Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty - Part 93

Part 93

Still, she liked the feel of the place. It wasn't as bizarre as she'd have expected; it just seemed like a really cool alternative club. No one walking around naked or anything and no type of s.e.x going on in public, which was a huge relief. But there were scantily-clad servers and equally skimpily dressed dance performers in suspended human cages, so definitely not your usual night out at the dance club.

Walking into such unfamiliar territory made Brooke nervous yet excited as h.e.l.l. It was like a whole different world. She could see a beautiful blonde young woman wearing a collar and kneeling beside a man Brooke could only a.s.sume was her 'Master' from the way he patted her hair like she was a favorite pet. The music had a lot of ba.s.s and metal and added to the whole buzzing atmosphere. Brooke liked the fact that she wasn't the only one not dressed in fetish attire and no one seemed to be staring at her, which was another relief.

Some bald-headed guy in skin-tight black latex pants and vest and huge biceps covered in tribal ink came up to her and asked if she was new. Brooke turned to look at him and he seemed like someone in authority so she answered, "Yes. I've never been here before," she said, before taking a deep breath and then blurting, "I'm looking for Dom Sebastian. He told me to ask for him on arrival."

The muscular, bald guy nodded. "Perfect. Just wait here a minute."

Not like she planned on going anywhere; thought Brooke as she saw the guy disappear into the crowd. She felt rooted to the spot and out of her element. How silly she must have been to think she'd simply come in here and mingle.

She'd convinced herself she'd show up and not seek him out as he'd instructed. Yet here she was, barely in the door and she was already searching for him.

"h.e.l.lo, beautiful."

That deep, masculine voice in her ear. She'd recognize it anywhere.

Brooke spun round and faced Sebastian.

"Welcome to the club," he greeted her with an ironic smile, his hands raised to encompa.s.s their surroundings. "My best friend Jax owns the place. I'm glad you decided to accept my invitation."

"It's a lot different from what I was expecting," Brooke managed through a slightly husky voice. They stood close enough together so they didn't have to yell above the music to hear each other.

Which meant she stood close to him, his musky scent making her powerless to resist anything he might ask of her. Never had a man looked more dangerously sinful in black leather. His pants fit his muscular thighs snugly and he wore a black vest similar to the bald guy who'd approached her earlier. As Sebastian looked her up and down with frank admiration, Brooke also gave him the once-over as she tried resolutely to compress her utter excitement at seeing him again.

She'd decided she was here for one reason only; to have some fun, explore her darker side, and get over her silly crush over this gorgeous blond G.o.d in leather.

His large, perfectly muscled body stood out from so many others in the crowd. It was suddenly hard to breathe from the masculinity he radiated so effortlessly. It would be near impossible, Brooke admitted, not to lose her head with a man like him.

Well, not more than I've already lost it already after the things I let him do to me, mused Brooke.

So what exactly was she about to let him get away with tonight?

Brooke shivered at the thought, and also at the light, stimulating touch of Sebastian's hand at her elbow, guiding her to the bar. "This is mainly the front section of the club," he told her with a grin. "The real fun happens in the backroom areas."

Brooke hid a gulp as she watched Sebastian beckon the bar tender. The music was pounding in her ears by now and making her heart pump faster with adrenalin. That and the man next to her; his demeanor demanding respect even when he was just standing still.

She wanted him; there was no denying that. And she didn't even know much more than his first name. Simply that he was a man who pursued a deviant lifestyle; a Dom. Whatever that actually meant.

Perhaps tonight would be when Brooke got to find out.

Sebastian's voice suddenly shook her from her thoughts as he asked her what she'd like to drink. She spat out the first thing that came to mind, vodka, any mix. She was grateful for the cool drink that calmed her nerves and helped her to relax. But then he turned to her, eyes speculative. "You know why I asked you here, don't you?"

