Shakespeare's First Folio - Part 624

Part 624

Enter Iago.

Cas. Welcome Iago: we must to the Watch

Iago. Not this houre Lieutenant: 'tis not yet ten o'th' clocke. Our Generall cast vs thus earely for the loue of his Desdemona: Who, let vs not therefore blame; he hath not yet made wanton the night with her: and she is sport for Ioue

Cas. She's a most exquisite Lady

Iago. And Ile warrant her, full of Game

Cas. Indeed shes a most fresh and delicate creature

Iago. What an eye she ha's?

Me thinkes it sounds a parley to prouocation

Cas. An inuiting eye: And yet me thinkes right modest

Iago. And when she speakes, Is it not an Alarum to Loue?

Cas. She is indeed perfection

Iago. Well: happinesse to their Sheetes. Come Lieutenant, I haue a stope of Wine, and heere without are a brace of Cyprus Gallants, that would faine haue a measure to the health of blacke Oth.e.l.lo

Cas. Not to night, good Iago, I haue very poore, and vnhappie Braines for drinking. I could well wish Curtesie would inuent some other Custome of entertainment

Iago. Oh, they are our Friends: but one Cup, Ile drinke for you

Ca.s.sio. I haue drunke but one Cup to night, and that was craftily qualified too: and behold what inouation it makes heere. I am infortunate in the infirmity, and dare not taske my weakenesse with any more

Iago. What man? 'Tis a night of Reuels, the Gallants desire it

Cas. Where are they?

Iago. Heere, at the doore: I pray you call them in

Cas. Ile do't, but it dislikes me.


Iago. If I can fasten but one Cup vpon him With that which he hath drunke to night alreadie, He'l be as full of Quarrell, and offence As my yong Mistris dogge.

Now my sicke Foole Rodorigo, Whom Loue hath turn'd almost the wrong side out, To Desdemona hath to night Carrows'd.

Potations, pottle-deepe; and he's to watch.

Three else of Cyprus, n.o.ble swelling Spirites, (That hold their Honours in a wary distance, The very Elements of this Warrelike Isle) Haue I to night fl.u.s.ter'd with flowing Cups, And they Watch too.

Now 'mongst this Flocke of drunkards Am I put to our Ca.s.sio in some Action That may offend the Isle. But here they come.

Enter Ca.s.sio, Montano, and Gentlemen.

If Consequence do but approue my dreame, My Boate sailes freely, both with winde and Streame

Cas. 'Fore heauen, they haue giuen me a rowse already

Mon. Good-faith a litle one: not past a pint, as I am a Souldier

Iago. Some Wine hoa.

And let me the Cannakin clinke, clinke: And let me the Cannakin clinke.

A Souldiers a man: Oh, mans life's but a span, Why then let a Souldier drinke.

Some Wine Boyes

Cas. 'Fore Heauen: an excellent Song

Iago. I learn'd it in England: where indeed they are most potent in Potting. Your Dane, your Germaine, and your swag-belly'd Hollander, (drinke hoa) are nothing to your English

Ca.s.sio. Is your Englishmen so exquisite in his drinking?

Iago. Why, he drinkes you with facillitie, your Dane dead drunke. He sweates not to ouerthrow your Almaine.

He giues your Hollander a vomit, ere the next Pottle can be fill'd

Cas. To the health of our Generall

Mon. I am for it Lieutenant: and Ile do you Iustice

Iago. Oh sweet England.

King Stephen was anda worthy Peere, His Breeches cost him but a Crowne, He held them Six pence all to deere, With that he cal'd the Tailor Lowne: He was a wight of high Renowne, And thou art but of low degree: 'Tis Pride that pulls the Country downe, And take thy awl'd Cloake about thee.

Some Wine hoa

Ca.s.sio. Why this is a more exquisite Song then the other

Iago. Will you heare't againe?

Cas. No: for I hold him to be vnworthy of his Place, that do's those things. Well: heau'ns aboue all: and there be soules must be saued, and there be soules must not be saued

Iago. It's true, good Lieutenant

Cas. For mine owne part, no offence to the Generall, nor any man of qualitie: I hope to be saued

Iago. And so do I too Lieutenant

Ca.s.sio. I: (but by your leaue) not before me. The Lieutenant is to be saued before the Ancient. Let's haue no more of this: let's to our Affaires. Forgiue vs our sinnes: Gentlemen let's looke to our businesse. Do not thinke Gentlemen, I am drunke: this is my Ancient, this is my right hand, and this is my left. I am not drunke now: I can stand well enough, and I speake well enough

Gent. Excellent well

Cas. Why very well then: you must not thinke then, that I am drunke.


Monta. To th' Platforme (Masters) come, let's set the Watch

Iago. You see this Fellow, that is gone before, He's a Souldier, fit to stand by Caesar, And giue direction. And do but see his vice, 'Tis to his vertue, a iust Equinox, The one as long as th' other. 'Tis pittie of him: I feare the trust Oth.e.l.lo puts him in, On some odde time of his infirmitie Will shake this Island

Mont. But is he often thus?

Iago. 'Tis euermore his prologue to his sleepe, He'le watch the Horologe a double Set, If Drinke rocke not his Cradle

Mont. It were well The Generall were put in mind of it: Perhaps he sees it not, or his good nature Prizes the vertue that appeares in Ca.s.sio, And lookes not on his euills: is not this true?

Enter Rodorigo.

Iago. How now Rodorigo?

I pray you after the Lieutenant, go