ăThat reminds meăhow has thou lived until nowďźă
Mira presented a question to Aizen Faldo as they traveled in mid-airăDuring the time it was still a gameăthere was no explanation for character backgroundsăwhen they were summonedăand when they were sent backăHowever now that it has become a realityăit wasnât so simpleă
ăI lived with friends in the Capital of DragonsăDuring my time there I learned how to transform into a humanăIâve heard that compared to the form a dragonăyou can suppress more energyăIt seems to be called energy conservationă
ăHouăis that so? Human transformation in the Capital of DragonsâŚâŚă
Mira paid attention to two unfamiliar wordsăFirstăduring the game era there was no such thing as the Capital of DragonsăJudging from his tone of speech it was possible to imagineăA place filled to the brim with dragonsăBut when it came to human transformationăas what had been seenăother than that there was absolutely no ideaăIf one had previously known of ităAizen Faldoâs transformation wouldnât have been surprisingă
ăSomeone taught thou human transformationďźă
A dragon transforming into a person has never been had never been heard of beforeă
Judging from the transformation effectăit felt close to Demon Invocation magicăbut the problem was a dragon using a magicianâs magicăOnly humans could handle the nine different types of magicăAlternativelyăit was also possible if a person was of mixed blood like CreosăBe they MonstersăSpiritsă or DemonsăAdditionallyăother various intelligent races possessed original magicăIf that were the caseăthe existence of transformation magic would be exclusive only to dragonsă
A thought occurred that it was developed recently within the past thirty yearsăbut Mira was interested in the being who had taught ită
ăIf I recallâŚâŚăit was long agoăA human woman had suddenly come over to the Capital of DragonsăIâve forgotten her nameăbut we spent some time togetherăshe boldly approached and talked to us and gradually took good care of usă
One dayăthere were complaints of a food shortage and nothing to huntăthe woman said it was because of a famine, and it was now time to conserve energyă
We didnât understand the meaningăshe told us a way we could live on with smaller amounts of foodăThat was through human transformationăWhile in human form we would become much weakerăbut food consumption became proportional to thatăbecause of that the food problem was gradually settledă
ăSo thatâs how it wasâŚâŚă
Aizen Faldo finished telling the story about that women to MiraăThinking of the words âconserve energyâ, she may have been a former playerăIt was highly likely that it was regular magic used by humansăIf that were the caseăit would mean that Aizen Faldo would be unable to use that kind of magicăIt could also be a dragon exclusive skillăand that person simply informed them of ităDid the women develop a skill that even dragons can use? Or did she learn of it and tell them? âŚâŚOr was it something entirely different?
In other wordsăit was a skill that original players didnât know ofă
(I really want to ask Solomon)
To what extent has this world evolved? The outlook of it made Miraâs heart throbă
ăAfter thatăfor several yearsăbecause I hadnât heard from motherăI travelled around human settlements looking for motheră
Mira groaned and apologized for having made Aizen Faldo worriedă
ăItâs alrightăWe were able to meetăbut where in the world has mother beenďźă
Aizen Faldo spoke in an uneasy toneăand asked Mira a question that was unlikely to have an answerăIn actualityăthirty years had pa.s.sed since Miraâs character make-overă
ăHonestlyăI do not understand it well eitherăThirty years had pa.s.sed by the time I noticedă
She spoke in a manner unable to recall her memoriesăAizen Faldo looked slightly puzzled over the answer and retortedăăThatâs quite mysteriousăăas sounds rung out from his throatăBeing separated for thirty years was a small matter nowăbecause Aizen Faldo was able to reunite with heră
As Mira watched the border of the horizonăwhile listening to the sound of Aizen Faldo whistling through the windăshe thought of calling her other summons and greeting themă
Traveling one-thousand miles by carriage towards Demon City Silver Horn took two days from the Capital City Lunatic Lakeăbut riding on top of the Emperor Dragon Aizen Faldo in the sky had taken only 2 hoursă
In the vicinity of Silver Hornăin a small opening of the forestăthe Emperor Dragon slowly descended as he projected a large shadowăThe forest heaved from the wind pressure that came in ripplesăand a countless amount of birds scattered flying away in every directionăAizen Faldoâs silver scales glittered in the sunlightăas he cautiously stepped onto the ground quietly to lay downăstretching his left legă
ăMotherăweâve arrivedă
ăUmuăsorry for thy troublesăThou are a good childă
Mira verified the feeling of the ground as she swung down from Aizen Faldoâs back to his left leg as she pat the tip of his noseăAizen Faldo joyfully purred from the back of his throat and smiledă