She didn't, or at least she wasn't entirely sure. She sighed heavily. "I'm not sure," Brooke replied, lifting her chin. "I just need to ask you something. Why me?"

He gave a quizzical frown. "What do you mean?"

She huffed and averted her eyes. "Look, I know I'm not exactly the kind of girl that draws attention from me. I can bet that a man like you could have your pick of women, or...submissive, as you've said before. So why me? I've certainly never even thought about anything like this before."

"But does the idea turn you on, Brooke?" he asked, index finger reaching underneath her chin and tipping her eyes back to his again. "Do you want to do something different...something exciting? Maybe go beyond your usual boundaries? Explore who you really are beneath it all?"

Brooke let out a shaky breath. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Her voice was smokier than she recognized, and she couldn't seem to look away from his smoldering gaze, which swept from her eyes and down to her parted lips. She was breathless.

Sebastian smiled. And then he kissed her. Captured her mouth as his head angled to slide those lush manly lips over hers. Oh my G.o.d. The intoxicating taste of him was on her breathe. The heat and texture of his lips burning into her skin. The delicious need to submit to him, to let him have his way with her took over all rational thought and she found herself caught up in a blaze of pa.s.sion that paid no heed to logic or fear.

He kissed her like she belonged to him. Right there where everyone could see making her feel as though she were the only woman in the entire world. Seeking out her timid tongue and making it dance against his in fevered joy. s.e.xy, sweet. Seductive and yet, dominant in the way it took no prisoners. Brooke moaned, fingers clutching at his leather vest and she yielding helplessly to the sensual mastery of Sebastian's kiss.

When he broke off moments later his blue eyes were hooded with desire as they raked over her flushed face, lips swollen with l.u.s.t.

"That's why," he growled, tone raspy. "That's why I chose you."

Brooke shuddered as the heat of his words washed over her. His kiss had all but consumed her, leaving her breathless, her nipples hard as nubs beneath the layer of her bra. She bit down on the corner of her bruised lips as she gazed up through her lashes at him, uncaring of who had seen their display. d.a.m.n; if he could kiss like that there was no doubt what kind of lover he'd be.

She blushed furiously as she thought about just how far out of her comfort zone she was. How could she be so brazen? So bold? She never acted this way; certainly not with a stranger. Sure, she had some s.e.xual experience; but she didn't do random hook-ups and definitely didn't want s.e.x with every handsome, masterful man she met.

But there was undoubtedly something about Sebastian that made her want to simply throw all her preconceived notions away and just give into his delightful temptations.

Good girl gone bad. Would that be her tonight? There was that look in Sebastian's eyes that told her she just might not be going back home the same person. And maybe that was exactly what she needed. Someone to take her on a wild ride; memorable enough to keep her nights warm when she returned to reality.

Brooke grabbed her drink and downed it in a quick gulp. Like Sebastian's kiss, it had no problem going straight to her head.

"I want to show you something," he said, and with a small smile gently took the tumbler from her fingers and set it down next to his. Deeply compelling blue eyes speared into her.

"Will you let me?" asked Sebastian. "I need you to trust me. Tell me that you do."

She didn't even have to think about it. "I do," she said simply.

"Then come with me," he said, and held out his hand, palm up. "Will you?"

Brooke stared down a moment at that hand. Large, square-tipped, yet finely sculpted with strength. She slipped her fingers, unhesitant, into his and felt his grip close around her with a calming warmth.

"Yes," she breathed, looking up at him again.

He nodded his approval, and then added, "When we're back there, I'm Dom Sebastian. And you'll address me as sir at all times. You'll speak to no one nor interact with no one without my express permission. That's the only way it's going to work, Brooke."

"I'm ready," she told him firmly, drawing in an energizing breath as she added softly, "Sir."

"Very good," he said huskily, his enviously thick lashes sweeping to shield the sudden blaze in his eyes as he lifted his free hand to brush across her cheek with his knuckles. Brooke was sure he didn't miss her unstoppable, full body quiver.

