Shakespeare's First Folio - Part 371

Part 371

Yorke. Now my good Lords of Salisbury & Warwick, Our simple Supper ended, giue me leaue, In this close Walke, to satisfie my selfe, In crauing your opinion of my t.i.tle, Which is infallible, to Englands Crowne

Salisb. My Lord, I long to heare it at full

Warw. Sweet Yorke begin: and if thy clayme be good, The Neuills are thy Subiects to command

Yorke. Then thus: Edward the third, my Lords, had seuen Sonnes: The first, Edward the Black-Prince, Prince of Wales; The second, William of Hatfield; and the third, Lionel, Duke of Clarence; next to whom, Was Iohn of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster; The fift, was Edmond Langley, Duke of Yorke; The sixt, was Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloster; William of Windsor was the seuenth, and last.

Edward the Black-Prince dyed before his Father, And left behinde him Richard, his onely Sonne, Who after Edward the third's death, raign'd as King, Till Henry Bullingbrooke, Duke of Lancaster, The eldest Sonne and Heire of Iohn of Gaunt, Crown'd by the Name of Henry the fourth, Seiz'd on the Realme, depos'd the rightfull King, Sent his poore Queene to France, from whence she came, And him to Pumfret; where, as all you know, Harmelesse Richard was murthered traiterously

Warw. Father, the Duke hath told the truth; Thus got the House of Lancaster the Crowne

Yorke. Which now they hold by force, and not by right: For Richard, the first Sonnes Heire, being dead, The Issue of the next Sonne should haue reign'd

Salisb. But William of Hatfield dyed without an Heire

Yorke. The third Sonne, Duke of Clarence, From whose Line I clayme the Crowne, Had Issue Phillip, a Daughter, Who marryed Edmond Mortimer, Earle of March: Edmond had Issue, Roger, Earle of March; Roger had Issue, Edmond, Anne, and Elianor

Salisb. This Edmond, in the Reigne of Bullingbrooke, As I haue read, layd clayme vnto the Crowne, And but for Owen Glendour, had beene King; Who kept him in Captiuitie, till he dyed.

But, to the rest

Yorke. His eldest Sister, Anne, My Mother, being Heire vnto the Crowne, Marryed Richard, Earle of Cambridge, Who was to Edmond Langley, Edward the thirds fift Sonnes Sonne; By her I clayme the Kingdome: She was Heire to Roger, Earle of March, Who was the Sonne of Edmond Mortimer, Who marryed Phillip, sole Daughter Vnto Lionel, Duke of Clarence.

So, if the Issue of the elder Sonne Succeed before the younger, I am King

Warw. What plaine proceedings is more plain then this?

Henry doth clayme the Crowne from Iohn of Gaunt, The fourth Sonne, Yorke claymes it from the third: Till Lionels Issue fayles, his should not reigne.

It fayles not yet, but flourishes in thee, And in thy Sonnes, faire slippes of such a Stock.

Then Father Salisbury, kneele we together, And in this priuate Plot be we the first, That shall salute our rightfull Soueraigne With honor of his Birth-right to the Crowne

Both. Long liue our Soueraigne Richard, Englands King

Yorke. We thanke you Lords: But I am not your King, till I be Crown'd, And that my Sword be stayn'd With heart-blood of the House of Lancaster: And that's not suddenly to be perform'd, But with aduice and silent secrecie.

Doe you as I doe in these dangerous dayes, Winke at the Duke of Suffolkes insolence, At Beaufords Pride, at Somersets Ambition, At Buckingham, and all the Crew of them, Till they haue snar'd the Shepheard of the Flock, That vertuous Prince, the good Duke Humfrey: 'Tis that they seeke; and they, in seeking that, Shall finde their deaths, if Yorke can prophecie

Salisb. My Lord, breake we off; we know your minde at full

Warw. My heart a.s.sures me, that the Earle of Warwick Shall one day make the Duke of Yorke a King

Yorke. And Neuill, this I doe a.s.sure my selfe, Richard shall liue to make the Earle of Warwick The greatest man in England, but the King.


Sound Trumpets. Enter the King and State, with Guard, to banish the d.u.c.h.esse.

