."
"It's nice to finally meet you Tsume dono." Lycan said.
"It's also nice to meet you Lycan. Also this is Hyuga Hias.h.i.+ and Kuromaru." She said while Hias.h.i.+ and Kuromaru nodded at Lycan which Lycan reciprocated.
"Ne, Lycan. Can my mom and my sister sign the Wolf contract?" I asked curiously after mom asked a few questions.
"Yes Daisuke, they can. You are now the owner of the Wolf Clan's contract and you can decide whom you'd like to share the Wolf contract." He said.
"What do you say mom?" I asked.
"Thank you Dais chan but I'm good with Kuromaru as my partner. But you can also ask your sister if she wants to sign the contract." My mom answered.
We then went back inside and we talked about a few things. My mom told me that she would teach me the advance technique of the clan tomorrow and I nodded with a smile.
'I finally ain't lying to my mom about my strength anymore. Well I've got a few more techniques up my sleeve but it's a huge weight out of my shoulder now that I don't hide it much infront of my family, since my secret is also protected by Hokage jiji.'
I engulfed the moment of speaking with my mom about ninja stuff and training which is unusual while Hias.h.i.+ jiji excused himself and went back home.