Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Ancestral Doll Catching Technique

Jiang Han expected the crowds dumbfounded reaction, but he didnt mind it. Even if an expert inspected the scene over and over again, they still would not be able to discover a hint of his cheating.

He bent over to retrieve one doll after another, then rushed over to Su Yuxin with a smile to let her pick her favourite. Su Yuxin was staring blankly at Jiang Han in disbelieve, after all when they entered earlier he had mentioned that he didnt know how to play. If Jiang Han was a complete amateur at this, then would there be anyone who dared to claim to be an expert?

Su Yuxin had played this for over 10 years, the total amount of dolls she had caught over the years were more than what anyone would expect. Even though she had caught many dolls before, but to catch every single doll in the machine in one go like Jiang Han was not something that she had ever seen before.

There were quite a few onlookers that were blinking incessantly, unwilling to believe what that they had just witness was in fact a reality. Su Yuxin walked over to Jiang Han who was carrying a bunch of plush toys and picked a Stitch doll (t/s: from Lilo & Stitch), which was also the most popular and adorable one.

After which, he turned around with the bunch of plush toys, and gave each girl at the scene a pick of the dolls. Even then, there were surplus dolls and so in the end he simply gave out all the dolls to all the bystanders.

The arcade manager saw this scene and his face turned green. However, as one of the bystanders that was there when Su Yuxin was in a catching doll frenzy, he had personally witness everything that happened since then, and even he had failed to notice any suspicious activity on Jiang Hans part.

Oh my gosh, if they came every day to play these claw machines then which arcade would still dare to operate this machines The manager looked on bitterly at Jiang Han and Su Yuxin as they walked away.

As a cultivator, even without looking back, Jiang Han was still able to feel two distinctly different gazes that was directed at him. One was from all the girls behind him and the other from the guys standing next to them.

In these girls eyes, all those broadcast of expert claw machines players catching the dolls left and right with seemingly flying hooks were completely incomparable to Jiang Han by many folds. The boys however were feeling a little upset, they originally wanted to see a show but they were made to look like fools in the end.

Jiang Han has yet to cultivate techniques regarding the heart, and therefore did not know about the thoughts of these people. Regardless, that was not his focal point as at this moment he was with his beautiful junior sister and they were already quite a distances away from the arcade.

Senior, I never wouldve imagined that you had such a hidden talent. You said that it was your first time, but its not possible to get to this level by just practising. It must be some sort of secret technique, right? It must be, quick, teach me. Su Yuxin had one hand around stitch and the other was incessantly tugging on Jiang Hans sleeves, with two large puppy eyes gazing at Jiang Han.

Jiang Han was a little scared, earlier he had an itch he had to scratch but only now did he realise that he had overdid it, but it was already a little too late. He had no idea what to do with Su Yuxin, after all he couldnt possibly teach her telekinesis.

Jiang Han was absolutely sure that if he ever mentioned telekinesis, then Su Yuxin would think that he was crazy and immediately avoid him like the plague.

This, this matter, this is a family ancestral technique, only passed on to the males while the females were prohibited from learning. Yuxin, you should just forget about it. Jiang Han wryly smiled, he could only make up some excuse on the spot and then walked on ahead before she could respond.

Jiang Han, you must really think that Im an idiot. Was it even possible that Claw machines had ancestral techniques? Su Yuxin stomp her feet in frustration. Even a child wouldnt have believed Jiang Han, she naturally would not either.

Hmph, if you arent willing to teach then Im not willing to learn either. Su Yuxin pouted her lips then quickly caught up with Jiang Han.

She wasnt actually angry at him. This sort of godly technique even if Jiang Han was willing to teach her, she might not be able to learn. Its just that Jiang Hans excuse of Ancestral Technique was really too ridiculous, it was obviously perfunctory and that made her a little mad.

Come, accompany me as I shop. Su Yuxin was the type to go on a shopping frenzy when she was angry. Jiang Han was the reason for her current mood, and even though she wasnt really the calculative type but she wouldnt let him off the hook this easily.

Although it was shopping but it was a different kind of shopping as compared with Jiang Han as Su Yuxin was referring to shopping at the city centre in those luxurious branded stores. The method in which she shop was also different, she would directly try on anything that caught her eye with no regard to the brand name or price tag.

When Jiang Han saw this, his expression turned a little darker. It wasnt to say that Su Yuxin style of shopping was wrong, after all the wealthy would live a luxurious lifestyle and it would be their own money they would be spending. None of these behaviours would be considered inappropriate.

Jiang Han was just thinking about himself, if he didnt received that remuneration then he wouldnt even have thought of taking a walk in this area, not to mention shop here. It wasnt possible to compare himself with others on an even footing.

Of course he couldnt say that this was unfair. There was nothing unfair about it, the world was huge and there was the wealthy upper class and naturally there would be those that are impoverished. It just so happens that at this moment, he was the poor one.

In the end, the truly important thing was still the heart. If he was satisfied with current life then there would really be nothing to look forward to in his future, but Jiang Han was not the type to willingly lower his head in defeat, he was ambitious and he had conviction. He had a long and bright future ahead of him.

Senior, between these two, which do you think looks better? Just as Jiang Hans expression returned to normal, Su Yuxin brought two different sets of clothes and walked towards him.

This was known as the toughest question to answer in history, which Jiang Han similarly had no experience with. He was just about to answer her with a response that no one who asked such a question would like to hear.

If thats what youre going to say then I guarantee that you will regret it. A very soft voice was transmitted directly into Jiang Hans ear, which interrupted what he was about to say. He was suspicious but before he could say anything, that voice was heard again, Dont be distracted, just go ahead and say that the on the left is better.

He didnt have much time to think as Su Yuxin was waiting for him to answer. He couldnt stand there and look like idiot without saying anything for too long, not knowing what to do and disregarding the source of that voice, he decided to take a chance with what the voice said and blurted out that the one on the left was better.

When Su Yuxin heard his answer, her smiled instantly brighten, Senior has pretty good taste. I also felt that this was better. Give me a second, Ill be right back.

After she said that she picked up the clothes, turned around and walked away. Jiang Han silently exclaimed in admiration, the voice who helped him out earlier was pretty good at this. Now that Su Yuxin wasnt around, he wanted to look for the owner of the voice.

Jiang Han turned and looked around but there was no one else around but himself. With his current spiritual awareness, it wasnt possible for someone to sneak up on him and disappear without him knowing, it was just practically impossible.

Stop looking, its still not the right time for you to see me. Anyways, if you like to learn to court a lady, then youll just have to listen to me. Jiang Han was quite wary right now. He had heard the voice again, and this time he was sure that the owner of the voice was definitely not an ordinary mundane person.

Fine, but how were you able to decide between the two earlier? He was considered a cultivator himself, and therefore it wasnt difficult for him to accept the occurrence of these supernatural incidents. Since the other party did not want to reveal himself just yet, then he didnt mind it either, but he was still curious how the voice knew the right answer to the difficult question earlier.

Youve been single for so long that it has made you quite the wooden geek. How would you understand a womans heart. There are thousands and thousands of men just like you in this country alone. The voice said with much disdain, which made Jiang Han a little angry.