(With a fuzzy coat it would be perfectăFrom hereămovement shouldnât be a problemă)
ăMotherăwill you call on me againďźă
ăOf courseăplease take care of me from now onăă
ăYes Motherďźă
Aizen Faldoâs voice burst open and echoed outăas he was wrapped in lightăMira had dismissed himăSlowly his contours blurredăhe returned back to the city of dragons as if it was reflected in the shadow of the fog and disappearedă
ăIt will take thirty minutes on footă
Mira mumbled to herself recalling the terrainâs topography she saw while in the skyăas she stepped towards the thickly growing trees aiming for the roadă
The purpose was to clearly see the nine towers at the end of the roadă
After the scheduled time pa.s.sed walkingăMira put off her original purpose and peeped into a shop that was on Silver Horns main streetă
(That mana water is cheapăAnd this stardust fruităplaced inside such a common shopâŚâŚthirty years is a long timeăI donât want to leave thisâŚâŚ)
Mira checked the displayed goods one by oneăPrices were half of what they were from the old daysăand moreoverăindividual trades were more natural if it was a rare itemăAs Mira went around shopsăshe thought it would be better to abandon the former sense of valuesă
About two hours had pa.s.sed since arriving at Silver Hornăas she finished checking the current pricesă
Slightly past noonăMira entered a nearby coffee shop feeling hungryăWhile taking a breakămany different races appeared in her view and slowly pa.s.sed byăas she sipped her hot chocolateăThere were many local magiciansănarrowing her eyes along the city streetăit was a place that prospered as a touring locationăand she quietly stored the spectacle in her mindă
Mira finished and left the coffee shop after payingăThe nine towers visually looked closeăhowever in actual fact they were still far offă
(Now thenăI suppose I shall be off)
Making up her mind as she continued walkingăMira cut off the temptations of shop attractions and immediately left for the Silver Toweră
It was located in the district of the towersăaway from the commerce area but still bustling with tourists during noonăWhen Mira arrived at the square in front of the tower at during peak timesăitâs surroundings were full of countless touristsăVarious racesăand magicians who wore high ranking equipment scattered around the areaă
Mira laid her eyes on children who were frolicking aboutăThey were children who ran around playing with wooden sticksăShouting an unknown aria while waving the stickăa man who seems like a parent falls down unnaturallyăAnd the child wearing a replica robe of a WisemanâŚâŚraised his stick in triumphă
Mira who saw the sceneăremembered her own figure a few days agoăThe figure of her-self walking with her chest held high wearing the replica robesă
(Roleplay costume?ďź)
Mira who realized the truth felt completely embarra.s.sedăso much that she thought of rolling on the ground in embarra.s.sment inside her mindăHer expression twitched as she calmly understood something as she watched the children play happilyăWhether or not she was seenăshe looked up towards the sky with empty eyesă
Shaking off the embarra.s.smentăshe ran and stopped at a gateăLooking up at the gateăshe leaked out a voice of admirationătourists were also at this placeă
The public observers wouldnât disperse immediatelyăMira looked around her surroundingsăand took out her Tower Master Key from her inventory and held it up at the gateăThe surrounding voices began to clamorăas the gate opened in recognition of the keyăIt was only natural to be confusedăonly research workersăadvisorsăthe stand-in sageăand the sages were able to open the gateăOther than thatăpeople pa.s.sing a rigorous inspection were given a temporary pa.s.să
The researchers were superb magicians in regards to the people that were concernedăthey held influence on the level of n.o.bles in the countryăFurthermoreăthe stand-in sages had a much larger influenceăthey were treated as equals of the imperial family when it concerned the Nine Sagesă
In order to enter that place that had such peopleăeven influential royalty would have to clear the wall known as the inspectionăHoweverăa complete stranger to the public eye had come to the gate and opened ită
After Mira opened the gate casually without thinking about the present situationăthe atmosphere abruptly changed as she held the key overheadăShe felt everyoneâs gaze pierce her back sending s.h.i.+vers down her backă
(DidâŚâŚI do something wrong?âŚâŚ)
The cold sweat streaming down her face signaled Mira to dash through the gate as she suppressed her expressionă
Before the gate closed without a soundăthe tourists were able to see it opening for the first time and went wild with joyăcelebrating the good luckăFor the first timeăsomeone was able to view the inside of that place whiling making lots of noiseăsubsequently a researcher inside kneaded together his eyes in oppositionăA wave of excitement washed over every corner of the squareăpeople who were able to witness it directly were gladăand lamented for the people who were unable able to see ită