He still held on to her hand as he drew her up on her feet with him, and then led her through to a dimly lit corner where there was a door guarded by two men in more leather. They nodded to Dom Sebastian before holding the door open for them to enter. As they both proceeded into the darkened room beyond, Brooke's pulse raced out of control as she realized that, finally, she was going on her very own adventure into s.e.xual rediscovery.

Chapter Five.

Brooke gave no word of protest as Sebastian led her through the darkness and into one private room after another. In each, there seemed to be some kind of scene being played out in front of people, all seated, watching with silent interest. Every room had Brooke's eyes growing wider and wider as they progressed through the darkened maze.

One thing remained constant: each room was presided over by a dom or dominatrix, guiding their submissive through the most excruciating acts of pleasure and pain. They barely spent more than a few minutes in each room, but it was enough to leave Brooke burning with curiosity and desire. Seeing people voluntarily give themselves up to be punished, caned, subdued and displayed for all to see, had the strangest effect on her. She just didn't know if the lifestyle was really for her, if she had what it took to let go of her many insecurities or if she truly even wanted to, but she had to admit it had its dark, delicious allure. The few questions she had, Sebastian was happy to answer while still managing to keep Brooke in mystery.

Just what did he have planned for me tonight? Brooke was almost wary of finding out...

Finally he guided her into another room, once again occupied by a number of onlookers either seated or standing. They all had their eyes focused on one man who stood in the center of the room.

Brooke couldn't help but gawk in awe. The man was absolutely huge, with raven-black hair and his tall, muscular body was dressed all in black. Around them were different props and devices pertaining to bondage; some which should have made Brooke want to run, but she was too busy gaping at the utter G.o.d standing before them.

He seemed to have everyone on the edge of their seat, leaving Brooke with the impression that he was in total control of the entire room. The only other man who'd ever struck her with such masculine presence was Sebastian; and this man had just as much magnetism. He had a rugged handsomeness amplified by his dark stubble, and his grey eyes were piercing and icy with heat. He was definitely more than six feet tall and carried it well, along with the perfect balance of muscle.

Brooke had never thought herself to be attracted to the beefy type, but every length and breadth of this powerful-looking male signified hot-and-s.e.xy in ways that should be illegal. Brooke suddenly felt Sebastian's hand at her elbow steer her to a corner of the room where she could view the front clearly.

"Watch carefully," was all he breathed softly into her ear. Brooke swallowed and nodded, glancing into his deep, stirring blue eyes. d.a.m.n her crazy hormones! She had it bad for Sebastian, yet that didn't stop her sudden interest in the big, bad wolf out in the front of the room. What did that say about her?

She didn't get the chance to think about it; because a scene was about to begin. Her gaze flew right back to the center of attention, heart thumping in excitement, as the air seemed filled with tension.

A woman dressed in skimpy black leather much like the servers in the main club appeared leading another woman into the room, this time fully dressed who looked around nervously. She was brought to the huge man in the center who viewed her with delicious interest. "And who do we have here, Amber?"

The woman in leather smiled. "I think you'll be pleased, master Jax. This is her first time." So saying, she quickly grabbed the woman and spun her around, and master Jax sized the woman from behind. At the sound of his name, Brooke quickly surmised he had to be the owner of the club Sebastian had mentioned. Her interest in him intensified and she couldn't take her eyes from what was going on.

When he nodded, Amber twisted the woman around again. Jax seemed to dwarf the woman's slight, shivering frame. " think you've got what it takes to be a true submissive?" he asked, in a voice that was like silk rolling over gravel. Even Brooke felt an inward shiver at the sound.

The woman seemed to swallow. "I hope so," she managed.

Suddenly, Amber grabbed her hair from behind and tugged roughly, making the woman yelp as her neck snapped back.

"Show better respect than that," Amber snapped. The woman tried to struggle weakly.

