Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Biliary Ascariasis

Liu Xing was certainly agreeable to the transfer, as it was their lunch break right now. If he was able to avoid having to take care of a screaming patient right now, he would not hesitate to do so.

The emergency surgical departments personnel saw their resident doctor willingly take on such a troublesome case upon himself and unexplainably felt a little unhappy about it. They were reluctant to take on unnecessary gratuitous work.

During the time it took to transfer the patient to the surgical department, Jiang Han went and brought 2 packets of unsweetened sour plum drink and a packet of Chongqing hotpot base(1). When he got back to the department he swiftly mixed the two ingredients into a blend and then filled up a big cup with the concoction.

Quickly drink this. Jiang Han stood right in front of the patient with the concoction in his hand.

Before the patient could respond, Liu Xing who followed him in was startled, Oh my dear honour student, where did you pull this out from?

The internal medicine division had already diagnose the patient with Peptic Ulcer Disease, and the main cause of this disease was an excessively acidic stomach. The method of treatment was to use an alkaline solution to neutralise the gastric acid, however Jiang Hans concoction of sour plum drink with spicy hot ingredients would in this case be akin to adding fuel to fire. If the patient were to consume the concoction, then he would most likely develop Gastrointestinal Perforation, the consequence for the patient would be ghastly.

There were experience veteran doctors here, who knew that Jiang Han was only a resident doctor with limited knowledge and insufficient experience and were quick to stop him. The hospital was not a place for debate, and it certainly wasnt a place to be imprudent or impulsive. Each and everyone of themwould be held responsible for the consequences.

However, Jiang Han did not backed down, he chose to trust the legacy in his mind. Chinese medicine was the culmination of innumerable years of their ancestors blood and sweat, it was broad and profound. It could be said that it was at a level that western medicine could not hope to reach. Unfortunately in this age, because of the downfall and mass destruction that happened at a certain point in time, the true essence of Chinese medicine was lost, and the legacy of a couple thousand years was left in scraps.

The truly talented and capable old seniors in this field had perpetually passed on before being able to nurture a successor. Additionally in this day and age, most of the medicinal herbs required in Chinese medicine were now extinct or extremely rare, coupled with those medicine swindles, it isnt hard to understand the reason for the decline of this art.

If someone said that Chinese medicine was useless then that person would be speaking utter nonsense. What countless respectable seniors spent thousands of year to complete was an absolutely priceless gem of human wisdom and knowledge. Jiang Han was fortunate to inherit the seemingly complete shamans legacy that goes beyond the limit of todays medicinal knowledge, he naturally would not cower.

Right then and there, there was a senior doctor who in spite being in a public and crowded space, tongue-lashed at Jiang Han for being reckless. Unfortunately Jiang Han remain unmoved, to him, enduring these harsh words and disparage was nothing compared to saving the life of the patient.

Even after all that, Jiang Han was unwilling to compromise. The patient looked at the drink before him, and then glanced at Jiang Han who smiled at him, and felt an indescribable assurance who then finally chose to believe in Jiang Han.

Enduring the pain and discomfort, he grab the drink from Jiang Hans hand, unmindful of the taste and down the concoction in one shot.

Heavens, he really drank it. The bystanders were all shocked.

Gone, what a disaster. Aih, youngsters, he just got here and hes already created a catastrophe.

The aftermath was even more shocking for everyone here, the patient was heaving incessantly, probably from the spicy hotpot ingredients, however he seem to be in a much better condition than before. In less than 2 minutes, the patient who was delighted and oblivious of his chilli-burned tongue, was beaming cheerfully, the pain in his stomach was gone.

The patient looked at Jiang Han and was about to speak but was stopped by Jiang Han with a wave of his hand. In accordance with the Chinese medicinal practice in his mind, he guide a trace of his spiritual power onto the patients right Riyue (Sun & Moon) and Qimen (Ciclic Gate) acupuncture point and rub the spot for a while.

There were changes to the patients body internally beyond the sight of ordinary folks. His biliary tract shrunk, and the Ascaris roundworm was forced out of the biliary tract into the small intestines. The most precarious situation had passed, and the patient made a quick recovery. He continuously praised and thank Jiang Han, settled his medical bills and then left the hospital.