In the site where the Nine Towers stood loftyăThe tower that shun in silver attracted tens of thousands of tourists every monthăIn the past it had been an important war baseăbut now it had devolved into a tourist attraction garnering national interestăAfter an antiwar pact was concludedătourism increasedă
Mira faced directly towards the Summonerâs Towerăwhile glancing sideways at the researchers immersed in their studyă
Several researchers chased after the figure of the girl with their eyesăas she went inside one of the towersăThe Tower of Summonersăand a lovely girl with silver hair who had been discussed as Dunbalfâs pupilăPeople who were originally interested in only research recalled Dunbalf of the Nine Sagesăand the heroic sagaâs he left behindăThe Nine Sages were a supreme existence for the towerâs researchersăthe magic they used were also differentăThe people here also had no objections to summoning magică
In the pastăthe towers had people who worked together mutually with friendly rivalry trying improve themselvesăThat will had been inheritedă
ăDunbalf-samaâs pupil?ăThey should be able to help revive Summoning Magică
A researcher mutteredăIt was someone who worked together with the stand-in sage Creosăand explored his contracting method for Summoning MagicăIt was regretful that it didnât bear any fruits of merităbut they would entrust it the existence known as Dunbalfâs pupilă
Tower of SummoningăFirst FloorăMira traveled straight through the deserted halls and entered the top floor with the central elevatorăThird floorăfourth floorăfifth floorăMira constantly repeated deep breathing exercises in order to calm herselfăand when she finally made up her mindăshe stepped forward into the top flooră
She stopped in front of the a.s.sistant room before entering a private roomăShe intended to confess everything to Marianaă
Mariana believed that Dunbalf would return and continued watching over everything for thirty yearsăAnd despite being known as his pupilătaking out materials was still rejected without direct permissionăPermission would be given if she designated as suchăbut she didnât want to lie to Mariana anymoreăThere was also the feeling of wanting to let Mariana be relievedă
Mira raised her right handăand lightly balled her hand into a fistăwhen suddenly the door to the next room over openedăCreos with his fluttering blond hair had appearedă
ăOyaăif it isnât Mira-chanăDid you have business with Marianaďźă
Creos with a happy smile approached Miraăjust as she was going to knock on the dooră
ăUmuăsomething like thată
ăIs that soăUnăafterwards could you set aside some time for me? I want to address the continuation of the things from the school about Dunbalf-samaă
ăAfterwards will beâŚâŚă
While talkingăMira stared at Creosăand thought now was a good opportunity since he was currently presentăConcerning the problems inside the schoolăthe current situation of summonersăit was convenient to be recognized as Dunbalfă
ăUmm excuse meăis there somethingâŚâŚahăMira-samaă
As the two people talked in front of the a.s.sistantâs roomăthe door openedăA girl in maid clothes with twin tails similar to glistening sapphire stealthily peeped out from the doorăit was Marianaă
Only certain guestsăand people knew how to operate the elevator to bring them to the top floorăIt was natural for Creos to be in the Tower of SummoningăIn other wordsăin accordance with the voices the person was visitingăIf there was business to be had with Creosăthey wouldnât talk while standing thereăThat meant that they were there for Marianaă
ăIt has been a whileăMarianaăI have something important to discuss with thouădoes thou have timeďźă
ăYesăof courseăWhat would you like to talk aboutďźă
ăTis a slightly complicated storyăLetâs discuss it insideăCreosăthou must come as wellă
While Mira talkedăshe had taken out the master keyăMariana gazed at it nostalgically and repliedăăUnderstoodăas she left her roomă
ăI as wellďźăOkăis the work room alright? Iâll get the teaă
ăFumuăthat will be fineă
Creos proudly declared so and went ahead and opened the door to the work roomăMira placed the tower key back into her item boxăand went inside together with Marianaă
Mira settled down in front of Mariana and Creosăsipping her share of the amber colored liquid served by CreosăAs a refres.h.i.+ng mellow fragrance spread around inside her mouthăand pa.s.sed through her noseăa small breath unintentionally leaked oută
Creos watched joyfully as his expression loosened in satisfactionăMariana extended her hand towards a cup along with the other two and nodded in understandingă
ăNow thenăthis will be a poor roundabout conversationăSo I will say it brieflyâŚâŚă
Mira placed her cup on the table along with her introductionă
(What will these two think after hearing thisâŚâŚăAfter turning into such a figureâŚâŚ)
As Mira emptied her lungsăshe forcefully opened her mouth again rejecting the bad thoughts that came to mindă
