Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Date(1)

Jiang Han, are you really not going to join us? Yang Mengjiao asked Jiang Han right as he was walking out the door.

En. Im sorry, but I have some matters to attend to. Jiang Han turned around and smiled then left the department.

It was now after working hours, Liu Xing hanged up his coat and then walked out. As he saw Jiang Han leaving he muttered, This fellow always disappears after work, and it doesnt seem like hes going out to have fun, what do you guys think hes up to?

That is Sunan Medical Universitys honour student we are talking about. He must be burying his head in research just like in university. As expected, we cant understand the world of an honour student. Yang Mengjiao let out a sigh, after getting of work today, they would be officially on vacation.

Since theyve entered society, and started working in the provinces top hospital, they had to deal with high pressure situations on a daily basis. Now that they finally got a couple days off to relax, they were both elated,furthermore, they had previously agreed to go on an excursion together. It was a pity that Jiang Han had rejected them, and he wasnt being coy, he really outright rejected their invitation.

Jiang Han already had the whole golden week planned out. He not only had to continue to give Jiang Peiqi a daily massage, he also wanted to take the opportunity to enter a short close-door cultivation session, moreover, he wanted to look for Su Yuxin to properly thank her face to face.

He had been really busy recently and even though he was indebted to her, they had no contact between them after the incident. This sort of behaviour was unacceptable, but Jiang Han never forgot about it. Since they were on vacation right now, he made sure that this was currently his top priority.

After which, the only matter of concern was his cultivation. Jiang Han returned to the dormitory to pack some clothes and then left the hospital. The lease on the small room from before has yet to expire and he could still stay here for a couple more days. He hadnt return to this room for more than half a month thus the rent could be considered squandered.

However, Jiang Han wasnt a scrooge, after all money needed to be spent to be considered ones own. More importantly, before he left for his vacation, Jiang Han had received his remuneration for his overtime work from the director. Jiang Han even thought that the director made a mistake because the amount he received wasnt small.

Jiang Han could only smile wryly when the director said, Who do you think that person is? Thats right, the remuneration amount was astronomical to him but for the other party it amount to nothing more than pennies.

Everyone had their own standards, and for Jiang Han this was a huge sum of money. He now realise that although, money was the root of all evil, everyone loved money and it could indeed affect ones confidence. For example, when he had no money, he felt embarrass to contact Su Yuxin.

It wasnt nonsensical self-esteem, or maybe it was, it didnt matter, this was what Jiang Han thought internally. The location of this small room wasnt very good to begin with, the surrounding environment was naturally equally bad. In his absence of just half a month, the house was filled with so much dust that he could barely place his luggage down. In the end, he had no choice but to clean the room before he could do anything else.

Jiang Han lied down on the tiny bed that was hard as a rock and took out his phone and sent Su Yuxin a short text message. Shortly later, she sent him a voice message in response. He immediately played the message, and Su Yuxins pleasant voice was heard.

I have been keeping track with a calendar daily. This time wasnt too bad, it hasnt been twenty days and youve contacted me. Thats an improvement.

Jiang Han felt embarrass when he heard this, he didnt expect Su Yuxin to keep track of the matter to this extend and it only served to increase the degree of which he was ashamed of.

Jiang Han wasnt used to sending voice messages so he type his reply instead, Junior sister, are you available tomorrow? I would like to treat you to something good.

It wasnt long after he sent his message that Su Yuxin replied, Why is senior suddenly in such an appreciative mood, so much so thatyou would thinkof treating me to good food out of the blue.

Recently Senior came across some money, if I dont spend it I would feel uncomfortable and wouldnt be able to sleep.

Haha, I never imagine that Senior could joke, what a pleasant surprise. It was obvious that Su Yuxin on the other end, let out a laugh.

So, is junior sister available?

I suream. Su Yuxins reply sounded a little playful.

Good, then Ill sent you a text when Ive thought of a place to go, or if theres a place you would like to visit instead you could just let me know.

After sending their goodbyes, Jiang Han placed the phone down, sat cross-legged on the bed and then he began to analyse the information from the legacy in his mind. On the other end, Su Yuxin who was originally lying down on her bed, placed her phone down and then buried her face in herpillow, she seem to be in a excellent mood.

After a while, she got up and walked out of her room and across a long corridor into the living room below. There was only one person in this wide open brightly lit living room, and this person was a middle-aged man who was sitting on the sofa.

Dad, I wont be joining you guys tomorrow. You guys carry on without me, Ill join you guys a day later, okay? Su Yuxin lied on the sofas armrest, with her chin resting between both her palms, and looked at her father with puppy eyes.

Why, didnt we previously agreed on this? the middle-aged man placed the documents in his hands down and turned to look at his daughter.

The plan isnt flexible enough for changes. Something came up unexpectedly, theres nothing I can do about it. Su Yuxin stared at her father with blinking eyes and pouting lips.

A grown girl cant be kept at home. Since youve already said so, it doesnt seem like Im in a position to refuse. You could also invite that brat to join us later. The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head. Before others, he is influential and all powerful but back at home, he isnt able to say no to his beloved daughter.

He could already guess the gist of the situation because when Su Yuxin spoke, her eyes were filled with affection. It goes without saying, he understood his daughter all too well.

Dad, what are you talking about, we we arent what you think. Su Yuxin stood up straight and gaped with her eyes wide open when she heard her father.

Still too young, revealing everything from a simple test, so it really was that brat. The middle-aged man laughingly said.

That was mean, how sly, against your own daughter no less. Su Yuxin finally realized what just happened, but it was too late, she had already slipped up.

Thats enough, Ive heard about the police station incident. Im not against any of your friends, but you have to remember, you can only be happy together with someone who is worthy of you. The middle-aged man didnt linger on the topic any longer, after all he did not want to restrict his daughter in the first place.

Okay, I understand. Ive heard this a thousand times after all. Su Yuxin nodded her head profusely with her eyes closed. Her relationship with her father was pretty good, the two of them were like close friends, this sort of relationship was precious and invaluable. After saying what she needed to, she quickly returned to her room.

The actual situation wasnt like what her father thought it was. Su Yuxins impression of Jiang Han was pretty good, but it was somewhat lacking romantically. She had never thought of him that way, it was just that everytime she met this senior of hers, she felt tranquil and serene, he made her feel quite comfortable.

Not long later, Su Yuxins phone lit up. It was Jiang Han sending her a text message, and she couldnt help but wryly smile a little when she saw the contents.

This seemingly ordinary looking senior of hers, was at times unexpectedly quite adorable.