Gru. And that his bags shal proue
Hor. Gremio, 'tis now no time to vent our loue, Listen to me, and if you speake me faire, Ile tel you newes indifferent good for either.
Heere is a Gentleman whom by chance I met Vpon agreement from vs to his liking, Will vndertake to woo curst Katherine, Yea, and to marrie her, if her dowrie please
Gre. So said, so done, is well: Hortensio, haue you told him all her faults?
Petr. I know she is an irkesome brawling scold: If that be all Masters, I heare no harme
Gre. No, sayst me so, friend? What Countreyman?
Petr. Borne in Verona, old Butonios sonne: My father dead, my fortune liues for me, And I do hope, good dayes and long, to see
Gre. Oh sir, such a life with such a wife, were strange: But if you haue a stomacke, too't a G.o.ds name, You shal haue me a.s.sisting you in all.
But will you woo this Wilde-cat?
Petr. Will I liue?
Gru. Wil he woo her? I: or Ile hang her
Petr. Why came I hither, but to that intent?
Thinke you, a little dinne can daunt mine eares?
Haue I not in my time heard Lions rore?
Haue I not heard the sea, puft vp with windes, Rage like an angry Boare, chafed with sweat?
Haue I not heard great Ordnance in the field?
And heauens Artillerie thunder in the skies?
Haue I not in a pitched battell heard Loud larums, neighing steeds, & trumpets clangue?
And do you tell me of a womans tongue?
That giues not halfe so great a blow to heare, As wil a Chesse-nut in a Farmers fire.
Tush, tush, feare boyes with bugs
Gru. For he feares none
Grem. Hortensio hearke: This Gentleman is happily arriu'd, My minde presumes for his owne good, and yours
Hor. I promist we would be Contributors, And beare his charge of wooing whatsoere
Gremio. And so we wil, prouided that he win her
Gru. I would I were as sure of a good dinner.
Enter Tranio braue, and Biondello.
Tra. Gentlemen G.o.d saue you. If I may be bold Tell me I beseech you, which is the readiest way To the house of Signior Baptista Minola?
Bion. He that ha's the two faire daughters: ist he you meane?
Tra. Euen he Biondello
Gre. Hearke you sir, you meane not her to- Tra. Perhaps him and her sir, what haue you to do?
Petr. Not her that chides sir, at any hand I pray
Tranio. I loue no chiders sir: Biondello, let's away
Luc. Well begun Tranio
Hor. Sir, a word ere you go: Are you a sutor to the Maid you talke of, yea or no?
Tra. And if I be sir, is it any offence?
Gremio. No: if without more words you will get you hence
Tra. Why sir, I pray are not the streets as free For me, as for you?
Gre. But so is not she
Tra. For what reason I beseech you
Gre. For this reason if you'l kno, That she's the choise loue of Signior Gremio
Hor. That she's the chosen of signior Hortensio
Tra. Softly my Masters: If you be Gentlemen Do me this right: heare me with patience.
Baptista is a n.o.ble Gentleman, To whom my Father is not all vnknowne, And were his daughter fairer then she is, She may more sutors haue, and me for one.
Faire Laedaes daughter had a thousand wooers, Then well one more may faire Bianca haue; And so she shall: Lucentio shal make one, Though Paris came, in hope to speed alone
Gre. What, this Gentleman will out-talke vs all
Luc. Sir giue him head, I know hee'l proue a Iade
Petr. Hortensio, to what end are all these words?
Hor. Sir, let me be so bold as aske you, Did you yet euer see Baptistas daughter?
Tra. No sir, but heare I do that he hath two: The one, as famous for a scolding tongue, As is the other, for beauteous modestie
Petr. Sir, sir, the first's for me, let her go by
Gre. Yea, leaue that labour to great Hercules, And let it be more then Alcides twelue
Petr. Sir vnderstand you this of me (insooth) The yongest daughter whom you hearken for, Her father keepes from all accesse of sutors, And will not promise her to any man, Vntill the elder sister first be wed.
The yonger then is free, and not before
Tranio. If it be so sir, that you are the man Must steed vs all, and me amongst the rest: And if you breake the ice, and do this seeke, Atchieue the elder: set the yonger free, For our accesse, whose hap shall be to haue her, Wil not so gracelesse be, to be ingrate
Hor. Sir you say wel, and wel you do conceiue, And since you do professe to be a sutor, You must as we do, gratifie this Gentleman, To whom we all rest generally beholding
Tranio. Sir, I shal not be slacke, in signe whereof, Please ye we may contriue this afternoone, And quaffe carowses to our Mistresse health, And do as aduersaries do in law, Striue mightily, but eate and drinke as friends
Gru. Bion. Oh excellent motion: fellowes let's be gon
Hor. The motions good indeed, and be it so, Petruchio, I shal be your Been venuto.
Enter Katherina and Bianca.
Bian. Good sister wrong me not, nor wrong your self, To make a bondmaide and a slaue of mee, That I disdaine: but for these other goods, Vnbinde my hands, Ile pull them off my selfe, Yea all my raiment, to my petticoate, Or what you will command me, wil I do, So well I know my dutie to my elders
Kate. Of all thy sutors heere I charge tel Whom thou lou'st best: see thou dissemble not
Bianca. Beleeue me sister, of all the men aliue, I neuer yet beheld that speciall face, Which I could fancie, more then any other