King. Alas, your too much loue and care of me, Are heauy Orisons 'gainst this poore wretch: If little faults proceeding on distemper, Shall not be wink'd at, how shall we stretch our eye When capitall crimes, chew'd, swallow'd, and digested, Appeare before vs? Wee'l yet inlarge that man, Though Cambridge, Scroope, and Gray, in their deere care And tender preseruation of our person Wold haue him punish'd. And now to our French causes, Who are the late Commissioners?
Cam. I one my Lord, Your Highnesse bad me aske for it to day
Scro. So did you me my Liege
Gray. And I my Royall Soueraigne
King. Then Richard Earle of Cambridge, there is yours: There yours Lord Scroope of Masham, and Sir Knight: Gray of Northumberland, this same is yours: Reade them, and know I know your worthinesse.
My Lord of Westmerland, and Vnkle Exeter, We will aboord to night. Why how now Gentlemen?
What see you in those papers, that you loose So much complexion? Looke ye how they change: Their cheekes are paper. Why, what reade you there, That haue so cowarded and chac'd your blood Out of apparance
Cam. I do confesse my fault, And do submit me to your Highnesse mercy
Gray. Scro. To which we all appeale
King. The mercy that was quicke in vs but late, By your owne counsaile is supprest and kill'd: You must not dare (for shame) to talke of mercy, For your owne reasons turne into your bosomes, As dogs vpon their maisters, worrying you: See you my Princes, and my n.o.ble Peeres, These English monsters: My Lord of Cambridge heere, You know how apt our loue was, to accord To furnish with all appertinents Belonging to his Honour; and this man, Hath for a few light Crownes, lightly conspir'd And sworne vnto the practises of France To kill vs heere in Hampton. To the which, This Knight no lesse for bounty bound to Vs Then Cambridge is, hath likewise sworne. But O, What shall I say to thee Lord Scroope, thou cruell, Ingratefull, sauage, and inhumane Creature?
Thou that didst beare the key of all my counsailes, That knew'st the very bottome of my soule, That (almost) might'st haue coyn'd me into Golde, Would'st thou haue practis'd on me, for thy vse?
May it be possible, that forraigne hyer Could out of thee extract one sparke of euill That might annoy my finger? 'Tis so strange, That though the truth of it stands off as grosse As black and white, my eye will sca.r.s.ely see it.
Treason, and murther, euer kept together, As two yoake diuels sworne to eythers purpose, Working so grossely in an naturall cause, That admiration did not hoope at them.
But thou (gainst all proportion) didst bring in Wonder to waite on treason, and on murther: And whatsoeuer cunning fiend it was That wrought vpon thee so preposterously, Hath got the voyce in h.e.l.l for excellence: And other diuels that suggest by treasons, Do botch and bungle vp d.a.m.nation, With patches, colours, and with formes being fetcht From glist'ring semblances of piety: But he that temper'd thee, bad thee stand vp, Gaue thee no instance why thou shouldst do treason, Vnlesse to dub thee with the name of Traitor.
If that same Daemon that hath gull'd thee thus, Should with his Lyon-gate walke the whole world, He might returne to vastie Tartar backe, And tell the Legions, I can neuer win A soule so easie as that Englishmans.
Oh, how hast thou with iealousie infected The sweetnesse of affiance? Shew men dutifull, Why so didst thou: seeme they graue and learned?
Why so didst thou. Come they of n.o.ble Family?
Why so didst thou. Seeme they religious?
Why so didst thou. Or are they spare in diet, Free from grosse pa.s.sion, or of mirth, or anger, Constant in spirit, not sweruing with the blood, Garnish'd and deck'd in modest complement, Not working with the eye, without the eare, And but in purged iudgement trusting neither, Such and so finely boulted didst thou seeme: And thus thy fall hath left a kinde of blot, To make thee full fraught man, and best indued With some suspition, I will weepe for thee.
For this reuolt of thine, me thinkes is like Another fall of Man. Their faults are open, Arrest them to the answer of the Law, And G.o.d acquit them of their practises
Exe. I arrest thee of High Treason, by the name of Richard Earle of Cambridge.
I arrest thee of High Treason, by the name of Thomas Lord Scroope of Marsham.
