Por. So do I my Lord, they are intirely welcome
Lor. I thanke your honor; for my part my Lord, My purpose was not to haue seene you heere, But meeting with Salerio by the way, He did intreate mee past all saying nay To come with him along
Sal. I did my Lord, And I haue reason for it, Signior Anthonio Commends him to you
Ba.s.s. Ere I ope his Letter I pray you tell me how my good friend doth
Sal. Not sicke my Lord, vnlesse it be in minde, Nor wel, vnlesse in minde: his Letter there Wil shew you his estate.
Opens the Letter.
Gra. Nerrissa, cheere yond stranger, bid her welcom.
Your hand Salerio, what's the newes from Venice?
How doth that royal Merchant good Anthonio; I know he will be glad of our successe, We are the Iasons, we haue won the fleece
Sal. I would you had won the fleece that hee hath lost
Por. There are some shrewd contents in yond same Paper, That steales the colour from Ba.s.sianos cheeke, Some deere friend dead, else nothing in the world Could turne so much the const.i.tution Of any constant man. What, worse and worse?
With leaue Ba.s.sanio I am halfe your selfe, And I must freely haue the halfe of any thing That this same paper brings you
Ba.s.s. O sweet Portia, Heere are a few of the vnpleasant'st words That euer blotted paper. Gentle Ladie When I did first impart my loue to you, I freely told you all the wealth I had Ran in my vaines: I was a Gentleman, And then I told you true: and yet deere Ladie, Rating my selfe at nothing, you shall see How much I was a Braggart, when I told you My state was nothing, I should then haue told you That I was worse then nothing: for indeede I haue ingag'd my selfe to a deere friend, Ingag'd my friend to his meere enemie To feede my meanes. Heere is a Letter Ladie, The paper as the bodie of my friend, And euerie word in it a gaping wound Issuing life blood. But is it true Salerio, Hath all his ventures faild, what not one hit, From Tripolis, from Mexico and England, From Lisbon, Barbary, and India, And not one vessell scape the dreadfull touch Of Merchant-marring rocks?
Sal. Not one my Lord.
Besides, it should appeare, that if he had The present money to discharge the Iew, He would not take it: neuer did I know A creature that did beare the shape of man So keene and greedy to confound a man.
He plyes the Duke at morning and at night, And doth impeach the freedome of the state If they deny him iustice. Twenty Merchants, The Duke himselfe, and the Magnificoes Of greatest port haue all perswaded with him, But none can driue him from the enuious plea Of forfeiture, of iustice, and his bond
Iessi. When I was with him, I haue heard him sweare To Tuball and to Chus, his Countri-men, That he would rather haue Anthonio's flesh, Then twenty times the value of the summe That he did owe him: and I know my Lord, If law, authoritie, and power denie not, It will goe hard with poore Anthonio
Por. Is it your deere friend that is thus in trouble?
Ba.s.s. The deerest friend to me, the kindest man, The best condition'd, and vnwearied spirit In doing curtesies: and one in whom The ancient Romane honour more appeares Then any that drawes breath in Italie
Por. What summe owes he the Iew?
Ba.s.s. For me three thousand ducats
Por. What, no more?
Pay him sixe thousand, and deface the bond: Double sixe thousand, and then treble that, Before a friend of this description Shall lose a haire through Ba.s.sanio's fault.
First goe with me to Church, and call me wife, And then away to Venice to your friend: For neuer shall you lie by Portias side With an vnquiet soule. You shall haue gold To pay the petty debt twenty times ouer.
When it is payd, bring your true friend along, My maid Nerrissa, and my selfe meane time Will liue as maids and widdowes; come away, For you shall hence vpon your wedding day: Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheere, Since you are deere bought, I will loue you deere.
But let me heare the letter of your friend.
Sweet Ba.s.sanio, my ships haue all miscarried, my Creditors grow cruell, my estate is very low, my bond to the Iew is forfeit, and since in paying it, it is impossible I should liue, all debts are cleerd between you and I, if I might see you at my death: notwithstanding, vse your pleasure, if your loue doe not perswade you to come, let not my letter
Por. O loue! dis.p.a.ch all busines and be gone
Ba.s.s. Since I haue your good leaue to goe away, I will make hast; but till I come againe, No bed shall ere be guilty of my stay, Nor rest be interposer twixt vs twaine.