King. Stand forth Dame Elianor Cobham, Glosters Wife: In sight of G.o.d, and vs, your guilt is great, Receiue the Sentence of the Law for sinne, Such as by G.o.ds Booke are adiudg'd to death.

You foure from hence to Prison, back againe; From thence, vnto the place of Execution: The Witch in Smithfield shall be burnt to ashes, And you three shall be strangled on the Gallowes.

You Madame, for you are more n.o.bly borne, Despoyled of your Honor in your Life, Shall, after three dayes open Penance done, Liue in your Countrey here, in Banishment, With Sir Iohn Stanly, in the Ile of Man

Elianor. Welcome is Banishment, welcome were my Death

Glost. Elianor, the Law thou seest hath iudged thee, I cannot iustifie whom the Law condemnes: Mine eyes are full of teares, my heart of griefe.

Ah Humfrey, this dishonor in thine age, Will bring thy head with sorrow to the ground.

I beseech your Maiestie giue me leaue to goe; Sorrow would sollace, and mine Age would ease

King. Stay Humfrey, Duke of Gloster, Ere thou goe, giue vp thy Staffe, Henry will to himselfe Protector be, And G.o.d shall be my hope, my stay, my guide, And Lanthorne to my feete: And goe in peace, Humfrey, no lesse belou'd, Then when thou wert Protector to thy King

Queene. I see no reason, why a King of yeeres Should be to be protected like a Child, G.o.d and King Henry gouerne Englands Realme: Giue vp your Staffe, Sir, and the King his Realme

Glost. My Staffe? Here, n.o.ble Henry, is my Staffe: As willingly doe I the same resigne, As ere thy Father Henry made it mine; And euen as willingly at thy feete I leaue it, As others would ambitiously receiue it.

Farewell good King: when I am dead, and gone, May honorable Peace attend thy Throne.

Exit Gloster.

Queene. Why now is Henry King, and Margaret Queen, And Humfrey, Duke of Gloster, scarce himselfe, That beares so shrewd a mayme: two Pulls at once; His Lady banisht, and a Limbe lopt off.

This Staffe of Honor raught, there let it stand, Where it best fits to be, in Henries hand

Suff. Thus droupes this loftie Pyne, & hangs his sprayes, Thus Elianors Pride dyes in her youngest dayes

Yorke. Lords, let him goe. Please it your Maiestie, This is the day appointed for the Combat, And ready are the Appellant and Defendant, The Armorer and his Man, to enter the Lists, So please your Highnesse to behold the fight

Queene. I, good my Lord: for purposely therefore Left I the Court, to see this Quarrell try'de

King. A G.o.ds Name see the Lysts and all things fit, Here let them end it, and G.o.d defend the right

Yorke. I neuer saw a fellow worse bestead, Or more afraid to fight, then is the Appellant, The seruant of this Armorer, my Lords.

Enter at one Doore the Armorer and his Neighbors, drinking to him so much, that hee is drunke; and he enters with a Drumme before him, and his Staffe, with a Sand-bagge fastened to it: and at the other Doore his Man, with a Drumme and Sand-bagge, and Prentices drinking to him.

1.Neighbor. Here Neighbour Horner, I drinke to you in a Cup of Sack; and feare not Neighbor, you shall doe well enough

2.Neighbor. And here Neighbour, here's a Cuppe of Charneco

3.Neighbor. And here's a Pot of good Double-Beere Neighbor: drinke, and feare not your Man

Armorer. Let it come yfaith, and Ile pledge you all, and a figge for Peter

1.Prent. Here Peter, I drinke to thee, and be not afraid

2.Prent. Be merry Peter, and feare not thy Master, Fight for credit of the Prentices

Peter. I thanke you all: drinke, and pray for me, I pray you, for I thinke I haue taken my last Draught in this World. Here Robin, and if I dye, I giue thee my; and Will, thou shalt haue my Hammer: and here Tom, take all the Money that I haue. O Lord blesse me, I pray G.o.d, for I am neuer able to deale with my Master, hee hath learnt so much fence already

Salisb. Come, leaue your drinking, and fall to blowes.

Sirrha, what's thy Name?

Peter. Peter forsooth

Salisb. Peter? what more?

Peter. Thumpe

Salisb. Thumpe? Then see thou thumpe thy Master well