ăI am not a pupilăI am dunbalf himselfă
She said it as sincerely and earnestly as possibleăWith her mind made upăshe turned her eyes straight at the two in frontăFacing each otherăthe two of them rummaged their brains slowly taking in the meaning of those wordsăCreos had become absentminded from the strange contents the words heldă
ăUmmâŚâŚso in other wordsăMira-chan isnât Mira-chanăbut Dunbalf-sama rightďźă
ăAs for mine name Miraăitâs just an alias for this formăWellăitâs reasonable to be skeptical at firstă
Creos slowly and carefully observed Mira with his eyes with a perplexed expression and groanedă
Mariana had kept silent with a blank expressionărearranging her wordsă
ăIsâŚâŚis there any proofďźă
Marianaâs words were suitable for the current conditionăNo matter how much you could insist on ităwithout proof it was just an invalid statementăThere was no need for anymore words if you could show the impossibleă
ăFumuăthatâs rightâŚâŚă
Mira placed a finger on her chinăand thought of the quickest way to convince themă
Evidence that only Dunbalf would haveăIt had already been a.s.sumed that the tower key was obtained by having it transferredăso that was out of the questionăBecause of thatăshe wouldnât be able to use items as proofăCash shop items were also untradeableăIn the first place they also held no meaning as all players had access to themă
There was also the method of showing off Dunbalfâs powerăhoweverăbecause she had already mentioned she was a pupil it was reasonable to a.s.sume that kind of power was naturalăEven if she had showed off her powerful summonsăshe could only be regarded as an âexcellent pupilâă
Anything she could use was likely impossibleăMira looked over her item list and status looking for something that could become proofă
(I could summon Alfinaăand have her speak on my behalfăâŚâŚHoweverăforcing them to speak with compelling force could be saidăWords alone wonât suffice for decisive evidenceâŚâŚ)
After closing her menuăshe was able to see both of their serious looksăMentioning stories long past would be irreverentăit could be brushed off as just stories told by her masteră
Mira realized that providing proof of herself was something hard to doă
As far as Dunbalf was concernedăMarianaâs expectations had repeatedly come into Miraâs viewă
(MarianaâŚâŚfairy-kinâŚâŚMariana of the fairy-kinâŚâŚ)
In that momentăDivine Blessingâs floated into her mindă
ăThatâs rightăthere was thatďźă
Mira vigorously stood upă stopped right next to Marianaăand bent over presenting the palm of her handă
ăSpriteâs Divine BlessingăItâs given only to one person throughout a lifetimeăMine proof will be updating that Divine Blessingă
Mariana realized the meaning of those wordsăand became startled at Miraâs wordsă
The Spriteâs Divine Blessing was special contractăit resembled a vow between a man and womanăboth accepting each other as their companionăThe effect of the Divine Blessing differs from fairy to fairyăbut it was impossible to break that vowăHoweverăthat vow had a time limităWhen both parties mutually shared that connectionăa Divine Blessing is bornăIts effect lasted for three daysăbut it was possible to update and renew its effectăThe renewal of this blessing will become the proofă
If she could update the Divine Blessingăit would be the absolute evidence that tied Mariana to Dunbalfă
ăI seeăMariana certainly gave Dunbalf her Divine BlessingăThat is to sayăif Mira-chan can materialize the blessingâŚâŚă
The girl in front of them could very well prove herself to be DunbalfăCreosâs expression turned dull as he grumbledăif there were any complaints from Mira he would fall into a predicamentăWith shaky hands caused from the tensionăhe grabbed a cup to drink the contents in order to maintain a calmnessă
Marianaâs lips quivered quietly as she matched her left hand with Miraâs right and closed her eyesăMira had also felt some slight tensionăafter blinking numerous timesălight gathered and overflowed on her handă
It was the reaction of the Spriteâs Divine Blessing being updatedăCreos who had guessed itălooked around the area confirming an escape routeă
A design of a small feather slowly appeared where the light converged on the back of their handsă
ăUpdateâŚâŚit was doneă
Mariana opened her eyes widely and gazed at the back of her handăshe held her hand to her chest with great importanceăMira traced the proof of the blessing in satisfaction with her fingertipăăWith thisâŚâŚăher voice was clogged with wordsăThe Mariana she saw had tears overflowing in both of her eyesă
Mira recalled her first time meeting Mariana when this world became a realityăShe had been touched to tears at that timeă
Mira directly faced her while saying soăand gently touched her cheeksăMariana was slightly shyăbut happily held onto Miraâs hand
ăWe are finally able to meet!ă
She cried out with a smileăOverwhelmed with happinessătears streamed down constantlyăas she continually rubbed Miraâs hands over and over againă