Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty - Part 87

Part 87

A couple minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh, yeah, I ordered breakfast already," Blake told me as he went to get the door. He came back with a tray, and also some boxes.

"What's in the boxes?" I asked, curious. Surely it was way too much food for us to have just for breakfast.

"Lunch. We're not going to be around, so I had them pack up some sandwiches and other little goodies for us."

"Well speaking of, do I get to know what we're doing yet?"

"Nope, it's still a surprise. Though now you know we're not going to be within eating distance of the resort," Blake replied.

We ate breakfast at the table in the villa's enormous kitchen that was obviously never used, then got ready to go.

"So what's the dress code for today?" I asked, trying to both figure out what I should wear and get a hint as to what we were doing.

"Just casual. But bring your bathing suit, too. You know, just in case."

Twenty minutes later we were out the door. I followed Blake as he carried the boxes with our lunch in them, until finally we arrived at the marina. Blake led me straight past the huge resort boats to a small yacht, probably about fifty feet long. Still, what it didn't have in size, the boat made up for in luxury. Blake helped me step on and I went down to a cabin with plush leather seats, a big screen TV, a large fridge and a small table.

"I thought we could go out sailing today," Blake told me. "And I'm going to teach you how to scuba dive."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. Definitely. I saw how excited you were when we saw the animals when snorkelling, and scuba is even cooler than that. It's actually not that hard."

I squealed with delight and joined Blake on the top deck. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing, and a couple of minutes later we were off, jetting away from the marina towards the big, empty sea beyond.

Rather than gunning it, Blake kept the boat at a comfortable cruising pace. I sat down on the seat next to his driver's seat and let the wind whip my hair around, let it hit my face, along with the occasional mist from a larger-than-usual wave.

I laughed as we made our way past tiny little islands, not big enough for anyone to live on, and got further and further away from Grand Cayman. Eventually Blake cut the engine and set down the anchor.

"So, ready to learn how to dive?"

"Am I ever!"

Blake brought out a couple of wetsuits and the scuba tanks.

"They'll be really heavy, so be careful, but once you're in the water they'll feel weightless," he told me as he strapped me into my oxygen tank. After a ten minute lesson, I took a deep breath and jumped off the edge of the boat.

At first I held my breath, instinct telling me not to breathe when I was underwater, but then I slowly let out a breath and took one in through the mask.

I sounded like Darth Vader, but sure enough, air filled my lungs and I exhaled, trying to do so slowly, as Blake had told me.

A second later I felt him splash into the water next to me. He emptied the air from my lifevest and we made our way under the water. I followed behind Blake as he led me under the waves to the most amazing coral reef I'd ever seen in my life. Thousands of fish, of every color of the rainbow darted in and out of the coral, an eel slithered along the bottom of the sea floor and the sunlight glistened through the waves, making everything look ethereal.

Blake had been right, this was a million times better than snorkelling. When scuba diving I felt like I was part of the water, like I belonged here with the fish. Blake took my hand and led me along, we watched as an octopus darted past and into some rocks.

It felt like we'd only been under for a few minutes when Blake checked my oxygen levels and took me back to the boat. We climbed back on board and collapsed on the deck. Scuba diving was harder than I thought! It was so incredibly fun though, I hadn't realized how tired I was until I got back on deck.

Blake brought out the boxes of food from the resort and we ate our picnic on the top deck of the yacht, while the sun beat down on us and the crystal waters rocked us gently.

I could feel myself starting to get sleepy, just from the slow rocking of the waves, and I closed my eyes for a minute, just to rest and get my head back together.

When I opened my eyes, Blake was in front of me, on one knee, with an open jewellery box in his hand. It was like what he was doing didn't register with me for a while. I just stared at the box, at him, until he spoke.

"Julia, when you left, it made me realize something. I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you. I will do whatever it takes to spend the rest of my life with you, and I hope you feel the same way. I love you. Will you marry me?"

"Yes. Oh my G.o.d, yes!" I hadn't even thought about the words. They just came out. But I knew they were exactly what I wanted to say. I would absolutely marry Blake. The next thing I knew he was slipping the ring on my finger. I admired the single diamond set in gold, and it glistened in the Caribbean sun.

