'Another day, another street. I'm currently swerving and speeding to find another kill. HAHAHAHA.'
As i was speeding at 60-80 km/hr, i saw a j.a.panese boy walking. 'Is that boy crossing over to the other part of the street?' The boy was about to crossover. 'Yes, another young blood to add to my collection for my Truck of the year award.'
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I sped over to the young boy, but the boy saw me and he dodged me!
'Nooooooooo! That b*st*rd.' I missed the boy. 'Mark my words boy. I will find you and i will kill you!' woah i've always wanted to say those words with Liam Neeson's voice.
Just to be sure I made a right turn, i circled the whole whole block waiting for the boy. I was like a shark waiting for its prey. Then as i was back on that particular street, i heard a very large bark and thought, 'That sounds familiar'. I was brought out to my musing when i saw the boy went out of the alleyway with a beautiful girl. I sped like a fast car being driven by Dominic Toretto. The boy pushed the girl out of the way at the last second and BANG! 'HOMERUN' I yelled!
But before i can celebrate for my 5th hit of the month, i saw a Dog walking in my direction. I was about to speed out of there because that is no ordinary dog! I was stuck in place by something holy then the angry dog said, i mean barked. "You f*cking dumba.s.s! Why do you keep on killing innocent bystanders to f*cking reincarnate! Are you mad?!!!". There were a lot of swearing words after that and all Truck kuns small or large were not saved from the curses. The dog went near the boy and said something, after that i was brought out of my skin and was purposely dragged to the void.
Daisuke's POV
After remembering everything that happened i thought. 'That Truck was really out for blood.' as i was rubbing my head i heard a snap and everything went white. When i opened my eyes i was in a large terminal. I can see thousands of trucks i was scared for a moment remembering the truck that killed me but i was snapped out of it by a sharp whistle. When i turned around i saw a very beautiful girl with white hair braided like Elsa from the movie Frozen, an elegant white sparkling dress and a golden chocker/collar on her neck. She was smiling dangerously with a very pointy but cute fangs.
Right next to her is a middle aged man wearing what looks like a bus conductor attire with a number 16 on his right chest. I can see that his skin is color purple. No, are those bruises? Okay let's just call him Bruise Wayne.
The woman said "h.e.l.lo young man, my name is ***** and i'm the Gurdian G.o.d of Earth." I said "h.e.l.lo, my name is Daisuke, Arima Daisuke. Can you repeat your name i can't seem to understand it." She said "I'm sorry for that i forgot that you can't comprehend my name for you are just a mortal soul and it doesn't help that i'm currently p.i.s.sed right now because of this puny little insect on my side. Let's take these conversation on my domain before i wreck all of this truck here." She snapped her fingers and the scenery changed from a terminal to a beautiful field full of green gra.s.s.
I said to her "Excuse me kami-sama but what is going on? I remember dying from a car-truck accident then i was brought to a dark place. After that is the terminal earlier and now we are in a gra.s.sy field."
She said "Yes Young Daisuke you died when you were hit by that truck, courtesy by this guy right next to me. You were destined to become someone special in the world you lived in. You were supposed to lead the society to peace and prosterity. On that particular moment you were suppose to turn left not seeing what was happening on that alleyway but this insect tried to run you over leading you to turn your head to that particular alley." she sighed hard then glared at Bruise Lee, no Wayne! Whatever!
She then continued. "I tried to save both of your life by barking on that particular moment so that you'll be able to run, but you went over and beyond by saving your teacher. But this newbie here circled the block and waited for you and run you over." she glared at Bruise again.
Bruise said. "I'm sorry young man. I was eager for a promotion and just wanted to run someone over and i didn't checked your fate value."
I said "Fate Value?"
He said "Fate Value is a persons importance to the society. It can be your value at present or your future."
The G.o.ddess said "No matter! We can't change what already happened because the timeline of your previous world has already jumped a century to the future because you were trapped in the void. In the void time runs very very slow. When i was able to locate you 100 years has already went by on your dimension. So i will let you choose young man. Would you like to be brought back to your world as a baby without your memories? or would you like to enter a new world?" the G.o.ddess said with a cute toothy smile on her perfect face.