Ham. The phrase would bee more Germaine to the matter: If we could carry Cannon by our sides; I would it might be Hangers till then; but on sixe Barbary Horses against sixe French Swords: their a.s.signes, and three liberall conceited Carriages, that's the French but against the Danish; why is this impon'd as you call it?
Osr. The King Sir, hath laid that in a dozen pa.s.ses betweene you and him, hee shall not exceed you three hits; He hath one twelue for mine, and that would come to imediate tryall, if your Lordship would vouchsafe the Answere
Ham. How if I answere no?
Osr. I meane my Lord, the opposition of your person in tryall
Ham. Sir, I will walke heere in the Hall; if it please his Maiestie, 'tis the breathing time of day with me; let the Foyles bee brought, the Gentleman willing, and the King hold his purpose; I will win for him if I can: if not, Ile gaine nothing but my shame, and the odde hits
Osr. Shall I redeliuer you ee'n so?
Ham. To this effect Sir, after what flourish your nature will
Osr. I commend my duty to your Lordship
Ham. Yours, yours; hee does well to commend it himselfe, there are no tongues else for's tongue
Hor. This Lapwing runs away with the sh.e.l.l on his head
Ham. He did Complie with his Dugge before hee suck't it: thus had he and mine more of the same Beauty that I know the drossie age dotes on; only got the tune of the time, and outward habite of encounter, a kinde of yesty collection, which carries them through & through the most fond and winnowed opinions; and doe but blow them to their tryalls: the Bubbles are out
Hor. You will lose this wager, my Lord
Ham. I doe not thinke so, since he went into France, I haue beene in continuall practice; I shall winne at the oddes: but thou wouldest not thinke how all heere about my heart: but it is no matter
Hor. Nay, good my Lord
Ham. It is but foolery; but it is such a kinde of gain-giuing as would perhaps trouble a woman
Hor. If your minde dislike any thing, obey. I will forestall their repaire hither, and say you are not fit
Ham. Not a whit, we defie Augury; there's a speciall Prouidence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come: if it bee not to come, it will bee now: if it be not now; yet it will come; the readinesse is all, since no man ha's ought of what he leaues. What is't to leaue betimes?
Enter King, Queene, Laertes and Lords, with other Attendants with Foyles, and Gauntlets, a Table and Flagons of Wine on it.
Kin. Come Hamlet, come, and take this hand from me
Ham. Giue me your pardon Sir, I'ue done you wrong, But pardon't as you are a Gentleman.
This presence knowes, And you must needs haue heard how I am punisht With sore distraction? What I haue done That might your nature honour, and exception Roughly awake, I heere proclaime was madnesse: Was't Hamlet wrong'd Laertes? Neuer Hamlet.
If Hamlet from himselfe be tane away: And when he's not himselfe, do's wrong Laertes, Then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it: Who does it then? His Madnesse? If't be so, Hamlet is of the Faction that is wrong'd, His madnesse is poore Hamlets Enemy.
Sir, in this Audience, Let my disclaiming from a purpos'd euill, Free me so farre in your most generous thoughts, That I haue shot mine Arrow o're the house, And hurt my Mother
Laer. I am satisfied in Nature, Whose motiue in this case should stirre me most To my Reuenge. But in my termes of Honor I stand aloofe, and will no reconcilement, Till by some elder Masters of knowne Honor, I haue a voyce, and president of peace To keepe my name vngorg'd. But till that time, I do receiue your offer'd loue like loue, And wil not wrong it
Ham. I do embrace it freely, And will this Brothers wager frankely play.
Giue vs the Foyles: Come on
Laer. Come one for me
Ham. Ile be your foile Laertes, in mine ignorance, Your Skill shall like a Starre i'th' darkest night, Sticke fiery off indeede
Laer. You mocke me Sir
Ham. No by this hand
King. Giue them the Foyles yong Osricke, Cousen Hamlet, you know the wager
Ham. Verie well my Lord, Your Grace hath laide the oddes a'th' weaker side
King. I do not feare it, I haue seene you both: But since he is better'd, we haue therefore oddes
Laer. This is too heauy, Let me see another
Ham. This likes me well, These Foyles haue all a length.
Prepare to play.
Osricke. I my good Lord
King. Set me the Stopes of wine vpon that Table: If Hamlet giue the first, or second hit, Or quit in answer of the third exchange, Let all the Battlements their Ordinance fire, The King shal drinke to Hamlets better breath, And in the Cup an vnion shal he throw Richer then that, which foure successiue Kings In Denmarkes Crowne haue worne.
Giue me the Cups, And let the Kettle to the Trumpets speake, The Trumpet to the Cannoneer without, The Cannons to the Heauens, the Heauen to Earth, Now the King drinkes to Hamlet. Come, begin, And you the Iudges beare a wary eye
Ham. Come on sir
Laer. Come on sir.
They play.
Ham. One
Laer. No
Ham. Iudgement
Osr. A hit, a very palpable hit
Laer. Well: againe
King. Stay, giue me drinke.
Hamlet, this Pearle is thine, Here's to thy health. Giue him the cup,
Trumpets sound, and shot goes off.
Ham. Ile play this bout first, set by a-while.
Come: Another hit; what say you?
Laer. A touch, a touch, I do confesse
King. Our Sonne shall win
Qu. He's fat, and scant of breath.
Heere's a Napkin, rub thy browes, The Queene Carowses to thy fortune, Hamlet
Ham. Good Madam