1 What we will do, we do vpon command
2 And he that hath commanded, is our King
Cla. Erroneous Va.s.sals, the great King of Kings Hath in the Table of his Law commanded That thou shalt do no murther. Will you then Spurne at his Edict, and fulfill a Mans?
Take heed: for he holds Vengeance in his hand, To hurle vpon their heads that breake his Law
2 And that same Vengeance doth he hurle on thee, For false Forswearing, and for murther too: Thou did'st receiue the Sacrament, to fight In quarrell of the House of Lancaster
1 And like a Traitor to the name of G.o.d, Did'st breake that Vow, and with thy treacherous blade, Vnrip'st the Bowels of thy Sou'raignes Sonne
2 Whom thou was't sworne to cherish and defend
1 How canst thou vrge G.o.ds dreadfull Law to vs, When thou hast broke it in such deere degree?
Cla. Alas! for whose sake did I that ill deede?
For Edward, for my Brother, for his sake.
He sends you not to murther me for this: For in that sinne, he is as deepe as I.
If G.o.d will be auenged for the deed, O know you yet, he doth it publiquely, Take not the quarrell from his powrefull arme: He needs no indirect, or lawlesse course, To cut off those that haue offended him
1 Who made thee then a bloudy minister, When gallant springing braue Plantagenet, That Princely Nouice was strucke dead by thee?
Cla. My Brothers loue, the Diuell, and my Rage
1 Thy Brothers Loue, our Duty, and thy Faults, Prouoke vs. .h.i.ther now, to slaughter thee
Cla. If you do loue my Brother, hate not me: I am his Brother, and I loue him well.
If you are hyr'd for meed, go backe againe, And I will send you to my Brother Glouster: Who shall reward you better for my life, Then Edward will for tydings of my death
2 You are deceiu'd, Your Brother Glouster hates you
Cla. Oh no, he loues me, and he holds me deere: Go you to him from me
1 I so we will
Cla. Tell him, when that our Princely Father Yorke, Blest his three Sonnes with his victorious Arme, He little thought of this diuided Friendship: Bid Glouster thinke on this, and he will weepe
1 I Milstones, as he lessoned vs to weepe
Cla. O do not slander him, for he is kinde
1 Right, as Snow in Haruest: Come, you deceiue your selfe, 'Tis he that sends vs to destroy you heere
Cla. It cannot be, for he bewept my Fortune, And hugg'd me in his armes, and swore with sobs, That he would labour my deliuery
1 Why so he doth, when he deliuers you From this earths thraldome, to the ioyes of heauen
2 Make peace with G.o.d, for you must die my Lord
Cla. Haue you that holy feeling in your soules, To counsaile me to make my peace with G.o.d, And are you yet to your owne soules so blinde, That you will warre with G.o.d, by murd'ring me.
O sirs consider, they that set you on To do this deede will hate you for the deede
2 What shall we do?
Clar. Relent, and saue your soules: Which of you, if you were a Princes Sonne, Being pent from Liberty, as I am now, If two such murtherers as your selues came to you, Would not intreat for life, as you would begge Were you in my distresse
1 Relent? no: 'Tis cowardly and womanish
Cla. Not to relent, is beastly, sauage, diuellish: My Friend, I spy some pitty in thy lookes: O, if thine eye be not a Flatterer, Come thou on my side, and intreate for mee, A begging Prince, what begger pitties not
2 Looke behinde you, my Lord
1 Take that, and that, if all this will not do,
Stabs him.
Ile drowne you in the MalmeseyBut within.
2 A b.l.o.o.d.y deed, and desperately dispatcht: How faine (like Pilate) would I wash my hands Of this most greeuous murther.
Enter 1.Murtherer]
1 How now? what mean'st thou that thou help'st me not? By Heauen the Duke shall know how slacke you haue beene
2.Mur. I would he knew that I had sau'd his brother, Take thou the Fee, and tell him what I say, For I repent me that the Duke is slaine.
1.Mur. So do not I: go Coward as thou art.
Well, Ile go hide the body in some hole, Till that the Duke giue order for his buriall: And when I haue my meede, I will away, For this will out, and then I must not stay.
Actus Secundus. Scoena Prima.
Enter the King sicke, the Queene, Lord Marquesse Dorset, Riuers, Hastings, Catesby, Buckingham, Wooduill.
King. Why so: now haue I done a good daies work.
You Peeres, continue this vnited League: I, euery day expect an Emba.s.sage From my Redeemer, to redeeme me hence.
And more to peace my soule shall part to heauen, Since I haue made my Friends at peace on earth.
Dorset and Riuers, take each others hand, Dissemble not your hatred, Sweare your loue
Riu. By heauen, my soule is purg'd from grudging hate And with my hand I seale my true hearts Loue
Hast. So thriue I, as I truly sweare the like
King. Take heed you dally not before your King, Lest he that is the supreme King of Kings Confound your hidden falshood, and award Either of you to be the others end
Hast. So prosper I, as I sweare perfect loue