A Man with short black hair stands infront a child who has long white hair. Both are standing trying to see what each other is about to do.
Of course this would be s.h.i.+sui and Daisuke standing. Both in their own basic stance for battle.
s.h.i.+sui standing with his left arms wide open in front while his right arm on his back.
Daisuke crouching slightly while his left hand is in between his thighs while his right hand positioned near his right waist.
Daisuke destroyed the deadlock by charging fast at s.h.i.+sui while readying a scratch like attack.
s.h.i.+sui watching each movement and readied a defensive stance.
In just a blink of an eye Daisuke's finger nails sharpen like a small knife while trying to scratch s.h.i.+sui.
s.h.i.+sui seeing the dangerous claws countered by deflecting the attack by attacking Daisuke's wrist while also readying a punch on Daisuke's stomach.
Seeing that s.h.i.+sui blocked his initial attack. Daisuke jumped and front flip to s.h.i.+sui's left side while readying a stabing motion with his hand like a 'raikiri'.
Daisuke attacked while dodging s.h.i.+sui's counter's. This repeated for about 20 minutes with no attacks connecting through each other.
Daisuke's POV
"Okay Dais-kun i'm gonna increase my speed. Ready yourself." s.h.i.+sui said.
I just readied my self and honed my instinct. But i wasn't ready for what just happened.
s.h.i.+sui blurred from his spot and arrived in front of me with a punch.
I tried to dodge the incoming attack but s.h.i.+sui's fist connected on my cheeks.
I know that he was holding back but this is the first time i was punched in the face.
I winced from the blow but i readied myself for another attack.
I can feel his attack coming but i can't keep-up. Then when s.h.i.+sui was about to stop the spar i said.
"Raiton: Volt Charge"
My body burst into sparks while charging s.h.i.+sui. I was able to match his speed and continued my onslaught.
s.h.i.+sui was shocked, but as a veteran ninja he dodge all of my attacks with ease.
When i was about to connect a stab s.h.i.+sui blurred then i felt a punch behind my head and i stumbled forward but i recovered immediately and readied a crouch position.
I twirled like a spinning drill then went for s.h.i.+sui. His hands flashed into blurs doing handseals.
"Doton: Mud Wall Jutsu."
I collided with the wall that s.h.i.+sui summoned. But my Gatsuga drill through the wall. But when i got a view behind it, s.h.i.+sui is not over there.
My technique stopped and i landed on my feet behind the wall. Then my instinct flared and jumped as high as i could.
"Doton: Head Hunter Jutsu"
"Your stronger than i thought Daisuke-kun."
I didn't answer him not that i don't want to, but i'm panting like never before. I'm clearly exhausted from our spar.
I then went for a last charge.
My eyes turned black and red then my hair grew. I transformed slightly then i went for the attack. I transformed just for a few seconds here because i don't want to be fully spent after.
"Raiton: Volt Charge"
His eyes turned red and as expected s.h.i.+sui dodged my attack.
But then when i was in mid air i twisted my body feet facing upwards while i crouched mid air while i readied my arms like 'Black Panther Wakanda Forever'.
"Ninpou: Aerial Shock."
I charged my feet with chakra. It spinned on my soles coursing Kinetic Energy. Then when i felt that the power was enough i released my hold on the Kinetic Energy then a loud 'Bang' sound echoed across the training field.
I sailed through the wind like a bullet nearing s.h.i.+sui.
After my failed Volt Charge s.h.i.+sui relaxed his senses since he knew that that should have been my final attack.
That is why when i charged at him while mid air he did not have the time to block or to dodge.
I slashed at him with an X pattern. Then when i landed on the ground i rolled for a few meters before i stopped.
I was panting like h.e.l.l as i laid there on the ground. Sweat coursing through all over my body. Then i tried to look if s.h.i.+sui was okay but all i saw was a destroyed log!
"Sh*t" i said.
"Ne ne! Do you kiss your mom with that foul mouth of yours." He said while looking at me from above the trees.
"Well technically yes! But i try to dodge her kiss every now and then if i can." I said.
He laughed when i told him that then he replied.
"Well you are one strong kid Daisuke-kun. You made me use half of my speed in our spar. Specially that last attack. I didn't know that someone can maneuver mid air like what you did over there. What was that really." He said.
"Well that's one of my Original Jutsus. I'm not yet allowed to view Rank C jutsus from our clan since i'm not attending the Academy yet." I said.
"Wait, wait! What did you say? Your not yet attending the Academy?" He said shocked by my statement.
"Welllllllll, Yes. I've been training by myself for the past few years that's why i've been able to do those stuff." I said.
"Then how old are you?" He said.
"I'm 6, turning 7 this year." I said with a smile.
'This kid is a monster. He is at Sasuke's age and he is as strong as Itachi when he graduated. He even matched half my speed and pushed me to use my Sharingan, even if it's just for a few seconds.' He thought.
"Ne, s.h.i.+sui san. Can you train me in secret? I know that it's too much to ask but all my mom taught me was the basic taijutsu of our clan and the basic Gatsuga. Everything else i created and trained myself. It's just i want to grow stronger so i can protect my love ones." I said.
"But the 5 nations are still in Peace with each other. There's no need to grow stronger as early as your age Daisuke-kun." He said.
"Well we'll never know s.h.i.+sui san. I always think that the peace that we have right now is just a mask to hide the hidden dangers that the future has in store. It's like what they always say to a person. "The silent one's are always the most dangerous." I finished with a strained smile.
"Well i just finished a long term mission with my team. I can train you every now and then if you want to." He said.
"That would be great s.h.i.+sui san. Thank you very much!" I stood up while waving back and forth the i bowed at him expressing my grat.i.tude.
He smiled and nodded at me when i raised my head.
"Well should i call you Sensei now s.h.i.+sui san?" I smiled.
"No, you can just call me s.h.i.+sui nii like what you call Itachi." He said.
I smiled at his reply then said.
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"Let me just rest for a bit s.h.i.+sui nii, then we can spar again." I said.
He smiled at my words then he ruffled my hair, just like a big brother messing with his little brother.