Gru. I gaue him no order, I gaue him the stuffe
Tail. But how did you desire it should be made?
Gru. Marrie sir with needle and thred
Tail. But did you not request to haue it cut?
Gru. Thou hast fac'd many things
Tail. I haue
Gru. Face not mee: thou hast brau'd manie men, braue not me; I will neither bee fac'd nor brau'd. I say vnto thee, I bid thy Master cut out the gowne, but I did not bid him cut it to peeces. Ergo thou liest
Tail. Why heere is the note of the fashion to testify
Pet. Reade it
Gru. The note lies in's throate if he say I said so
Tail. Inprimis, a loose bodied gowne
Gru. Master, if euer I said loose-bodied gowne, sow me in the skirts of it, and beate me to death with a bottome of browne thred: I said a gowne
Pet. Proceede
Tai. With a small compast cape
Gru. I confesse the cape
Tai. With a trunke sleeue
Gru. I confesse two sleeues
Tai. The sleeues curiously cut
Pet. I there's the villanie
Gru. Error i'th bill sir, error i'th bill? I commanded the sleeues should be cut out, and sow'd vp againe, and that Ile proue vpon thee, though thy little finger be armed in a thimble
Tail. This is true that I say, and I had thee in place where thou shouldst know it
Gru. I am for thee straight: take thou the bill, giue me thy meat-yard, and spare not me
Hor. G.o.d-a-mercie Grumio, then hee shall haue no oddes
Pet. Well sir in breefe the gowne is not for me
Gru. You are i'th right sir, 'tis for my mistris
Pet. Go take it vp vnto thy masters vse
Gru. Villaine, not for thy life: Take vp my Mistresse gowne for thy masters vse
Pet. Why sir, what's your conceit in that?
Gru. Oh sir, the conceit is deeper then you think for: Take vp my Mistris gowne to his masters vse.
Oh fie, fie, fie
Pet. Hortensio, say thou wilt see the Tailor paide: Go take it hence, be gone, and say no more
Hor. Tailor, Ile pay thee for thy gowne to morrow, Take no vnkindnesse of his hastie words: Away I say, commend me to thy master.
Exit Tail.
Pet. Well, come my Kate, we will vnto your fathers, Euen in these honest meane habiliments: Our purses shall be proud, our garments poore: For 'tis the minde that makes the bodie rich.
And as the Sunne breakes through the darkest clouds, So honor peereth in the meanest habit.
What is the Iay more precious then the Larke?
Because his feathers are more beautifull.
Or is the Adder better then the Eele, Because his painted skin contents the eye.
Oh no good Kate: neither art thou the worse For this poore furniture, and meane array.
If thou accountedst it shame, lay it on me, And therefore frolicke, we will hence forthwith, To feast and sport vs at thy fathers house, Go call my men, and let vs straight to him, And bring our horses vnto Long-lane end, There wil we mount, and thither walke on foote, Let's see, I thinke 'tis now some seuen a clocke, And well we may come there by dinner time
Kate. I dare a.s.sure you sir, 'tis almost two, And 'twill be supper time ere you come there
Pet. It shall be seuen ere I go to horse: Looke what I speake, or do, or thinke to doe, You are still crossing it, sirs let't alone, I will not goe to day, and ere I doe, It shall be what a clock I say it is
Hor. Why so this gallant will command the sunne.
Enter Tranio, and the Pedant drest like Vincentio.
Tra. Sirs, this is the house, please it you that I call
Ped. I what else, and but I be deceiued, Signior Baptista may remember me Neere twentie yeares a goe in Genoa
Tra. Where we were lodgers, at the Pegasus, Tis well, and hold your owne in any case With such austeritie as longeth to a father.
Enter Biondello.
Ped. I warrant you: but sir here comes your boy, 'Twere good he were school'd
Tra. Feare you not him: sirra Biondello, Now doe your dutie throughlie I aduise you: Imagine 'twere the right Vincentio
Bion. Tut, feare not me
Tra. But hast thou done thy errand to Baptista
Bion. I told him that your father was at Venice, And that you look't for him this day in Padua, Tra. Th'art a tall fellow, hold thee that to drinke, Here comes Baptista: set your countenance sir.
Enter Baptista and Lucentio: Pedant booted and bare headed.
Tra. Signior Baptista you are happilie met: Sir, this is the gentleman I told you of, I pray you stand good father to me now, Giue me Bianca for my patrimony
Ped. Soft son: sir by your leaue, hauing com to Padua To gather in some debts, my son Lucentio Made me acquainted with a waighty cause Of loue betweene your daughter and himselfe: And for the good report I heare of you, And for the loue he beareth to your daughter, And she to him: to stay him not too long, I am content in a good fathers care To haue him matcht, and if you please to like No worse then I, vpon some agreement Me shall you finde readie and willing With one consent to haue her so bestowed: For curious I cannot be with you Signior Baptista, of whom I heare so well