"Relax, Amber," Jax growled, and then looked at the woman. "Simply address me as sir henceforth. Do you understand?"

As Amber released her hair, the woman straightened and her head slightly bowed, she said, "Yes...yes, sir."

"Very good. Well, every good submissive needs to know her own limitations... just how much she can handle. Let's see how far you'll be willing to go, shall we?" master Jax growled with a wolfish grin.

Before the woman could reply, two other people sprang up and directed her to a cushioned bench just a few feet away. Brooke watched wide-eyed as the woman's panties were pulled down from beneath her skirt. Her arms were pinned behind her back and she could do nothing to stop them; even as they forced her to lie back on the bench.

Soon her wrists were tied together and secured high above her head while her ankles were spread apart and shackled, leaving her spread-eagled, with everyone in the room able to see between her naked thighs.

Brooke could only imagine her humiliation at being so displayed; and yet...despite herself she felt a frisson of excitement imagining how it would feel, exposed like that; helpless, vulnerable to the desire of such a powerful man. She shivered; glancing to her side to look Sebastian's way only to find out he was no longer there. Her heart lurched; she hadn't even noticed him leave! Quelling any fear of being abandoned, she drew her eyes back to the scene ahead.

Without even needing to be told what to do, the volunteers had already pulled the woman's shirt and bra to hang over her head, while her skirt was pushed up around her waist. Now she was even more bared, her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s and flesh pink with shame yet a telltale hardness showing in her stiff nipples.

Master Jax began to move his hands slowly over her body; and then his fingers caught up her nipples and began twisting and tweaking them. The woman cried out, her back arching, her face creasing in pleasure-pain. Ignoring her response, Jax pinched hard on her nipple, causing her to let out a m.u.f.fled yelp beneath her gag. His free hand roved in between her thighs and inserted a finger inside her p.u.s.s.y without preamble.

"My, you're so wet," murmured Jax with amus.e.m.e.nt as he drew out a dripping wet finger from the moaning woman's inner thighs. "All this exhibitionism and humiliation has made you abandon all fear. That's it... let it go."

Brooke couldn't peel her eyes away, mouth falling open as someone appeared in the center. It was Sebastian!

In his hand was a cat-o-nine tails, which he began to lash carefully, and expertly over the woman's body. She writhed and sobbed beneath her gag, as each lash brought bright red streaks on her exposed flesh. Anyone could see her glistening wet p.u.s.s.y, as it seemed to grow more swollen and moist with each lash aimed at her soft, luscious curves. Brooke gasped, covering her mouth with a hand as something stirred deep in her belly at the sounds and sights in front of her. After several strokes of the whip, Jax strode up to clasps b.u.t.terfly clamps to the woman's engorged nipples. Her eyes grew wild and she bucked harder.

"You know the safety signal to use if you want your punishment to stop," Jax reminded her, ever calm. "Amber discussed this with you beforehand. Whenever it gets too much, you can put an end to it. Nod yes if you wish to continue."

The woman, even with tears streaking down her face, nodded emphatically. A small smile pa.s.sed between the two doms; each striking in their own way as they proceeded with their special brand of torment that was both sensual and rough. Every inch of the woman's flesh felt the lash of either a crop or whip, right before wooden pegs were then attached to strategic parts of her skin, such as her inner thighs, sides and even her p.u.s.s.y lips. Brooke watched with a mounting excitement that she almost felt ashamed of. How could any of this be turning her on? Was there something twisted and s.a.d.i.s.tic living inside her?

Brooke couldn't say. But watching both Sebastian and Jax work the woman over till she was a wreck of joyous spasms as she came beneath the buzzing vibrator held against her soaked p.u.s.s.y did something to her that she hadn't felt before. She could envision herself in the woman's place and yet no sooner had the fantasy appeared in her mind's eye before she forced it back fearfully.