I arrest thee of High Treason, by the name of Thomas Grey, Knight of Northumberland
Scro. Our purposes, G.o.d iustly hath discouer'd, And I repent my fault more then my death, Which I beseech your Highnesse to forgiue, Although my body pay the price of it
Cam. For me, the Gold of France did not seduce, Although I did admit it as a motiue, The sooner to effect what I intended: But G.o.d be thanked for preuention, Which in sufferance heartily will reioyce, Beseeching G.o.d, and you, to pardon mee
Gray. Neuer did faithfull subiect more reioyce At the discouery of most dangerous Treason, Then I do at this houre ioy ore my selfe, Preuented from a d.a.m.ned enterprize; My fault, but not my body, pardon Soueraigne
King. G.o.d quit you in his mercy: Hear your sentence You haue conspir'd against Our Royall person, Ioyn'd with an enemy proclaim'd, and from his Coffers, Receyu'd the Golden Earnest of Our death: Wherein you would haue sold your King to slaughter, His Princes, and his Peeres to seruitude, His Subiects to oppression, and contempt, And his whole Kingdome into desolation: Touching our person, seeke we no reuenge, But we our Kingdomes safety must so tender, Whose ruine you sought, that to her Lawes We do deliuer you. Get you therefore hence, (Poore miserable wretches) to your death: The taste whereof, G.o.d of his mercy giue You patience to indure, and true Repentance Of all your deare offences. Beare them hence.
Now Lords for France: the enterprise whereof Shall be to you as vs, like glorious.
We doubt not of a faire and luckie Warre, Since G.o.d so graciously hath brought to light This dangerous Treason, lurking in our way, To hinder our beginnings. We doubt not now, But euery Rubbe is smoothed on our way.
Then forth, deare Countreymen: Let vs deliuer Our Puissance into the hand of G.o.d, Putting it straight in expedition.
Chearely to Sea, the signes of Warre aduance, No King of England, if not King of France.
Enter Pistoll, Nim, Bardolph, Boy, and Hostesse.
Hostesse. 'Prythee honey sweet Husband, let me bring thee to Staines
Pistoll. No: for my manly heart doth erne. Bardolph, be blythe: Nim, rowse thy vaunting Veines: Boy, brissle thy Courage vp: for Falstaffe hee is dead, and wee must erne therefore
Bard. Would I were with him, wheresomere hee is, eyther in Heauen, or in h.e.l.l
Hostesse. Nay sure, hee's not in h.e.l.l: hee's in Arthurs Bosome, if euer man went to Arthurs Bosome: a made a finer end, and went away and it had beene any Christome Childe: a parted eu'n iust betweene Twelue and One, eu'n at the turning o'th' Tyde: for after I saw him fumble with the Sheets, and play with Flowers, and smile vpon his fingers end, I knew there was but one way: for his Nose was as sharpe as a Pen, and a Table of greene fields. How now Sir Iohn (quoth I?) what man? be a good cheare: so a cryed out, G.o.d, G.o.d, G.o.d, three or foure times: now I, to comfort him, bid him a should not thinke of G.o.d; I hop'd there was no neede to trouble himselfe with any such thoughts yet: so a bad me lay more Clothes on his feet: I put my hand into the Bed, and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone: then I felt to his knees, and so vp-peer'd, and vpward, and all was as cold as any stone
Nim. They say he cryed out of Sack
Hostesse. I, that a did
Bard. And of Women
Hostesse. Nay, that a did not
Boy. Yes that a did, and said they were Deules incarnate
Woman. A could neuer abide Carnation, 'twas a Colour he neuer lik'd
Boy. A said once, the Deule would haue him about Women
Hostesse. A did in some sort (indeed) handle Women: but then hee was rumatique, and talk'd of the Wh.o.r.e of Babylon
Boy. Doe you not remember a saw a Flea sticke vpon Bardolphs Nose, and a said it was a blacke Soule burning in h.e.l.l
Bard. Well, the fuell is gone that maintain'd that fire: that's all the Riches I got in his seruice
Nim. Shall wee shogg? the King will be gone from Southampton
Pist. Come, let's away. My Loue, giue me thy Lippes: Looke to my Chattels, and my Moueables: Let Sences rule: The world is, Pitch and pay: trust none: for Oathes are Strawes, mens Faiths are Wafer-Cakes, and hold-fast is the onely Dogge: My Ducke, therefore Caueto bee thy Counsailor. Goe, cleare thy Chrystalls. Yokefellowes in Armes, let vs to France, like Horseleeches my Boyes, to sucke, to sucke, the very blood to sucke
Boy. And that's but vnwholesome food, they say
Pist. Touch her soft mouth, and march
Bard. Farwell Hostesse
Nim. I cannot kisse, that is the humor of it: but adieu
Pist. Let Huswiferie appeare: keepe close, I thee command
Hostesse. Farwell: adieu.
Enter the French King, the Dolphin, the Dukes of Berry and Britaine.
King. Thus comes the English with full power vpon vs, And more then carefully it vs concernes, To answer Royally in our defences.