But howsoeuer thou pursuest this Act, Taint not thy mind; nor let thy Soule contriue Against thy Mother ought; leaue her to heauen, And to those Thornes that in her bosome lodge, To p.r.i.c.ke and sting her. Fare thee well at once; The Glow-worme showes the Matine to be neere, And gins to pale his vneffectuall Fire: Adue, adue, Hamlet: remember me.
Ham. Oh all you host of Heauen! Oh Earth; what els?
And shall I couple h.e.l.l? Oh fie: hold my heart; And you my sinnewes, grow not instant Old; But beare me stiffely vp: Remember thee?
I, thou poore Ghost, while memory holds a seate In this distracted Globe: Remember thee?
Yea, from the Table of my Memory, Ile wipe away all triuiall fond Records, All sawes of Bookes, all formes, all presures past, That youth and obseruation coppied there; And thy Commandment all alone shall liue Within the Booke and Volume of my Braine, Vnmixt with baser matter; yes yes, by Heauen: Oh most pernicious woman!
Oh Villaine, Villaine, smiling d.a.m.ned Villaine!
My Tables, my Tables; meet it is I set it downe, That one may smile, and smile and be a Villaine; At least I'm sure it may be so in Denmarke; So Vnckle there you are: now to my word; It is; Adue, Adue, Remember me: I haue sworn't
Hor. & Mar. within. My Lord, my Lord.
Enter Horatio and Marcellus.
Mar. Lord Hamlet
Hor. Heauen secure him
Mar. So be it
Hor. Illo, ho, ho, my Lord
Ham. Hillo, ho, ho, boy; come bird, come
Mar. How ist my n.o.ble Lord?
Hor. What newes, my Lord?
Ham. Oh wonderfull!
Hor. Good my Lord tell it
Ham. No you'l reueale it
Hor. Not I, my Lord, by Heauen
Mar. Nor I, my Lord
Ham. How say you then, would heart of man once think it?
But you'l be secret?
Both. I, by Heau'n, my Lord
Ham. There's nere a villaine dwelling in all Denmarke But hee's an arrant knaue
Hor. There needs no Ghost my Lord, come from the Graue, to tell vs this
Ham. Why right, you are i'th' right; And so, without more circ.u.mstance at all, I hold it fit that we shake hands, and part: You, as your busines and desires shall point you: For euery man ha's businesse and desire, Such as it is: and for mine owne poore part, Looke you, Ile goe pray
Hor. These are but wild and hurling words, my Lord
Ham. I'm sorry they offend you heartily: Yes faith, heartily
Hor. There's no offence my Lord
Ham. Yes, by Saint Patricke, but there is my Lord, And much offence too, touching this Vision heere: It is an honest Ghost, that let me tell you: For your desire to know what is betweene vs, O'remaster't as you may. And now good friends, As you are Friends, Schollers and Soldiers, Giue me one poore request
Hor. What is't my Lord? we will
Ham. Neuer make known what you haue seen to night
Both. My Lord, we will not
Ham. Nay, but swear't
Hor. Infaith my Lord, not I
Mar. Nor I my Lord: in faith
Ham. Vpon my sword
Marcell. We haue sworne my Lord already
Ham. Indeed, vpon my sword, Indeed
Gho. Sweare.
Ghost cries vnder the Stage.
Ham. Ah ha boy, sayest thou so. Art thou there truepenny?
Come one you here this fellow in the selleredge Consent to sweare
Hor. Propose the Oath my Lord
Ham. Neuer to speake of this that you haue seene.
Sweare by my sword
Gho. Sweare
Ham. Hic & vbique? Then wee'l shift for grownd, Come hither Gentlemen, And lay your hands againe vpon my sword, Neuer to speake of this that you haue heard: Sweare by my Sword
Gho. Sweare
Ham. Well said old Mole, can'st worke i'th' ground so fast?
A worthy Pioner, once more remoue good friends
Hor. Oh day and night: but this is wondrous strange
Ham. And therefore as a stranger giue it welcome.
There are more things in Heauen and Earth, Horatio, Then are dream't of in our Philosophy. But come, Here as before, neuer so helpe you mercy, How strange or odde so ere I beare my selfe; (As I perchance heereafter shall thinke meet To put an Anticke disposition on:) That you at such time seeing me, neuer shall With Armes encombred thus, or thus, head shake; Or by p.r.o.nouncing of some doubtfull Phrase; As well, we know, or we could and if we would, Or if we list to speake; or there be and if there might, Or such ambiguous giuing out to note, That you know ought of me; this not to doe: So grace and mercy at your most neede helpe you: Sweare
Ghost. Sweare
Ham. Rest, rest perturbed Spirit: so Gentlemen, With all my loue I doe commend me to you; And what so poore a man as Hamlet is, May doe t' expresse his loue and friending to you, G.o.d willing shall not lacke: let vs goe in together, And still your fingers on your lippes I pray, The time is out of ioynt: Oh cursed spight, That euer I was borne to set it right.
Nay, come let's goe together.