Scoena Tertia.
Enter Desdemona, Ca.s.sio, and aemilia.
Des. Be thou a.s.sur'd (good Ca.s.sio) I will do All my abilities in thy behalfe.
Aemil. Good Madam do: I warrant it greeues my Husband, As if the cause were his
Des. Oh that's an honest Fellow, Do not doubt Ca.s.s...o...b..t I will haue my Lord, and you againe As friendly as you were
Ca.s.sio. Bounteous Madam, What euer shall become of Michael Ca.s.sio, He's neuer any thing but your true Seruant
Des. I know't: I thanke you: you do loue my Lord: You haue knowne him long, and be you well a.s.sur'd He shall in strangenesse stand no farther off, Then in a politique distance
Ca.s.sio. I, but Lady, That policie may either last so long, Or feede vpon such nice and waterish diet, Or breede it selfe so out of Circ.u.mstances, That I being absent, and my place supply'd, My Generall will forget my Loue, and Seruice
Des. Do not doubt that: before aemilia here, I giue thee warrant of thy place. a.s.sure thee, If I do vow a friendship, Ile performe it To the last Article. My Lord shall neuer rest, Ile watch him tame, and talke him out of patience; His Bed shall seeme a Schoole, his Boord a Shrift, Ile intermingle euery thing he do's With Ca.s.sio's suite: Therefore be merry Ca.s.sio, For thy Solicitor shall rather dye, Then giue thy cause away.
Enter Oth.e.l.lo, and Iago.
Aemil. Madam, heere comes my Lord
Ca.s.sio. Madam, Ile take my leaue
Des. Why stay, and heare me speake
Ca.s.sio. Madam, not now: I am very ill at ease, Vnfit for mine owne purposes
Des. Well, do your discretion.
Exit Ca.s.sio.
Iago. Hah? I like not that
Othel. What dost thou say?
Iago. Nothing my Lord; or if- I know not what
Othel. Was not that Ca.s.sio parted from my wife?
Iago. Ca.s.sio my Lord? No sure, I cannot thinke it That he would steale away so guilty-like, Seeing your comming
Oth. I do beleeue 'twas he
Des. How now my Lord?
I haue bin talking with a Suitor heere, A man that languishes in your displeasure
Oth. Who is't you meane?
Des. Why your Lieutenant Ca.s.sio: Good my Lord, If I haue any grace, or power to moue you, His present reconciliation take.
For if he be not one, that truly loues you, That erres in Ignorance, and not in Cunning, I haue no iudgement in an honest face.
I prythee call him backe
Oth. Went he hence now?
Des. I sooth; so humbled, That he hath left part of his greefe with mee To suffer with him. Good Loue, call him backe
Othel. Not now (sweet Desdemon) some other time
Des. But shall't be shortly?
Oth. The sooner (Sweet) for you
Des. Shall't be to night, at Supper?
Oth. No, not to night
Des. To morrow Dinner then?
Oth. I shall not dine at home: I meete the Captaines at the Cittadell
Des. Why then to morrow night, on Tuesday morne, On Tuesday noone, or night; on Wensday Morne.
I prythee name the time, but let it not Exceed three dayes. Infaith hee's penitent: And yet his Trespa.s.se, in our common reason (Saue that they say the warres must make example) Out of her best, is not almost a fault T' encurre a priuate checke. When shall he come?
Tell me Oth.e.l.lo. I wonder in my Soule What you would aske me, that I should deny, Or stand so mam'ring on? What? Michael Ca.s.sio, That came a woing with you? and so many a time (When I haue spoke of you dispraisingly) Hath tane your part, to haue so much to do To bring him in? Trust me, I could do much
Oth. Prythee no more: Let him come when he will: I will deny thee nothing
Des. Why, this is not a Boone: 'Tis as I should entreate you weare your Gloues, Or feede on nourishing dishes, or keepe you warme, Or sue to you, to do a peculiar profit To your owne person. Nay, when I haue a suite Wherein I meane to touch your Loue indeed, It shall be full of poize, and difficult waight, And fearefull to be granted
Oth. I will deny thee nothing.
Whereon, I do beseech thee, grant me this, To leaue me but a little to my selfe
Des. Shall I deny you? No: farewell my Lord
Oth. Farewell my Desdemona, Ile come to thee strait
Des. aemilia come; be as your Fancies teach you: What ere you be, I am obedient.
Oth. Excellent wretch: Perdition catch my Soule But I do loue thee: and when I loue thee not, Chaos is come againe
Iago. My n.o.ble Lord
Oth. What dost thou say, Iago?
Iago. Did Michael Ca.s.sio When he woo'd my Lady, know of your loue?
Oth. He did, from first to last: Why dost thou aske?
Iago. But for a satisfaction of my Thought, No further harme
Oth. Why of thy thought, Iago?
Iago. I did not thinke he had bin acquainted with hir
Oth. O yes, and went betweene vs very oft
Iago. Indeed?
Oth. Indeed? I indeed. Discern'st thou ought in that?
Is he not honest?
Iago. Honest, my Lord?