Now for this Night, let's harbor here in Yorke: And when the Morning Sunne shall rayse his Carre Aboue the Border of this Horizon, Wee'le forward towards Warwicke, and his Mates; For well I wot, that Henry is no Souldier.
Ah froward Clarence, how euill it beseemes thee, To flatter Henry, and forsake thy Brother?
Yet as wee may, wee'le meet both thee and Warwicke.
Come on braue Souldiors: doubt not of the Day, And that once gotten, doubt not of large Pay.
Flourish. Enter the King, Warwicke, Mountague, Clarence, Oxford, and Somerset.
War. What counsaile, Lords? Edward from Belgia, With hastie Germanes, and blunt Hollanders, Hath pa.s.s'd in safetie through the Narrow Seas, And with his troupes doth march amaine to London, And many giddie people flock to him
King. Let's leuie men, and beat him backe againe
Clar. A little fire is quickly trodden out, Which being suffer'd, Riuers cannot quench
War. In Warwickshire I haue true-hearted friends, Not mutinous in peace, yet bold in Warre, Those will I muster vp: and thou Sonne Clarence Shalt stirre vp in Suffolke, Norfolke, and in Kent, The Knights and Gentlemen, to come with thee.
Thou Brother Mountague, in Buckingham, Northampton, and in Leicestershire, shalt find Men well enclin'd to heare what thou command'st.
And thou, braue Oxford, wondrous well belou'd, In Oxfordshire shalt muster vp thy friends.
My Soueraigne, with the louing Citizens, Like to his Iland, gyrt in with the Ocean, Or modest Dyan, circled with her Nymphs, Shall rest in London, till we come to him: Faire Lords take leaue, and stand not to reply.
Farewell my Soueraigne
King. Farewell my Hector, and my Troyes true hope
Clar. In signe of truth, I kisse your Highnesse Hand
King. Well-minded Clarence, be thou fortunate
Mount. Comfort, my Lord, and so I take my leaue
Oxf. And thus I seale my truth, and bid adieu
King. Sweet Oxford, and my louing Mountague, And all at once, once more a happy farewell
War. Farewell, sweet Lords, let's meet at Couentry.
King. Here at the Pallace will I rest a while.
Cousin of Exeter, what thinkes your Lordship?
Me thinkes, the Power that Edward hath in field, Should not be able to encounter mine
Exet. The doubt is, that he will seduce the rest
King. That's not my feare, my meed hath got me fame: I haue not stopt mine eares to their demands, Nor posted off their suites with slow delayes, My pittie hath beene balme to heale their wounds, My mildnesse hath allay'd their swelling griefes, My mercie dry'd their water-flowing teares.
I haue not been desirous of their wealth, Nor much opprest them with great Subsidies, Nor forward of reuenge, though they much err'd.
Then why should they loue Edward more then me?
No Exeter, these Graces challenge Grace: And when the Lyon fawnes vpon the Lambe, The Lambe will neuer cease to follow him.
Shout within, A Lancaster, A Lancaster.
Exet. Hearke, hearke, my Lord, what Shouts are these?
Enter Edward and his Souldiers.
Edw. Seize on the shamefac'd Henry, beare him hence, And once againe proclaime vs King of England.
You are the Fount, that makes small Brookes to flow, Now stops thy Spring, my Sea shall suck them dry, And swell so much the higher, by their ebbe.
Hence with him to the Tower, let him not speake.
Exit with King Henry.
And Lords, towards Couentry bend we our course, Where peremptorie Warwicke now remaines: The Sunne shines hot, and if we vse delay, Cold biting Winter marres our hop'd-for Hay
Rich. Away betimes, before his forces ioyne, And take the great-growne Traytor vnawares: Braue Warriors, march amaine towards Couentry.
Enter Warwicke, the Maior of Couentry, two Messengers, and others vpon the Walls.
War. Where is the Post that came from valiant Oxford?
How farre hence is thy Lord, mine honest fellow?
Mess .1. By this at Dunsmore, marching hitherward
War. How farre off is our Brother Mountague?
Where is the Post that came from Mountague?
Mess. 2. By this at Daintry, with a puissant troope.
Enter Someruile.
War. Say Someruile, what sayes my louing Sonne?
And by thy guesse, how nigh is Clarence now?
Someru. At Southam I did leaue him with his forces, And doe expect him here some two howres hence
War. Then Clarence is at hand, I heare his Drumme
Someru. It is not his, my Lord, here Southam lyes: The Drum your Honor heares, marcheth from Warwicke
War. Who should that be? belike vnlook'd for friends
Someru. They are at hand, and you shall quickly know.
March. Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard, and Souldiers.
Edw. Goe, Trumpet, to the Walls, and sound a Parle
Rich. See how the surly Warwicke mans the Wall
War. Oh vnbid spight, is sportfull Edward come?
Where slept our Scouts, or how are they seduc'd, That we could heare no newes of his repayre
Edw. Now Warwicke, wilt thou ope the Citie Gates, Speake gentle words, and humbly bend thy Knee, Call Edward King, and at his hands begge Mercy, And he shall pardon thee these Outrages?
War. Nay rather, wilt thou draw thy forces hence, Confesse who set thee vp, and pluckt thee downe, Call Warwicke Patron, and be penitent, And thou shalt still remaine the Duke of Yorke