Fal. Thou do'st giue me flatt'ring Busses
Dol. Nay truely, I kisse thee with a most constant heart
Fal. I am olde, I am olde
Dol. I loue thee better, then I loue ere a scuruie young Boy of them all
Fal. What Stuffe wilt thou haue a Kirtle of? I shall receiue Money on Thursday: thou shalt haue a Cappe to morrow. A merrie Song, come: it growes late, wee will to Bed. Thou wilt forget me, when I am gone
Dol. Thou wilt set me a weeping, if thou say'st so: proue that euer I dresse my selfe handsome, till thy returne: well, hearken the end
Fal. Some Sack, Francis
Prin. Poin. Anon, anon, Sir
Fal. Ha? a b.a.s.t.a.r.d Sonne of the Kings? And art not thou Poines, his Brother?
Prince. Why thou Globe of sinfull Continents, what a life do'st thou lead?
Fal. A better then thou: I am a Gentleman, thou art a Drawer
Prince. Very true, Sir: and I come to draw you out by the Eares
Host. Oh, the Lord preserue thy good Grace: Welcome to London. Now Heauen blesse that sweete Face of thine: what, are you come from Wales?
Fal. Thou whorson mad Compound of Maiestie: by this light Flesh, and corrupt Blood, thou art welcome
Dol. How? you fat Foole, I scorne you
Poin. My Lord, hee will driue you out of your reuenge, and turne all to a merryment, if you take not the heat
Prince. You whorson Candle-myne you, how vildly did you speake of me euen now, before this honest, vertuous, ciuill Gentlewoman?
Host. 'Blessing on your good heart, and so shee is by my troth
Fal. Didst thou heare me?
Prince. Yes: and you knew me, as you did when you ranne away by Gads-hill: you knew I was at your back, and spoke it on purpose, to trie my patience
Fal. No, no, no: not so: I did not thinke, thou wast within hearing
Prince. I shall driue you then to confesse the wilfull abuse, and then I know how to handle you
Fal. No abuse (Hall) on mine Honor, no abuse
Prince. Not to disprayse me? and call me Pantler, and Bread-chopper, and I know not what?
Fal. No abuse (Hal.) Poin. No abuse?
Fal. No abuse (Ned) in the World: honest Ned none.
I disprays'd him before the Wicked, that the Wicked might not fall in loue with him: In which doing, I haue done the part of a carefull Friend, and a true Subiect, and thy Father is to giue me thankes for it. No abuse (Hal:) none (Ned) none; no Boyes, none
Prince. See now whether pure Feare, and entire Cowardise, doth not make thee wrong this vertuous Gentlewoman, to close with vs? Is shee of the Wicked? Is thine Hostesse heere, of the Wicked? Or is the Boy of the Wicked? Or honest Bardolph (whose Zeale burnes in his Nose) of the Wicked?
Poin. Answere thou dead Elme, answere
Fal. The Fiend hath p.r.i.c.kt downe Bardolph irrecouerable, and his Face is Lucifers Priuy-Kitchin, where hee doth nothing but rost Mault-Wormes: for the Boy, there is a good Angell about him, but the Deuill outbids him too
Prince. For the Women?
Fal. For one of them, shee is in h.e.l.l alreadie, and burnes poore Soules: for the other, I owe her Money; and whether shee bee d.a.m.n'd for that, I know not
Host. No, I warrant you
Fal. No, I thinke thou art not: I thinke thou art quit for that. Marry, there is another Indictment vpon thee, for suffering flesh to bee eaten in thy house, contrary to the Law, for the which I thinke thou wilt howle
Host. All Victuallers doe so: What is a Ioynt of Mutton, or two, in a whole Lent?
Prince. You, Gentlewoman
Dol. What sayes your Grace?
Falst. His Grace sayes that, which his flesh rebells against
Host. Who knocks so lowd at doore? Looke to the doore there, Francis?
Enter Peto.
Prince. Peto, how now? what newes?
Peto. The King, your Father, is at Westminster, And there are twentie weake and wearied Postes, Come from the North: and as I came along, I met, and ouer-tooke a dozen Captaines, Bare-headed, sweating, knocking at the Tauernes, And asking euery one for Sir Iohn Falstaffe
Prince. By Heauen (Poines) I feele me much to blame, So idly to prophane the precious time, When Tempest of Commotion, like the South, Borne with black Vapour, doth begin to melt, And drop vpon our bare vnarmed heads.
Giue me my Sword, and Cloake: Falstaffe, good night.
Falst. Now comes in the sweetest Morsell of the night, and wee must hence, and leaue it vnpickt. More knocking at the doore? How now? what's the matter?
Bard. You must away to Court, Sir, presently, A dozen Captaines stay at doore for you
Falst. Pay the Musitians, Sirrha: farewell Hostesse, farewell Dol. You see (my good Wenches) how men of Merit are sought after: the vndeseruer may sleepe, when the man of Action is call'd on. Farewell good Wenches: if I be not sent away poste, I will see you againe, ere I goe
Dol. I cannot speake: if my heart bee not readie to burst- Well (sweete Iacke) haue a care of thy selfe
Falst. Farewell, farewell.
Host. Well, fare thee well: I haue knowne thee these twentie nine yeeres, come Pescod-time: but an honester, and truer-hearted man- Well, fare thee well
Bard. Mistris Teare-sheet
Host. What's the matter?
Bard. Bid Mistris Teare-sheet come to my Master
Host. Oh runne Dol, runne: runne, good Dol.
Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.
Enter the King, with a Page.