She could only truly draw in air once the scene closed; never realizing she'd stopped breathing till now. The woman the submissive had a smile on her face as she was unbound and her gag removed. A truly beautiful smile that reflected a mix of deep satisfaction with relief.

Brooke found herself suddenly lost in a whirlwind of movement, her back to the room as she tried to gather her thoughts. Everything she'd witnessed since she'd walked into the club just under over an hour ago now swirled around her senses like an intoxicant.

The crowd exited the room and she felt pulled along with them. Run or stay? She stumbled slightly on her four-inch heels and had to steady herself with a hand against the wall as she drew in deep, bracing breaths. The last thing she remembered was Jax instructing the a.s.sistants to get the woman cleaned up and to book her for another session next week. Looked like the sub pa.s.sed her little 'test'.

Was this what tonight had been for her, a test? Sebastian, inviting her to the club and getting her acquainted with all its inner mechanism...what had he sensed within her that told him she belonged here, in 'his world'?

A part of her told her she could just leave. She'd seen enough. It wasn't exactly how she'd have expected her little adventure to go, but then maybe she'd been adventurous enough for one night. The way her inner folds throbbed and the endorphins rushing through her at fiendish speed; there was no saying what she'd do if she stayed.

"Ms. Brooke?"

Hearing her name from an unfamiliar female voice caught her off guard. She turned to find it was indeed a stranger; obviously someone with the club as she was dressed in the uniform of black cut-out leather she'd seen others wear.

"If you aren't ready to leave just yet, Dom Sebastian and Master Jax have invited you to one of the private rooms," the pretty blonde said with a smile. "I'm to take you there immediately."

This was her cue to decline before she did something she might regret. What did those two have in mind? She couldn't forget how seamlessly they'd worked together; dominating their helpless subject. Would they have something similar in mind for her?

Crazy as it seemed, Brooke didn't find her feet headed for the exit. Instead, she nodded to the attendant and then followed her up to the private rooms.

Brooke couldn't believe this was happening. That she was about to go through with this whatever it was.

Once she was shown into the private rooms she discovered it was more intimate and relaxing than the display rooms downstairs and she drew in a breath of relief. These rooms had much of the equipment she'd seen being used earlier, but there was also a large four-poster bed in the center of the room with floor-to-wall mirrors on every wall but one. It was a place for s.e.x, no doubt about that.

When the attendant handed her clothes to change into, she balked. "What...why would I have to change?"

"To make you feel more comfortable," the woman said with a smile. She moved to stand behind Brooke, helping with her zipper. Giving in to panic, Brooke clutched at her dress and twisted away.

"No! I mean...I need to know more. What's about to happen?"

"You'll find out when your doms arrive. In the meantime, I'm to prepare you for their use tonight."

Her 'doms'? Their 'use'?

The woman, who'd introduced herself as Kate, replied with a poker face, void of all emotion. "When you came here tonight; just what did you have in mind? Are you here to simply satisfy your curiosity or do you want to truly experience it all for yourself?"

Brooke bit hard on her bottom lip. She was torn between telling the woman off for being so rude; but then she thought that Kate was actually asking a legitimate question. Brooke had watched a new submissive take her first step into the world of bondage and domination tonight; and that woman had been fearless in her journey into the unknown. She wanted to be just as fearless; she was just terrified of losing control. The fact that they'd invited her into this private environment showed that she was about to be introduced gently. Or at least she hoped so. She wasn't sure she was ready for them to break out the whips and chains just yet.

Just thinking of getting to meet Jax face to face, with Sebastian also being present finally helped Brooke make up her mind. If things went downhill she'd simply use her safe word and never return to this mysterious place. And she'd insist on everything being safe, sane and consensual from the start. She might be a novice, but she wasn't that green. She'd done her research online at least over the past few hours before she showed up at the club. She could at least walk into this with her eyes wide open.

Finally, she exhaled raggedly and nodded to Kate, who smiled in approval as Brooke turned her back to Kate to be helped out of her dress.