Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty - Part 21

Part 21

When Jonah came by her apartment after work, Anna was glad to see him. They enjoyed a pleasant dinner and comfortable conversation. Jonah brought work with him and reviewed it while she tidied up.

The time had come. After gathering her courage all day, she couldn't put off the conversation any longer. She wanted to let Jonah know about her s.e.xual interests. The suspense of not knowing how he would react weighed on her. If it turned him off, she'd rather know now.

Anna swallowed her worry. "Jonah?"

"Yes?" His attention remained on his papers.

She joined him at the table. "There's something I've been meaning to discuss with you."

"Yeah? Okay." He didn't look up.

Anna pursed her lips, her impatience growing. "Jonah, I need your attention for this."

He stopped and looked up. "Sure."

Anna took a deep breath. "You know the other day when we spent the evening at your apartment?"

"I certainly do." His eyes gleamed with sensual interest.

Anna tapped her finger on the tabletop. "Okay. Well. At times, you were ... forceful."

"Did that bother you?"

"Oh no. Quite the opposite. I liked it. A lot." Anna plunged ahead. "In fact, it's kind of a thing of mine."

Jonah scratched his chin, rasping against the growing stubble. "A thing?"

Anna tucked her hair behind her ear. "You know. A preference. When you take charge, it turns me on."

Jonah leaned back in his chair. "So you like an a.s.sertive partner."

"Maybe more than a.s.sertive. Dominant."

Jonah's eyes narrowed just a bit. "Dominant. Do you mean you want to be submissive?" As usual, Jonah zeroed in on the point.

Anna expelled the breath she'd been holding. "Yes. I do. I wanted to let you know."

"Okay." Jonah's posture was relaxed, giving away nothing.

Anna rushed on. "Because it's important to me. I mean it doesn't have to be an all the time thing, but it's more than simply a pa.s.sing fantasy."

"What exactly are you asking for?"

Anna blushed furiously. "Well, the, uh, commanding way you spoke. That was very arousing."

"Is that all?" Jonah queried.

Anna squirmed on the seat cushion. "Err, no. I also enjoy some other things."

Jonah gestured impatiently. "Anna, just spit it out."

Anna wrung her hands before forcing herself to still. "Bondage, spanking, and such."

"And such covers a lot."

"Yes. But being commanding is ..." She broke off. "Jonah, is this something you are willing to pursue with me?" His impatience encouraged her to get to the point. Dancing around the issue would get her nowhere.

Jonah looked away, considering his answer. When his eyes returned to hers, his thoughts were hidden. "Is it that important to you?"

Anna's fingernails bit into her palm. "In the long run, yes. It is."

He absorbed her answer. "Honestly, I haven't gone there. I haven't wanted to. I guess I exert control sometimes. But I think you're asking for something more."

Anna sensed an opening. "Yes. But Jonah, you've gone there already in a way. Our interaction was getting into that territory."

"Well, I guess I'd say I'd be willing to try. I mean, are we talking heavy or light?"

Anna fumbled for her answer. "Light? I guess light. I mean, I don't want you to draw blood or make it so I can't sit for a week."

Jonah laughed. "Okay. I can't promise anything, but we can try to explore a little."

Anna reached across the table, covering his hands with hers. "Thank you, Jonah. I was so afraid to bring it up."

Jonah threaded his fingers through hers. "Don't be. I want you to be honest with me."

"I know. I want to be. It's just ... I didn't want to turn you off."

He shook his head. "You didn't."

Anna rose to her feet and stepped toward him. "That's good to hear." Her stress morphed into sensual awareness.

Jonah followed her lead and stood. "Is it?" he teased.

"Oh yes." She grasped his shirt, pulled him close, and planted a kiss on him.

Jonah responded by opening his mouth and wrapping his arms around her. His fingers bit into her flesh as he pulled her close. He nipped her lip lightly and then soothed it with his tongue.

When they broke apart, Anna tried to gauge Jonah's mood, but he was inscrutable, as usual. "Do you want to try now?" Was she asking for too much too soon?

Jonah c.o.c.ked his head. "You mean ...?"

Anna stroked his arm with her fingertips. "Yes. You could tell me ... order me ... to do something you want."