"Is this really happening?" I whispered almost to myself.

"It is," Blake replied, and the smile on his face couldn't come close to matching the one on mine. I was so thrilled. I hadn't seen this coming at all. I hadn't imagined in a million years that this was going to happen.

"Fiance," I said, trying it out on my tongue. It felt good. I smiled to myself. I liked it.

"Fiancee," Blake repeated, and we smiled at each other like two lovesick teenagers.

I wrapped my arms around him, and we fell into a heap, making love right there on the deck of the boat, with the Caribbean sun shining down on us.

I don't think we stopped making love, except to sail back to sh.o.r.e, until very early the next morning. Then, we were driven back to the airport, and the next thing we knew we were back on a flight to New York. Blake and I fell asleep hand in hand as we soared back towards America.

Our first night back, Blake gave me even better news: while we were gone, Tom had been caught by security he had hired trying to get into our apartment, and was now being charged with a mult.i.tude of offenses, including break and enter, and illegal possession of a firearm. He wasn't going to be out of prison for a long, long time. Blake was going to make sure of that.

"What if we had been here, though?" I asked, still worried.

"Well, we weren't, and that's what security was for. He didn't get near the place. Don't worry. And now he's locked up, for good. He's not going to be able to hurt you anymore, Julia."

As I fell asleep in Blake's arms that night, I slept more soundly than ever before. I had a wedding to plan. It had been a whirlwind few months, but I knew Blake and I would now be happily married for the rest of our lives.


Some Like It Rough Series.

By Amy Aday.

"Owned" is a limited edition novella comprised of the first few stories in the series, Some Like It Rough. This novella includes the full serial stories: "Losing It (Prequel)," "Snow Day with Her Professor (Book 1)," "Owned by Her Professor (Book 2)," as well as the intro scene in "Control: Domination and Submission."


Selena is the last virgin in her cla.s.s. Her first night with her high school sweetheart, Todd can only prove to be magical. What she doesn't expect are the things that she comes to learn about her beloved once she has given herself to him. Can she forgive and forget or will she leave him behind as she ventures out on her own quest for fulfillment elsewhere?

Then in college, Selena finds herself stranded on the side of the road during an impending blizzard. She is grateful when her rather hot literature professor happens along and offers to help. They end up at his place waiting for the storm to pa.s.s. But soon, the college freshman finds it hard to resist her s.e.xy, older and more experienced professor. Will he give in to her? And if he does, will she be able to handle what he has in mind?

Selena is stranded at the home of her handsome literature professor during the blizzard. After an amazing night of pa.s.sion, they continue down a path of carnal pleasures that they know they should not be traveling.

As the snow continues to hold them s...o...b..und, Selena finds her s.e.xuality explored in a way that guys her own age just can't offer her. Trouble is, what happens when the snow melts? She soon learns that he has secrets, another side of him that she doesn't know if she can trust.

After this novella, continue with the rest of the stories in the series: Book 3 - Control: Domination and Submission.

Book 4 - Wild.

Book 5 - Destiny.

Each story can be enjoyed as standalone stories, so you can pick up one or all of the series t.i.tles in any order.

Browse Amy Aday's t.i.tles at or.

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Some Like It Rough Series By Amy Aday Selena sat on her bed, her pillow hugged tightly to her chest. Last night had been homecoming at school. She was the head cheerleader on the varsity squad and her boyfriend, Todd Ingram, was the team quarterback. They were popular among the other kids and it was no surprise when they were announced as Homecoming King and Queen.

Selena had been so excited about everything. The homecoming dance that followed the game was fantastic. Todd looked gorgeous in his suit and tie and she felt beautiful in the baby blue sequined dress that she and her mother had shopped for weeks to find. Her long hair was pinned up in loose ringlets and the dress brought out the blue in her eyes. Everything was perfect.

Todd's parents were away for the weekend and he had the house to himself. She had told her parents she was going to spend the night with one of the other cheerleaders after the dance. It was supposed to be the first time she and Todd had s.e.x and she was excited and scared. What if she was bad at it? Then again, how could she be? She loved Todd and it was going to be magical.

