Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 The Place Of The End and The Beginning.

Su Yuxin's heart was a mess when saw Jiang Han walking towards her because she saw what hedid without any hesitation. He who had no social status, no authority and no money had under these circumstances, stood out to help another without any apprehension.

Furthermore, the person he offered a helping hand to was the one they found repulsive and indignant with. Jiang Hansactions represented a type of personality and morality code that was of the highest level. If these actions wasnt ingrained deep within his own conscience, then this sort of behaviour wasn't possible.

At this point, Su Yuxin had already completely forgiven Jiang Han for his previous passiveness. She was finally able to convince herself that, it wasnt that Jiang Han did not know how to express himself, instead it was Jiang Han himself that did not even considered taking any action in the first place. It could only be said that this was his true character and personality, and a person is highly unlikely to act against their own core beliefs and principles.

There was a sort of sentiment that was 'indescribable' brewing in her heart. Su Yuxin now had the 'indescribable' impulsive urge to shed tears but when she saw Jiang Han, she couldnt help but smiled instead. He was who he was, since the very beginning where she first met him and up to right this point, he was exactly the same and had not changed at all.

With these knots in her heart gone, the both of them were able to spend the afternoon together joyously and were like two best friends without a hint of awkwardness between them. Today Jiang Han had himself experienced a lot 'first times' in his life. It could be said that with all these various 'first times' accumulated in one's memory, it was sufficient to create a huge impact.

Moreover, the person who accompany him through all these experience was sure to leave an incredible deep impression within the depths of his mind. It was possible that after a long period of separation, they mayforget each other's name, but they only had to come in contact with any one of these things in their memory for them to immediately be reminded of this day.

Otherwise, why is it said that: No matter if it was love or hate, a woman would never forget the man she had her 'first time' with for the rest of her life.

Jiang Han didn't need to give Jiang Peiqi a massage that day and therefore the both of them had the night to themselves. Furthermore, VRs popularity and hype has been around for a while now, but Jiang Han had yet to experience it for himself and Su Yuxin was pretty interested in these sort of stuff, so they went to try it out together.

There was a gap of difference between ordinary video games and a VR one. Other than basic game knowledge and understanding, there was also the need for the body and the various devices to be compatible and in sync with each other, not to mention their eye to hand coordination and aptitude.

Jiang Han was quick on the uptake after a couple of tries. With his extraordinary nerve to muscle coordination and incredible respond and reaction time, it was inconceivably easy and relaxing for him to play these games after he understood the rules. Naturally, he was constantly getting top scores.

In the end Su Yuxin removed her headset, "I'm not playing this anymore. Next time don't invite me to play games again, it's a huge blow to my confidence and self-esteem. How could you be this cruel?"

"Aih, Junior sister, be reasonable. I wasn't excessive earlier." Jiang Han said in defence.

"You can't be serious. Every single attack of yours, even if I could read it, my hands would not be able to defend against it, how is that not excessive?

"I'm just reasonably playing to my strengths. I've spent years studying to be a surgeon, can't I take advantage of my accumulated knowledge?" Jiang Han rubbed his own head, unable to understand why Su Yuxin was feeling this upset.

When the both of them were playing the game, every time Jiang Han attacked, he would aim for the location that wouldve made it difficult to defend due to the limitations of the human body. The virtual avatars in the game had essentially no limitations. As long as the body was able to perform the movement, and it was within the confines of the games programming, then even if they wanted to tie their hands together into a knotit would be possible.

However, these virtual reality games required the corresponding humans control. Even if it was feasible for the virtual avatar, it did not mean that Su Yuxin was equally capable. This was why even after numerous rounds, Su Yuxin wasn't able to win a single match. Moreover, she was beaten in such an overwhelming fashion, that if it was anyone else they too would find it difficult to tolerate.

Su Yuxin was quite irritated inside, this idiotic senior of hers really did not know how to read the atmosphere. He actually played seriously against a girl without letting up any chance or opportunity at all.

It was rather late into night, Jiang Han walked with Su Yuxin along the street, carrying a bunch of prizes for breaking records and setting top scores. These prizes weren't very valuable, and could easily be bought. However, it was similar with the plush toys from the claw machines, that there were a significant difference between won and bought. This was because the former represented a sort of "Glory".

Jiang Han insisted on sending Su Yuxin home, and she did not refuse. They called for a cab and Su Yuxin gave an address. After a short while, they got off and Jiang Han noticed that the location where they got off was the exact same place where he met Su Yuxin for the first time in this city.

It was also right here that he had met that old Taoist, and obtained the much coveted shaman's legacy. It wasn't wrong to say that this was where it all came to an end and where it subsequently began anew.

Here, his ordinary and mundane life came to an end.

But, it was also the beginning of his life of cultivation and possibly ascension into an Immortal.

"It's fine up to here, my house is just right in front. Be careful on your way home." Su Yuxin only had a stitch doll in her hands, Jiang Han didn't want the pile of stuff either, so he simply gave it to the cab driver, who decidedly waived their cab fare which saved him some money.

"Okay, you should hurry home." Jiang Han passed the bag of clothes to Su Yuxin and waved his hand. He didn't say much after that.

"I really enjoyed today, thank you senior." Su Yuxin received the bag of clothes and smiled sweetly before turning around and walking away.

"My names Jiang Han, you can just call me Jiang Han next time."

Jiang Han watch Su Yuxin disappear into the night, and because he wasn't in a hurry to get home he decided to walked to the place where he previously met the old Taoist. As he walked he recalled his various experience in the last half a month. It had been like a roller-coaster ride and he had matured a lot because of it.

If he hadn't received the shaman's legacy back then, then what would he be like today? Jiang Han didn't had to think too hard for the answer, he would've been the same as the numerous young men with broken dreams. For all their dreams and ambitions, when they began their hectic working life, when faced with an empty stomach, it wasn't worth as much as a bowl of noodles.

"I must received the complete Shamans Legacy no matter what!" Jiang Han bit down. The shadow from before had warned him that there was a time period, and if he failed to meet the requirements during this period then he would lose the qualification to become a shaman. After his recent experiences, Jiang Han noticed that he could not live without this legacy, he had to succeed.

"Humph, I was beginning to feel as if you would never come back here again." A familiar voice was heard and Jiang Han saw that it was the old Taoist. The old Taoist was the same as before, that pompous air about him hadn't change.

Jiang Hanwas sure that he didn't see anyone here before, but as he thought about some more, he couldn't help but wryly smile. Having came this far, he understood that common sense wasnt necessarily always applicable.

"Senior, you disappeared without a sound the last time, I didn't even get the chance to properly thank you." Jiang Han smiled and nodded his head, he was very polite.

"Hoho, that's interesting. Why is it that you aren't calling me a swindler anymore?" The old Taoist curled his lips.

"I've never called you that before" Jiang Han felt a little guilty, but he still didn't dare to admit it.

"It doesn't matter if you have, because that is what you thought. It would be in your best interest to notunderestimate me." The old Taoist had the ability to read other people's hearts, he wouldn't allow the chance for Jiang Han to be sly.

"Forget it, I can't be bothered to argue with you about this. I've always been here waiting for you. Not bad, you came earlier than I expected. I suppose this could be considered your good fortune." The old Taoist stroke his beard with a big smile on his face.

"Senior, what do you mean?" Jiang Han did not understand what the old Taoist meant.

"Sigh, do you really think that you could step into the Qi Refining stage on your own." The old Taoist coldly grunt a little, but it definitely wasn't in anger.