Jonah leaned toward her. "So, I tell you what I want, and you have to do it?"

Anna shivered at his tone. She sensed he was going to follow through. "Yes." She put herself into his hands as she wanted to, had longed to, for so long.

Jonah stepped back. He gestured up and down her body. "Okay. Strip off your clothes. Slowly."

Anna's heartbeat quickened, bringing a glow to her face. She kicked off her sandals. Digging deep for courage, she turned away from Jonah and unb.u.t.toned her blouse. She glanced over her shoulder, giving him what she hoped pa.s.sed for a come-hither look. She allowed the blouse to slide off her arms and hit the floor.

Jonah's eyes fixed on her, taking in each inch of skin as it was exposed.

Anna reached up and unclipped her hair. It fell in a curtain of moonlight-colored strands swinging across her back. She unfastened the waistband of her skirt and pushed it to the floor. Her hands found their way between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and she unclipped the front of her bra.

He trailed a finger over her shoulder. "Turn around."

Anna complied and slid her hands into the cups of her bra. They fell from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the straps dropped to her elbows. Only her hands shielded her from his view.

Jonah radiated intensity. "Touch your nipples."

Anna's lips parted as she complied. She squeezed her nipples and kneaded her soft, full mounds. Her tongue flicked the corner of her mouth.

"Let me see."

Cupping her hands underneath, Anna lifted her b.r.e.a.s.t.s for his inspection. The engorged nipples stood out, hard. The entire areola was tight.

Jonah's lips curled into a smile. "Beautiful. Take off your panties."

Anna slid her hands over her stomach. She grasped the waistband on each side, pulled her panties down, and stepped out.

Jonah's face flushed, betraying his arousal. "Touch yourself."

Anna was tempted to ask where, but she knew what he meant. Her fingers combed through the tight curls that hid her feminine secrets. She slipped her index finger between the lips and discovered wetness gathering there. She shifted her moist fingertip to the top of her slit and found the bundle of sensitive nerves waiting. Pressing hard against the swelling tissues, she rubbed side to side. Her body's answering quake jolted through her and she gasped.

Jonah released a guttural sound as he watched. "Undress me." He removed his shoes, kicking them aside.

Anna removed her hand and licked her finger clean. She closed the distance between them.

Jonah remained stoic, but Anna saw the glittering desire in his eyes. She slipped each b.u.t.ton of his shirt free and smoothed the cloth from his shoulders. As it slid down his arms, she caught it and laid it over the arm of the couch. She unbuckled his belt and unfastened the b.u.t.ton on his pants. Unzipping his pants slowly, her hand grazing his erection through the fabric of his briefs.

Anna pulled the pants to his ankles and Jonah stepped out. She gathered the pants, straightened the fabric over her arm and laid it by his shirt. She examined the bulge in his underwear, gratified by his excitement. Her eyes traveled up, over the planes of his abdomen and chest. When she reached his face, his lips spread into a smile.

Anna swallowed and reached for the elastic band around his waist. She pulled his underwear down, averting her eyes from him. When the briefs fell to the floor, Jonah kicked them away.

Anna nibbled her lip, nervous and excited almost beyond bearing. She turned her head and examined his arousal. It stood out from his groin, thick and full. Its pulse mesmerized her.

"Anna." His voice softened.

She looked up, meeting his smoldering eyes. She reveled in the sensual promise contained within them.

His chin lifted with challenge. "Do you want to kiss me?"

Anna nodded. She wanted to touch him desperately. She wanted to run her hands over his warm skin and snuggle close. She wanted to feel him moving against her, as eager for her as she was for him. She wanted to taste his slight saltiness. She wanted it all.

Jonah traced the edge of her jaw with his fingertip. "Do it. Kiss me."

Anna swayed, catching herself by placing her hands on his hips as she kneeled. She inhaled his heady male scent and caught sight of the wetness at the tip of his shaft. Leaning in, she swiped her tongue over the escaping slickness and kissed his heated flesh. She heard his sharp intake of breath.

Jonah threaded his fingers through her hair, urging her closer. "Take me in your mouth."

Anna obeyed, convulsing once inside. Her long-held dream of submitting to Jonah was becoming reality. He throbbed against her lips and she sucked him deeper. Swirling her tongue around him, she pressed her lips tightly to him. Anna moved her head back and forth, guiding him in and out.

Jonah's muscles tightened under her hands, and she knew he was close to completion. She redoubled her efforts, kissing and licking base to tip before taking him between her lips. As he came, she didn't let go but stilled herself. Jonah clutched her head, pulsing in her mouth.

Jonah relaxed and Anna released him, rising to her feet. She kissed him. "What did you think?"

"You know I enjoyed it. I barely held out at all."

Anna laughed. "It did appear that way, but I meant the ... domination aspect." Her smile faded as she wondered what he'd say. She knew he'd enjoyed it. He'd been right on the edge of coming almost before she touched him. But it could have been the novelty and not a real desire.

He embraced her, rubbing his hands up and down her spine. "We can see how it goes."

Anna melted as her hope grew. "That's all I can ask."

Though Anna was acquainted with most of Jonah's family, she was still nervous about attending the wedding. Knowing his family from work and showing up to a family event as a date were two very different things.

She'd searched an entire afternoon for a dress. Since it was a daytime, outdoor wedding, she a.s.sumed it couldn't be too terribly formal. She'd erred on the dressier side though, and now, seeing the other guests, she was glad. Anna smoothed the frosty-blue skirt. It was tea length with a flare at the hem. Narrow straps revealed her shoulders and the bodice, though relatively modest, did hint at her cleavage. She'd been pleased to find a color that suited her and thrilled to find comfortable, strappy heels to match.

Jonah was in the house with Marcus. He'd promised Anna they would have time together at the reception, but he was best man for the ceremony, so she wasn't sure what to expect. Instead of trying to mingle with guests, Anna roamed the garden. The grounds were beautiful. An endless green expanse of lawn was interrupted with colorful flowerbeds and blooming shrubs. Anna wandered into the back, toward the closer tent. It was a beautiful clear day, but the tent protected against the sun as well as the rain.

Ivy and flowers wound their way around the posts of the tent in a pleasing design. Calling it a tent wasn't quite right; it was more like a portable pavilion. A large arbor covered with white and violet clematis marked the ceremony area. Cold drinks were available in the back, and Anna made her way in that direction. A cold gla.s.s of iced tea or lemonade would be welcome.

Cold gla.s.s in hand, Anna surveyed the crowd. Smiling faces and light, flowing attire abounded. Tanned beauties in backless dresses drew Anna's attention to her own paleness. She'd never been able to tan. Her skin pinked, burned, and then peeled. Fake tanning never worked for her, either. Something in her skin chemistry turned the tanner a terrible orange. She hadn't made that mistake twice. She supposed down the road she'd be glad when she wasn't wrinkled from the sun, but right now, she experienced a stab of jealousy.

Anna put her hand to the back of her head, checking her hair. She'd swept it up into a French roll and pinned it. The hairstyle had looked good in the mirror that morning, but she feared her fine strands escaping their confines. Everything seemed in place and Anna relaxed, returning to her people watching. There were even a few children. Some parents managed to get their offspring to sit quietly while others frolicked in the adjoining gra.s.s.

Children. She hadn't thought about having children in a long time. Part of her longed for children and the husband, dog, and white picket fence that went along with them in her fantasy. One thing she knew for sure was that she wanted a partner first. Not that she couldn't take on the financial burden, she could. It wasn't even that she thought every child required exactly one mother and one father. It was more that she believed she needed the support of a partner. Growing up without good role models for parenting had left her feeling inadequate to meet the challenge. With the right partner, though, she thought she could. Was Jonah the right partner? Anna, you're getting ahead of yourself again. It was true, but she just couldn't stop herself.

Chapter 6.

"Have you seen my cufflinks?" Marcus shuffled items around on the dresser, searching.

"They're on the nightstand." Jonah gestured toward the table where the cufflinks gleamed in a dish.

Marcus crossed to the nightstand and fished the cufflinks out of a small crystal bowl. He held them out to Jonah. "Help me with these, will you? My fingers are shaking."

Jonah slapped Marcus on the back. "Why are you so nervous? You love Tabitha, right? Isn't this what you want?"

Marcus nodded. "I am absolutely sure this is what I want. However, I'm still nervous." The conviction in his words left no room for doubt.