But, thou didst vnderstand me by my signes, And didst in signes againe parley with sinne, Yea, without stop, didst let thy heart consent, And consequently, thy rude hand to acte The deed, which both our tongues held vilde to name.
Out of my sight, and neuer see me more: My n.o.bles leaue me, and my State is braued, Euen at my gates, with rankes of forraigne powres; Nay, in the body of this fleshly Land, This kingdome, this Confine of blood, and breathe Hostilitie, and ciuill tumult reignes Betweene my conscience, and my Cosins death
Hub. Arme you against your other enemies: Ile make a peace betweene your soule, and you.
Yong Arthur is aliue: This hand of mine Is yet a maiden, and an innocent hand.
Not painted with the Crimson spots of blood, Within this bosome, neuer entred yet The dreadfull motion of a murderous thought, And you haue slander'd Nature in my forme, Which howsoeuer rude exteriorly, Is yet the couer of a fayrer minde, Then to be butcher of an innocent childe
Iohn. Doth Arthur liue? O hast thee to the Peeres, Throw this report on their incensed rage, And make them tame to their obedience.
Forgiue the Comment that my pa.s.sion made Vpon thy feature, for my rage was blinde, And foule immaginarie eyes of blood Presented thee more hideous then thou art.
Oh, answer not; but to my Closset bring The angry Lords, with all expedient hast, I coniure thee but slowly: run more fast.
Scoena Tertia.
Enter Arthur on the walles.
Ar. The Wall is high, and yet will I leape downe.
Good ground be pittifull, and hurt me not: There's few or none do know me, if they did, This Ship-boyes semblance hath disguis'd me quite.
I am afraide, and yet Ile venture it.
If I get downe, and do not breake my limbes, Ile finde a thousand shifts to get away; As good to dye, and go; as dye, and stay.
Oh me, my Vnckles spirit is in these stones, Heauen take my soule, and England keep my bones.
Enter Pembroke, Salisbury, & Bigot.
Sal. Lords, I will meet him at S[aint]. Edmondsbury, It is our safetie, and we must embrace This gentle offer of the perillous time
Pem. Who brought that Letter from the Cardinall?
Sal. The Count Meloone, a n.o.ble Lord of France, Whose priuate with me of the Dolphines loue, Is much more generall, then these lines import
Big. To morrow morning let vs meete him then
Sal. Or rather then set forward, for 'twill be Two long dayes iourney (Lords) or ere we meete.
Enter b.a.s.t.a.r.d.
Bast. Once more to day well met, distemper'd Lords, The King by me requests your presence straight
Sal. The king hath dispossest himselfe of vs, We will not lyne his thin-bestained cloake With our pure Honors: nor attend the foote That leaues the print of blood where ere it walkes.
Returne, and tell him so: we know the worst
Bast. What ere you thinke, good words I thinke were best
Sal. Our greefes, and not our manners reason now
Bast. But there is little reason in your greefe.
Therefore 'twere reason you had manners now
Pem. Sir, sir, impatience hath his priuiledge
Bast. 'Tis true, to hurt his master, no mans else
Sal. This is the prison: What is he lyes heere?
P. Oh death, made proud with pure & princely beuty, The earth had not a hole to hide this deede
Sal. Murther, as hating what himselfe hath done, Doth lay it open to vrge on reuenge
Big. Or when he doom'd this Beautie to a graue, Found it too precious Princely, for a graue
Sal. Sir Richard, what thinke you? you haue beheld, Or haue you read, or heard, or could you thinke?
Or do you almost thinke, although you see, That you do see? Could thought, without this obiect Forme such another? This is the very top, The heighth, the Crest: or Crest vnto the Crest Of murthers Armes: This is the bloodiest shame, The wildest Sauagery, the vildest stroke That euer wall-ey'd wrath, or staring rage Presented to the teares of soft remorse
Pem. All murthers past, do stand excus'd in this: And this so sole, and so vnmatcheable, Shall giue a holinesse, a puritie, To the yet vnbegotten sinne of times; And proue a deadly bloodshed, but a iest, Exampled by this heynous spectacle
Bast. It is a d.a.m.ned, and a b.l.o.o.d.y worke, The gracelesse action of a heauy hand, If that it be the worke of any hand
Sal. If that it be the worke of any hand?
We had a kinde of light, what would ensue: It is the shamefull worke of Huberts hand, The practice, and the purpose of the king: From whose obedience I forbid my soule, Kneeling before this ruine of sweete life, And breathing to his breathlesse Excellence The Incense of a Vow, a holy Vow: Neuer to taste the pleasures of the world, Neuer to be infected with delight, Nor conuersant with Ease, and Idlenesse, Till I haue set a glory to this hand, By giuing it the worship of Reuenge
Pem. Big. Our soules religiously confirme thy words.
Enter Hubert.
Hub. Lords, I am hot with haste, in seeking you, Arthur doth liue, the king hath sent for you
Sal. Oh he is bold, and blushes not at death, Auant thou hatefull villain, get thee gone
Hu. I am no villaine
Sal. Must I rob the Law?
Bast. Your sword is bright sir, put it vp againe
Sal. Not till I sheath it in a murtherers skin
Hub. Stand backe Lord Salsbury, stand backe I say By heauen, I thinke my sword's as sharpe as yours.
I would not haue you (Lord) forget your selfe, Nor tempt the danger of my true defence; Least I, by marking of your rage, forget Your Worth, your Greatnesse, and n.o.bility
Big. Out dunghill: dar'st thou braue a n.o.bleman?
Hub. Not for my life: But yet I dare defend My innocent life against an Emperor
Sal. Thou art a Murtherer
Hub. Do not proue me so: Yet I am none. Whose tongue so ere speakes false, Not truely speakes: who speakes not truly, Lies
Pem. Cut him to peeces
Bast. Keepe the peace, I say
Sal. Stand by, or I shall gaul you Faulconbridge