As the homecoming dance began to wind down, she and Todd quietly made their way to his car and headed to his house. Her heart was beating almost out of her chest. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this but there was no turning back now. She and Todd were two of the oldest students in their senior cla.s.s, having turned eighteen right after the school year started. That made her the oldest virgin in the cla.s.s. Todd had been with several girls in school. So, at least he was experienced.

She was nervous and Todd seemed to sense her need to relax a little. He got into his father's liquor cabinet and made rum and c.o.kes for them. After knocking back several drinks and nervously making out on the couch, they walked up the stairs to Todd's bedroom.

She could feel the excitement run through her body as he pulled her toward him, probing her mouth with his. His hands roamed across her soft skin, creating a delicious longing that scattered across her slight frame and gathered in a throbbing ache squarely between her thighs.

"I want to watch you undress," Todd whispered in her ear. She could feel his excitement pressing against her hip as they kissed.

Selena was a bit self-conscious about taking off her clothes with him looking at her, but she didn't want to disappoint him. Her shoes flew sideways as she kicked them off. She maintained eye contact as she slowly slid the straps of her dress down and unzipped it on the side, letting it fall to the floor. The matching sheer white panties and bra with scalloped lacing along the edges hugged her curves perfectly. She had bought them just for tonight and thought she looked beautiful. Hopefully, Todd thought so, too.

"d.a.m.n, baby. You are so beautiful. I can't wait to be inside of you," Todd said. He smiled at her as she looked sheepishly back at him.

He stepped forward and reached around her, deftly unhooking her bra and pulling it free. His hands found their way to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and kneaded them softly, bringing his lips down to kiss the gentle slope of each one. His mouth drifted slowly toward her nipples, taking his time sucking softly on each one until they were stiff little points of arousal.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked, watching as she nodded her head up and down.

She could feel the moisture form between her legs as Todd continued to ma.s.sage her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his hands. She moaned as he slid one hand inside her panties and cupped her carefully groomed mound with it. Another tingle scurried through her nerve endings as he skillfully began to rub her already aching c.l.i.t with his fingers. She moaned against his neck as he prepared her for their first night together.

Todd was the love of her life and this was going to be amazing. She could feel the wetness beginning to soak her delicate white undies as he fingered her gently beneath the fabric. Her moans grew louder as he continued to tease her, sliding his fingers back and forth across her slick nub as she clung to him, weak with pa.s.sion.

"Please, Todd. I want to feel you inside me. I'm ready," she whispered into his ear.

Todd pulled his hand free of her panties, sliding them down her legs and onto the floor. He tossed them to one side and laid her gently across his bed, looking at her as he got undressed. She was fascinated by his erection, now in plain view for her to appreciate. She wasn't sure how THAT was supposed to fit inside of her and felt a little apprehension for a moment.

Todd climbed into the bed and hovered on top of her body, the large mushroomed head of his c.o.c.k brushing across her legs as he looked down at her. He nudged her legs apart with his own and entered her for the first time in one slow, fluid movement. She felt an incredible pressure as he slid inside her and then a sharp pain as he pushed further inside, taking her virginity with a single thrust. She cried out a little at the unexpected pain as he began to move inside of her, causing him to pause.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Yes, it just hurts a little. I'm fine, don't stop," she responded.

Selena moaned loudly as he began stroking in and out of her, slowly at first but with increasing aggression as his own desires took over. The initial pain subsided as her body took over from her brain, letting her enjoy the moment. It was the most amazing thing she had ever felt and she was so glad that she had finally given herself to him like this.

The friction against her inner sanctum was incredible and she found that her body responded to his in the most inconceivable way. It was if someone had tightened a band around her insides, pulling it tighter and tighter. When it was too tight to stand anymore, it was suddenly released, sending relief exploding throughout every nerve ending in her body. She lay panting beneath him as she came violently. Her legs quivered beneath him. He quickly followed, pulling out and spraying all over her stomach.