The patient had left, leaving Jiang Han to drown from the endless gaze of amazement. Face with these unusual gaze of his colleagues, Jiang Han just smiled without saying anything. Since then, the story of how the sour & spicy soup cured gastric pain had circulated all around the hospital, however no one dared to repeat the feat.

Both the chief and the director heard about the incident when they came in for work later that day. They were clearly shocked and thus summon Jiang Han over to question him. When Jiang Han mentioned Biliary Ascariasis, they both instantly understood the situation. They were secretly impressed with Jiang Han and their evaluation of him grew higher.

Later that day, when it was time to get off work, Jiang Han went to seek out Tao Lei. Even though the matter of his residency was resolved, he still had difficulties in regards to his livelihood, he needed to earn some money to survive. He explained his situation to Tao Lei who in return did not dwell on the matter. Instead Tao Lei arranged for him to work as a janitor at the inpatient department and made sure to remind him to not let this janitorial job interfere with his actual work as a doctor.

This was a blessing for Jiang Han. With this, all his problems would be resolved, hence he naturally was in a great mood.

Personally, Jiang Han felt that he only did what he should and what was needed. Be that as it may, his colleague did not feel the same. In their eyes, Jiang Han was a resident doctor who had a connection with the citys Governorand yet he still needed to take on a side job to make a living.

With circumstances like these, it was bound to grab peoples attention. Those who were overly curious did a background check on him and what they found was even more intriguing and that was that Jiang Han was apparently terminated from Jiangsu Citys 8th rank hospital before arriving here. All of these only added to the veil of mystery that surrounded him.

Jiang Han became even more amaze as he studied the legacy. Just the knowledge that he had previously came into contact with, could already be considered to be incredibly astounding. If this knowledge was brought forward to the medical society for debate, it would astound the entire medical profession. This wasnt something he had considered before.

The matter regarding the shamans legacy could not be publicise, otherwise what awaits him would not be glory & honour, but instead he would probably be dissected and studied. Without a sufficiently strong and powerful cultivation base, this was a secret that he needed to bring to his grave.

Other than medical knowledge, there was also cultivation. The key to the legacy was still increasing his cultivation base, as only with a certain level of cultivation would he be able to attain and understand more of these knowledge, and only then would he be able to utilise the various techniques and in the end ascend into an immortal. All of these were irresistible attainments and was naturally Jiang Hans desire as well.

This was an extremely good fortune, and he could not neglect the legacy no matter what. He had to transcend the ordeal to fully qualify for the complete legacy, and just like this, it could be said that his residency life has finally taken the first step in the right direction.

Jiang Han had work available for him every day after working hours as he had janitorial duties in theinpatient department. It wasnt long before he got to know all the cleaning ladies here, and it just so happened that one of the ladies could not make it to work one day and had Jiang Han step in as a replacement.

One section the cleaning lady he replaced was in-charge of was the hospitals VIP patient rooms. It was because of the hospitals special status as the top hospital that these VIP rooms were not necessary available even if one was incredibly wealthy. Therefore the level of hygiene & sanitation required of these rooms were a level above the others.

Jiang Han opened the door and silently walked in to one of these VIP room. The insides were clean, the tables tidy and the trash bin only had some waste paper in it. Essentially these rooms did not need much cleaning, however according to the hospital rules & regulation, he had to thoroughly clean the rooms nevertheless.

Jiang Han wiped down the furniture, changed out the water in the flower vase, tidied the curtains and when he bend over to pick up the trash bin, he notice the patient that was lying on the bed in the room gently waved for him to come over.

Jiang Han walked over, to find the patient was a middle-aged woman. Even though the woman was sick, it did not affect her temperament. These days. Jiang Hans understanding of Shamanism had increase, he also had some insight into the art of face reading, and he was able to see through her anomalies.

The womans caretaker was not around at the moment, and she was feeling a little thirsty. It so happened she saw Jiang Han and therefore motioned for him to help her with a glass of water. Jiang Han had quite the caring heart and did not mind the trouble at all. He carefully brought the glass of water over to her, but when he suddenly notice the womans complexion, he nearly spilled the drink.

t/s notes: