Pomp. Go hang sir, hang: tell me of that? Away: Do as I bid you. Where's this Cup I call'd for?
Men. If for the sake of Merit thou wilt heare mee, Rise from thy stoole
Pom. I thinke th'art mad: the matter?
Men. I haue euer held my cap off to thy Fortunes
Pom. Thou hast seru'd me with much faith: what's else to say? Be iolly Lords
Anth. These Quicke-sands Lepidus, Keepe off, them for you sinke
Men. Wilt thou be Lord of all the world?
Pom. What saist thou?
Men. Wilt thou be Lord of the whole world?
That's twice
Pom. How should that be?
Men. But entertaine it, and though thou thinke me poore, I am the man will giue thee all the world
Pom. Hast thou drunke well
Men. No Pompey, I haue kept me from the cup, Thou art if thou dar'st be, the earthly Ioue: What ere the Ocean pales, or skie inclippes, Is thine, if thou wilt ha't
Pom. Shew me which way?
Men. These three World-sharers, these Compet.i.tors Are in thy vessell. Let me cut the Cable, And when we are put off, fall to their throates: All there is thine
Pom. Ah, this thou shouldst haue done, And not haue spoke on't. In me 'tis villanie, In thee, 't had bin good seruice: thou must know, 'Tis not my profit that does lead mine Honour: Mine Honour it, Repent that ere thy tongue, Hath so betraide thine acte. Being done vnknowne, I should haue found it afterwards well done, But must condemne it now: desist, and drinke
Men. For this, Ile neuer follow Thy paul'd Fortunes more, Who seekes and will not take, when once 'tis offer'd, Shall neuer finde it more
Pom. This health to Lepidus
Ant. Beare him ash.o.r.e, Ile pledge it for him Pompey
Eno. Heere's to thee Menas
Men. En.o.barbus, welcome
Pom. Fill till the cup be hid
Eno. There's a strong Fellow Menas
Men. Why?
Eno. A beares the third part of the world man: seest not?
Men. The third part, then he is drunk: would it were all, that it might go on wheeles
Eno. Drinke thou: encrease the Reeles
Men. Come
Pom. This is not yet an Alexandrian Feast
Ant. It ripen's, towards it: strike the Vessells hoa.
Heere's to Caesar
Caesar. I could well forbear't, it's monstrous labour when I wash my braine, and it grow fouler
Ant. Be a Child o'th' time
Caesar. Possesse it, Ile make answer: but I had rather fast from all, foure dayes, then drinke so much in one
En.o.b. Ha my braue Emperour, shall we daunce now the Egyptian Backenals, and celebrate our drinke?
Pom. Let's ha't good Souldier
Ant. Come, let's all take hands, Till that the conquering Wine hath steep't our sense, In soft and delicate Lethe
Eno. All take hands: Make battery to our eares with the loud Musicke, The while, Ile place you, then the Boy shall sing.
The holding euery man shall beate as loud, As his strong sides can volly.
Musicke Playes. En.o.barbus places them hand in hand.
The Song.
Come thou Monarch of the Vine, Plumpie Bacchus, with pinke eyne: In thy Fattes our Cares be drown'd, With thy Grapes our haires be Crown'd.
Cup vs till the world go round, Cup vs till the world go round
Caesar. What would you more?
Pompey goodnight. Good Brother Let me request you of our grauer businesse Frownes at this leuitie. Gentle Lords let's part, You see we haue burnt our cheekes. Strong En.o.barbe Is weaker then the Wine, and mine owne tongue Spleet's what it speakes: the wilde disguise hath almost Antickt vs all. What needs more words? goodnight.
Good Anthony your hand
Pom. Ile try you on the sh.o.r.e
Anth. And shall Sir, giues your hand
Pom. Oh Anthony, you haue my Father house.
But what, we are Friends?
Come downe into the Boate
Eno. Take heed you fall not Menas: Ile not on sh.o.r.e, No to my Cabin: these Drummes, These Trumpets, Flutes: what Let Neptune heare, we bid aloud farewell To these great Fellowes. Sound and be hang'd, sound out.
Sound a Flourish with Drummes.
Enor. Hoo saies a there's my Cap
Men. Hoa, n.o.ble Captaine, come.
Enter Ventidius as it were in triumph, the dead body of Pacorus borne before him.