"That was fantastic," he told her, climbing off the bed and disappearing into his bathroom. She pulled out the towel he had laid on the bed beneath her in case she bled and looked at the red streaks that bore witness to her deflowering. She used a clean edge of it to wipe his sticky goo from her stomach and tossed it in his dirty clothes hamper. Who knew that s.e.x was so messy?

Todd came back into the room. She got a better look at the now flaccid organ hanging between his legs. She didn't know if that was considered big or little. It felt big, but she didn't have anything to judge it against. She averted her eyes and cowered behind the large bed pillow she had pressed against her nude body. Though she tried to suppress it, a little giggle escaped.

Selena stepped into the bathroom and freshened herself up a bit before returning to bed. Todd had already curled up beneath the comforter and patted the pillow next to him. She climbed in and curled up into the crook of his arm, kissing him softly before drifting off peacefully to sleep. When she awoke, it was already morning and Todd was still sound asleep. It was much later than she had antic.i.p.ated and she had to get going.

She woke Todd and he smiled sleepily at her as she told him she had to get out of here and home before her parents called her friend's house to check on her. He moaned something incoherent and she laughed, getting out of bed and getting dressed for home. As she walked the half dozen blocks home from his house, she smiled to herself. Last night had been blissful. She was already wondering when they could do it again.

The weeks that followed were filled with stolen moments as she and Todd snuck away to be along together as often as they could. She was sure that everyone could see the change in her now that she was no longer pure, but she didn't care. She and Todd were in love and that was all that was important to her. She was surprised when she came to surprise him one day after football practice and overheard a conversation between him and his teammates.

"Yeah, Selena is hot. She's got those big t.i.ts and she's tight as h.e.l.l, but she always wants everything to be so lovey dovey. It's boring as s.h.i.t. I f.u.c.ked Holly Turner in the back of my truck up at Hunters' Point last night and it was f.u.c.king amazing. That girl could suck the pigskin right off our game ball and she's willing to try anything. She told me that if I bought some lube, she'd let me f.u.c.k her up the a.s.s next time," Todd was saying.

Selena couldn't believe what she was hearing. Not only had he reduced what she thought was special between them to a meaningless s.e.xual encounter, but he had ridiculed her to his friends and was cheating on her behind her back with one of the biggest in school. She ran away quickly before anyone saw her. She spent most of the evening in her bedroom crying, ignoring her cell phone and telling her parents she wasn't hungry when they tried to call her out to dinner.

Part of her told her that she should fight back. She should try to give Todd more of what he wanted, but she couldn't do that. If he had talked to her and told her how he felt, then maybe she could have tried to be more adventurous. Instead he had mocked her and cheated. She couldn't forgive him for that.

She never wanted to be with Todd again. She wouldn't let him hurt her more than he had already. It was time to move on. The following day at school, she handed him all of his things that he had given her during the time they had dated and told him she didn't want to see him anymore. He was shocked at her sudden change of heart and tried to talk to her about it, but she couldn't deal with him and her pain right then.

"Perhaps, you can now spend more time f.u.c.king Holly up the a.s.s, you piece of c.r.a.p," she called back to him as she turned her back and walked away.

Selena felt a bit lost after that. She had thought she was special, but he had made it obvious that she wasn't. How could someone say that they loved you so much and then just s.h.i.t on you like that? She felt disillusioned and hurt, but she also felt angry. Todd tried repeatedly to get her to talk to him, but she refused. She was done with love and she was done with him. It was time to head out for greener pastures.

Selena needed someone to show her what real s.e.x was all about. She set her sights a little higher, eyeing the new a.s.sistant football coach for the varsity team. She had seen him watching her when he didn't think anyone would notice. She guessed he was in his mid-thirties and he was extremely good looking. All of the girls giggled over him. Selena bet he knew what he was doing in bed. He was just the person to show her what she was missing.

She purposely lingered around after cheerleader practice as if she were waiting on someone. As people began to clear out, she ended up being the only one left there on the bleachers except for him. She watched as he began closing down the field where the team had been practicing. Then, she made her move.

"Coach Weathers?" she asked as she approached him.