Enter the Iew, and Solanio, and Anthonio, and the Iaylor.
Iew. Iaylor, looke to him, tell not me of mercy, This is the foole that lends out money gratis.
Iaylor, looke to him
Ant. Heare me yet good Shylok
Iew. Ile haue my bond, speake not against my bond, I haue sworne an oath that I will haue my bond: Thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause, But since I am a dog, beware my phangs, The Duke shall grant me iustice, I do wonder Thou naughty Iaylor, that thou art so fond To come abroad with him at his request
Ant. I pray thee heare me speake
Iew. Ile haue my bond, I will not heare thee speake, Ile haue my bond, and therefore speake no more, Ile not be made a soft and dull ey'd foole, To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yeeld To Christian intercessors: follow not, Ile haue no speaking, I will haue my bond.
Exit Iew.
Sol. It is the most impenetrable curre That euer kept with men
Ant. Let him alone, Ile follow him no more with bootlesse prayers: He seekes my life, his reason well I know; I oft deliuer'd from his forfeitures Many that haue at times made mone to me, Therefore he hates me
Sol. I am sure the Duke will neuer grant this forfeiture to hold
An. The Duke cannot deny the course of law: For the commoditie that strangers haue With vs in Venice, if it be denied, Will much impeach the iustice of the State, Since that the trade and profit of the citty Consisteth of all Nations. Therefore goe, These greefes and losses haue so bated mee, That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh To morrow, to my bloudy Creditor.
Well Iaylor, on, pray G.o.d Ba.s.sanio come To see me pay his debt, and then I care not.
Enter Portia, Nerrissa, Lorenzo, Iessica, and a man of Portias.
Lor. Madam, although I speake it in your presence, You haue a n.o.ble and a true conceit Of G.o.d-like amity, which appeares most strongly In bearing thus the absence of your Lord.
But if you knew to whom you shew this honour, How true a Gentleman you send releefe, How deere a louer of my Lord your husband, I know you would be prouder of the worke Then customary bounty can enforce you
Por. I neuer did repent for doing good, Nor shall not now: for in companions That do conuerse and waste the time together, Whose soules doe beare an egal yoke of loue.
There must be needs a like proportion Of lyniaments, of manners, and of spirit; Which makes me thinke that this Anthonio Being the bosome louer of my Lord, Must needs be like my Lord. If it be so, How little is the cost I haue bestowed In purchasing the semblance of my soule; From out the state of h.e.l.lish cruelty, This comes too neere the praising of my selfe, Therefore no more of it: heere other things Lorenso I commit into your hands, The husbandry and mannage of my house, Vntill my Lords returne; for mine owne part I haue toward heauen breath'd a secret vow, To liue in prayer and contemplation, Onely attended by Nerrissa heere, Vntill her husband and my Lords returne: There is a monastery too miles off, And there we will abide. I doe desire you Not to denie this imposition, The which my loue and some necessity Now layes vpon you
Lorens. Madame, with all my heart, I shall obey you in all faire commands
Por. My people doe already know my minde, And will acknowledge you and Iessica In place of Lord Ba.s.sanio and my selfe.
So far you well till we shall meete againe
Lor. Faire thoughts & happy houres attend on you
Iessi. I wish your Ladiship all hearts content
Por. I thanke you for your wish, and am well pleas'd To wish it backe on you: faryouwell Iessica.
Now Balthaser, as I haue euer found thee honest true, So let me finde thee still: take this same letter, And vse thou all the indeauor of a man, In speed to Mantua, see thou render this Into my cosins hand, Doctor Belario, And looke what notes and garments he doth giue thee, Bring them I pray thee with imagin'd speed Vnto the Tranect, to the common Ferrie Which trades to Venice; waste no time in words, But get thee gone, I shall be there before thee
Balth. Madam, I goe with all conuenient speed
Por. Come on Nerissa, I haue worke in hand That you yet know not of; wee'll see our husbands Before they thinke of vs?
Nerrissa. Shall they see vs?