Qu. There is no other way, Vnlesse thou could'st put on some other shape, And not be Richard, that hath done all this
Ric. Say that I did all this for loue of her
Qu. Nay then indeed she cannot choose but hate thee Hauing bought loue, with such a b.l.o.o.d.y spoyle
Rich. Looke what is done, cannot be now amended: Men shall deale vnaduisedly sometimes, Which after-houres giues leysure to repent.
If I did take the Kingdome from your Sonnes, To make amends, Ile giue it to your daughter: If I haue kill'd the issue of your wombe, To quicken your encrease, I will beget Mine yssue of your blood, vpon your Daughter: A Grandams name is little lesse in loue, Then is the doting t.i.tle of a Mother; They are as Children but one steppe below, Euen of your mettall, of your very blood: Of all one paine, saue for a night of groanes Endur'd of her, for whom you bid like sorrow.
Your Children were vexation to your youth, But mine shall be a comfort to your Age, The losse you haue, is but a Sonne being King, And by that losse, your Daughter is made Queene.
I cannot make you what amends I would, Therefore accept such kindnesse as I can.
Dorset your Sonne, that with a fearfull soule Leads discontented steppes in Forraine soyle, This faire Alliance, quickly shall call home To high Promotions, and great Dignity.
The King that calles your beauteous Daughter Wife, Familiarly shall call thy Dorset, Brother: Againe shall you be Mother to a King: And all the Ruines of distressefull Times, Repayr'd with double Riches of Content.
What? we haue many goodly dayes to see: The liquid drops of Teares that you haue shed, Shall come againe, transform'd to Orient Pearle, Aduantaging their Loue, with interest Often-times double gaine of happinesse.
Go then (my Mother) to thy Daughter go, Make bold her bashfull yeares, with your experience, Prepare her eares to heare a Woers Tale.
Put in her tender heart, th' aspiring Flame Of Golden Soueraignty: Acquaint the Princesse With the sweet silent houres of Marriage ioyes: And when this Arme of mine hath chastised The petty Rebell, dull-brain'd Buckingham, Bound with Triumphant Garlands will I come, And leade thy daughter to a Conquerors bed: To whom I will retaile my Conquest wonne, And she shalbe sole Victoresse, Caesars Caesar
Qu. What were I best to say, her Fathers Brother Would be her Lord? Or shall I say her Vnkle?
Or he that slew her Brothers, and her Vnkles?
Vnder what t.i.tle shall I woo for thee, That G.o.d, the Law, my Honor, and her Loue, Can make seeme pleasing to her tender yeares?
Rich. Inferre faire Englands peace by this Alliance
Qu. Which she shall purchase with stil lasting warre
Rich. Tell her, the King that may command, intreats
Qu. That at her hands, which the kings King forbids
Rich. Say she shall be a High and Mighty Queene
Qu. To vaile the t.i.tle, as her Mother doth
Rich. Say I will loue her euerlastingly
Qu. But how long shall that t.i.tle euer last?
Rich. Sweetly in force, vnto her faire liues end
Qu. But how long fairely shall her sweet life last?
Rich. As long as Heauen and Nature lengthens it
Qu. As long as h.e.l.l and Richard likes of it
Rich. Say, I her Soueraigne, am her Subiect low
Qu. But she your Subiect, lothes such Soueraignty
Rich. Be eloquent in my behalfe to her
Qu. An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told
Rich. Then plainly to her, tell my louing tale
Qu. Plaine and not honest, is too harsh a style
Rich. Your Reasons are too shallow, and to quicke
Qu. O no, my Reasons are too deepe and dead, Too deepe and dead (poore Infants) in their graues, Harpe on it still shall I, till heart-strings breake
Rich. Harpe not on that string Madam, that is past.
Now by my George, my Garter, and my Crowne
Qu. Prophan'd, dishonor'd, and the third vsurpt
Rich. I sweare
Qu. By nothing, for this is no Oath: Thy George prophan'd, hath lost his Lordly Honor; Thy Garter blemish'd, p.a.w.n'd his Knightly Vertue; Thy Crowne vsurp'd, disgrac'd his Kingly Glory: If something thou would'st sweare to be beleeu'd, Sweare then by something, that thou hast not wrong'd
Rich. Then by my Selfe
Qu. Thy Selfe, is selfe-misvs'd
Rich. Now by the World
Qu. 'Tis full of thy foule wrongs
Rich. My Fathers death
Qu. Thy life hath it dishonor'd
Rich. Why then, by Heauen
Qu. Heauens wrong is most of all: If thou didd'st feare to breake an Oath with him, The vnity the King my husband made, Thou had'st not broken, nor my Brothers died.
If thou had'st fear'd to breake an oath by him, Th' Imperiall mettall, circling now thy head, Had grac'd the tender temples of my Child, And both the Princes had bene breathing heere, Which now two tender Bed-fellowes for dust, Thy broken Faith hath made the prey for Wormes.
What can'st thou sweare by now
Rich. The time to come
Qu. That thou hast wronged in the time ore-past: For I my selfe haue many teares to wash Heereafter time, for time past, wrong'd by thee.
The Children liue, whose Fathers thou hast slaughter'd, Vngouern'd youth, to waile it with their age: The Parents liue, whose Children thou hast butcher'd, Old barren Plants, to waile it with their Age.
Sweare not by time to come, for that thou hast Misvs'd ere vs'd, by times ill-vs'd repast
Rich. As I entend to prosper, and repent: So thriue I in my dangerous Affayres Of hostile Armes: My selfe, my selfe confound: Heauen, and Fortune barre me happy houres: Day, yeeld me not thy light; nor Night, thy rest.
Be opposite all Planets of good lucke To my proceeding, if with deere hearts loue, Immaculate deuotion, holy thoughts, I tender not thy beautious Princely daughter.
In her, consists my Happinesse, and thine: Without her, followes to my selfe, and thee; Her selfe, the Land, and many a Christian soule, Death, Desolation, Ruine, and Decay: It cannot be auoyded, but by this: It will not be auoyded, but by this.
Therefore deare Mother (I must call you so) Be the Atturney of my loue to her: Pleade what I will be, not what I haue beene; Not my deserts, but what I will deserue: Vrge the Necessity and state of times, And be not peeuish found, in great Designes
Qu. Shall I be tempted of the Diuel thus?
Rich. I, if the Diuell tempt you to do good
Qu. Shall I forget my selfe, to be my selfe