Samp. A dog of the house of Mountague, moues me
Greg. To moue, is to stir: and to be valiant, is to stand: Therefore, if thou art mou'd, thou runst away
Samp. A dogge of that house shall moue me to stand.
I will take the wall of any Man or Maid of Mountagues
Greg. That shewes thee a weake slaue, for the weakest goes to the wall
Samp. True, and therefore women being the weaker Vessels, are euer thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Mountagues men from the wall, and thrust his Maides to the wall
Greg. The Quarrell is betweene our Masters, and vs their men
Samp. 'Tis all one, I will shew my selfe a tyrant: when I haue fought with the men, I will bee ciuill with the Maids, and cut off their heads
Greg. The heads of the Maids?
Sam. I, the heads of the Maids, or their Maiden-heads, Take it in what sence thou wilt
Greg. They must take it sence, that feele it
Samp. Me they shall feele while I am able to stand: And 'tis knowne I am a pretty peece of flesh
Greg. 'Tis well thou art not Fish: If thou had'st, thou had'st beene poore Iohn. Draw thy Toole, here comes of the House of the Mountagues.
Enter two other Seruingmen.
Sam. My naked weapon is out: quarrel, I wil back thee Gre. How? Turne thy backe, and run
Sam. Feare me not
Gre. No marry: I feare thee
Sam. Let vs take the Law of our sides: let them begin
Gr. I wil frown as I by, & let the[m] take it as they list Sam. Nay, as they dare. I wil bite my Thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them, if they beare it
Abra. Do you bite your Thumbe at vs sir?
Samp. I do bite my Thumbe, sir
Abra. Do you bite your Thumb at vs, sir?
Sam. Is the Law of our side, if I say I?
Gre. No
Sam. No sir, I do not bite my Thumbe at you sir: but I bite my Thumbe sir
Greg. Do you quarrell sir?
Abra. Quarrell sir? no sir
Sam. If you do sir, I am for you, I serue as good a man as you Abra. No better?
Samp. Well sir.
Enter Benuolio.
Gr. Say better: here comes one of my masters kinsmen
Samp. Yes, better
Abra. You Lye
Samp. Draw if you be men. Gregory, remember thy washing blow.
They Fight.
Ben. Part Fooles, put vp your Swords, you know not what you do.
Enter Tibalt.
Tyb. What art thou drawne, among these heartlesse Hindes? Turne thee Benuolio, looke vpon thy death
Ben. I do but keepe the peace, put vp thy Sword, Or manage it to part these men with me
Tyb. What draw, and talke of peace? I hate the word As I hate h.e.l.l, all Mountagues, and thee: Haue at thee Coward.
Enter three or foure Citizens with Clubs.
Offi. Clubs, Bils, and Partisons, strike, beat them down Downe with the Capulets, downe with the Mountagues.
Enter old Capulet in his Gowne, and his wife.
Cap. What noise is this? Giue me my long Sword ho
Wife. A crutch, a crutch: why call you for a Sword?
Cap. My Sword I say: Old Mountague is come, And flourishes his Blade in spight of me.
Enter old Mountague, & his wife.
Moun. Thou villaine Capulet. Hold me not, let me go 2.Wife. Thou shalt not stir a foote to seeke a Foe.
Enter Prince Eskales, with his Traine.
Prince. Rebellious Subiects, Enemies to peace, Prophaners of this Neighbor-stained Steele, Will they not heare? What hoe, you Men, you Beasts, That quench the fire of your pernitious Rage, With purple Fountaines issuing from your Veines: On paine of Torture, from those b.l.o.o.d.y hands Throw your mistemper'd Weapons to the ground, And heare the Sentence of your mooued Prince.
Three ciuill Broyles, bred of an Ayery word, By thee old Capulet and Mountague, Haue thrice disturb'd the quiet of our streets, And made Verona's ancient Citizens Cast by their Graue beseeming Ornaments, To wield old Partizans, in hands as old, Cankred with peace, to part your Cankred hate, If euer you disturbe our streets againe, Your liues shall pay the forfeit of the peace.
For this time all the rest depart away: You Capulet shall goe along with me, And Mountague come you this afternoone, To know our Fathers pleasure in this case: To old Free-towne, our common iudgement place: Once more on paine of death, all men depart.
Moun. Who set this auncient quarrell new abroach?
Speake Nephew, were you by, when it began: Ben. Heere were the seruants of your aduersarie, And yours close fighting ere I did approach, I drew to part them, in the instant came The fiery Tibalt, with his sword prepar'd, Which as he breath'd defiance to my eares, He swong about his head, and cut the windes, Who nothing hurt withall, hist him in scorne.
While we were enterchanging thrusts and blowes, Came more and more, and fought on part and part, Till the Prince came, who parted either part
Wife. O where is Romeo, saw you him to day?
Right glad am I, he was not at this fray
Ben. Madam, an houre before the worshipt Sun Peer'd forth the golden window of the East, A troubled mind draue me to walke abroad, Where vnderneath the groue of Sycamour, That West-ward rooteth from this City side: So earely walking did I see your Sonne: Towards him I made, but he was ware of me, And stole into the couert of the wood, I measuring his affections by my owne, Which then most sought, wher most might not be found: Being one too many by my weary selfe, Pursued my Honour, not pursuing his And gladly shunn'd, who gladly fled from me