Fa. He is as horribly conceited of him: and pants, & lookes pale, as if a Beare were at his heeles
To. There's no remedie sir, he will fight with you for's oath sake: marrie hee hath better bethought him of his quarrell, and hee findes that now sca.r.s.e to bee worth talking of: therefore draw for the supportance of his vowe, he protests he will not hurt you
Vio. Pray G.o.d defend me: a little thing would make me tell them how much I lacke of a man
Fab. Giue ground if you see him furious
To. Come sir Andrew, there's no remedie, the Gentleman will for his honors sake haue one bowt with you: he cannot by the Duello auoide it: but hee has promised me, as he is a Gentleman and a Soldiour, he will not hurt you. Come on, too't
And. Pray G.o.d he keepe his oath.
Enter Antonio.
Vio. I do a.s.sure you tis against my will
Ant. Put vp your sword: if this yong Gentleman Haue done offence, I take the fault on me: If you offend him, I for him defie you
To. You sir? Why, what are you?
Ant. One sir, that for his loue dares yet do more Then you haue heard him brag to you he will
To. Nay, if you be an vndertaker, I am for you.
Enter Officers.
Fab. O good sir Toby hold: heere come the Officers
To. Ile be with you anon
Vio. Pray sir, put your sword vp if you please
And. Marry will I sir: and for that I promis'd you Ile be as good as my word. Hee will beare you easily, and raines well
1.Off. This is the man, do thy Office
2.Off. Anthonio, I arrest thee at the suit of Count Orsino An. You do mistake me sir
1.Off. No sir, no iot: I know your fauour well: Though now you haue no sea-cap on your head: Take him away, he knowes I know him well
Ant. I must obey. This comes with seeking you: But there's no remedie, I shall answer it: What will you do: now my necessitie Makes me to aske you for my purse. It greeues mee Much more, for what I cannot do for you, Then what befals my selfe: you stand amaz'd, But be of comfort
2.Off. Come sir away
Ant. I must entreat of you some of that money
Vio. What money sir?
For the fayre kindnesse you haue shew'd me heere, And part being prompted by your present trouble, Out of my leane and low ability Ile lend you something: my hauing is not much, Ile make diuision of my present with you: Hold, there's halfe my Coffer
Ant. Will you deny me now, Ist possible that my deserts to you Can lacke perswasion. Do not tempt my misery, Least that it make me so vnsound a man As to vpbraid you with those kindnesses That I haue done for you
Vio. I know of none, Nor know I you by voyce, or any feature: I hate ingrat.i.tude more in a man, Then lying, vainnesse, babling drunkennesse, Or any taint of vice, whose strong corruption Inhabites our fraile blood
Ant. Oh heauens themselues
2.Off. Come sir, I pray you go
Ant. Let me speake a little. This youth that you see heere, I s.n.a.t.c.h'd one halfe out of the iawes of death, Releeu'd him with such sanct.i.tie of loue; And to his image, which me thought did promise Most venerable worth, did I deuotion
1.Off. What's that to vs, the time goes by: Away
Ant. But oh, how vilde an idoll proues this G.o.d: Thou hast Sebastian done good feature, shame.
In Nature, there's no blemish but the minde: None can be call'd deform'd, but the vnkinde.
Vertue is beauty, but the beauteous euill Are empty trunkes, ore-flourish'd by the deuill
1.Off. The man growes mad, away with him: Come, come sir
Ant. Leade me on.
Vio. Me thinkes his words do from such pa.s.sion flye That he beleeues himselfe, so do not I: Proue true imagination, oh proue true, That I deere brother, be now tane for you
To. Come hither Knight, come hither Fabian: Weel whisper ore a couplet or two of most sage sawes
Vio. He nam'd Sebastian: I my brother know Yet liuing in my gla.s.se: euen such, and so In fauour was my Brother, and he went Still in this fashion, colour, ornament, For him I imitate: Oh if it proue, Tempests are kinde, and salt waues fresh in loue
To. A very dishonest paltry boy, and more a coward then a Hare, his dishonesty appeares, in leauing his frend heere in necessity, and denying him: and for his cowardship aske Fabian
Fab. A Coward, a most deuout Coward, religious in it
And. Slid Ile after him againe, and beate him
To. Do, cuffe him soundly, but neuer draw thy sword And. And I do not
Fab. Come, let's see the euent
To. I dare lay any money, twill be nothing yet.
Actus Quartus, Scaena prima.
Enter Sebastian and Clowne
Clo. Will you make me beleeue, that I am not sent for you?
Seb. Go too, go too, thou art a foolish fellow, Let me be cleere of thee
Clo. Well held out yfaith: No, I do not know you, nor I am not sent to you by my Lady, to bid you come speake with her: nor your name is not Master Cesario, nor this is not my nose neyther: Nothing that is so, is so
Seb. I prethee vent thy folly some-where else, thou know'st not me