She Transmigrated And Started Different Life - 183 183. Preparing

183 183. Preparing

In a blink, she appeared outside and saw her headmaster using any possible spell to break her s.h.i.+eld. Her curiosity peaked for the first time in many years and she tapped his back. Uhm, what do you think you are doing?''

He literally jumped from his place while his spell went the wrong way and turned the side of her room into dust. At first, he was stunned but then shamelessly ignored everything and turned to her with a big smile, making her step backward.

He saw her move and dispiritedly hung his shoulders. In his mind, he completely buried the situation as it stopped, just like Isa said. But now it hit him straight in mid of his face as the girls he needed to talk to was actually looking at him with awareness.

''Stop staring at me like I am some animal that I about to gnaw your tiny bones.'' He just humped while waving his hand to repair the wall.

As she stared at his back her small nose crinkled. ''Clean the dust and grime as well. This room is so dirty.''

Of course, she could do it herself, but why should she? If he is willing, she'll just let him do it.

With a sigh, he used the power of water to clean the house making her stared at him deeply. Then he realized that all her stuff was wet so he wanted to use fireball making her get completely inraged.

''Are you really headmaster. How comes you are so bad at cleaning. Get out!'' She used her hand to make his body s.h.i.+ft outside and made a boundary with another move. then she used spells ''Warmth'' and ''Soothing wind'' to combine to ''Warm airflow'' and dried everything.

When she came out he stood there in deep thoughts and looked at her seriously. ''I needed to get you out cultivation as you just got a chance to become stronger through  the new world tasks.''

''New world tasks?'' She was wondering what is he talking about.

''We will send you to the new world that will lock your powers. Your duty is to unlock them by doing the tasks that you will get from the taskmaster on the gate.'' His eyes shone in delight as he understood that this girl has a greater understanding of world and powers than some other cultivators in this sect with the same powers.

''Explain better if possible.'' She was new to this world and went cultivating straight after she came. Of course, she had no idea what he is talking about.

''So calling new world tasks are not as simple as they seem. The grounding fairies would make new worlds every few hundred years. But to complete the world cultivators from our realm were given tasks. But not every cultivator can join in. Just those over the fifth level of understanding. Luckily Isaa grew her powers in the last five years so she can join you.'' He smiled at her brightly while she just waited for him to continue. That is not enough information.

''Many other schools, sects and individuals that didn't want to join and sect or school will have to go to the taskmaster and pa.s.s his initial tests. Not everyone can join in even if they pa.s.sed the fifth level. After that, you will be given a personal task what to make in the new world. Those that finish their tasks in the given time will be revered. There will be actually smaller tasks as well that could give you huge progress. Every time you finish those tasks your body will proceed like you are in the cultivation room and not only that. It would give you for each task five years of cultivation time. Without and backsides and side effects. This is a great chance for you.'' He was waiting for this moment. 

Truly this child is lucky to be here at this moment. This kind of thing is rare even in this world. 

Kendra smiled. She liked new things. This adventure will give her some novelty. If this kind of task is going to help her grow powers fast and without side effects, she is willing to join in. 

''Uhm. Can we take our pets with us? Our gear? What can we take with us?'' If there are no powers that mean their s.p.a.ce and s.p.a.ce bags will be nullified, or?

''Your thinking is right. You can take only what you can wear. But no s.p.a.ce bags or any other s.p.a.ce thing that could carry stuff. You can't take any weapons, but you can take clothes and anything that you think could be helpful for you to survive as a commoner without powers in the new world. No pets.'' He knew she had those two pets with her. Ancient and dragons are not pets... 

But he won't tell her. she needs to survive this world on her own.

She nodded. ''When is starting? I need to prepare.''

He smiled wickedly. ''Tomorrow.'' He thought she would panic but she just nodded.

''Where is Isaa?'' She needed that child to give her a few things.

''I am here.'' She just heard her name when she was about to enter.

With swift steps, she stopped in front of Kendra and sighed. This sister of hers, when will she start growing?

She could see Kendra thinking of something so she grabbed her shoulders to make her concentrate on her. ''Kendra. My dear, beloved SISTER. Do not even think about wearing boy clothes again. Do you remember how much trouble we had because of that? Too many flowers were attracted to you. No way I will protect you again against all those crazy girls that had something for you. Please, don't do that to me...'' 

Unfortunately, there is the whole sect of girls that started wors.h.i.+ping Kendra and giving their hearts only to her. From one side she found it good, but from another side, it's quite creepy.

Kendra actually really had that idea, but seeing Isaa's intense glare she gave up. ''Fine. I was really thinking about using male clothes again, but you are right I do not need to do that. Headmaster...'' she turned her head towards him.''...what about people that try to harm us or kill? Any rules?''

He was wondering why she wanted to act as a boy but now understood. His face became black as he realized in what kind of danger she might be stuck there. ''What about going up. With your current power, you can just cultivate for a few dozen years and you will be able to reach G.o.ddess level after that. No need to get killed for such reasons.''

Those words made them understand that such a thing as death was common in those worlds. Of course, it would be. 

As a commoner, you can drown, cut yourself, get sick, fall and hit your head, get attacked by an animal, get attacked by other humans... So many ways to die. 

''It is fine, right Isaa? It wouldn't be our first time trying to survive in the wilderness.'' Kendra smiled brightly as she remembered the beginning days. She got suddenly idea. Seeds. Backpack. Rope. 

Isaa smiled and nodded while the headmaster had an even darker expression. When they leave he needs to find out what actually happened in that world to them. How could a perfectly good child live in the wilderness? He clearly left her in a rather good household with a bunch of gold. What is really going on?

Looking at their expressions he was calmer as well. Maybe it was her fate to live like that. If she didn't would she be so relaxed by this task? Most young female cultivators from other families already started making trouble, even many young male cultivators, but these two girls seemed to be relaxed and bit excited. It will be as it should. From fate, you can't run away.

He just hoped she could survive it all...