Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty - Part 18

Part 18

His hands caressed Anna's back and returned to her hips. Jonah's fingers bit into her as she writhed against him. "You feel so good, so perfect."

She wanted him beyond bearing. Without thought, Anna lifted off him and then buried him inside again. Blissful ripples of ecstasy shot through her. "Oh! Jonah ..." Her head fell back.

Jonah nipped her exposed neck and then kissed the light red mark he'd left. "Don't stop. Don't stop." His urgent voice broke though the wanton mist in her mind.

Anna quivered and raised herself again. She set an even rhythm, creating continuous pulses of rapture. She didn't stop. She couldn't stop.

Jonah thrust up beneath her, his breaths coming short and fast. His fingers slipped between them, searching for the center of her pa.s.sion. When he found it, he stroked and squeezed her sensitive flesh, sending tremors through her body.

Intense pleasure welled within Anna as she tumbled over the edge into sensual oblivion. She collapsed on Jonah as he reached his peak and buried himself inside her one last time.

Anna wrapped her arms around him as she caught her breath. "Did we really just do this?"

"Oh yes, we really did." Male satisfaction filled his words.

"Jonah, I don't know if I can move." She rested against him, spent.

He laughed. "Give it a few minutes." He ma.s.saged her shoulders.

Anna's muscles began to respond to her commands, but the languid, satiated feeling remained. She rose from his lap and swiped her panties from the floor. She stepped into them and straightened her clothing. "I don't know if this was a good idea."

"It feels like it was a very good idea." Jonah pulled on his briefs and slacks.

"I mean ... you know what I mean." Anna experienced a p.r.i.c.k of heated embarra.s.sment. What would everyone say? Would they a.s.sume she was angling for favors by dallying with a Granger?

"Nope. I sure don't." His grin didn't leave his face.

"The location. Here at the office." She didn't regret her actions. She'd wanted Jonah for so long. Whatever the cost, she'd pay it willingly.

"No one's going to come in. They know I'd bite their head off - figuratively, of course." Jonah enjoyed his reputation. It ensured privacy and cut down on requests for favors.

"I ... working together makes things difficult," Anna acknowledged.

"Only if we let it. Why let it?" He shrugged, indicating he'd considered and dismissed the potential problems.

Anna marveled at Jonah. He made her fears seem so needless. She decided to follow his lead and let the future resolve itself. "Okay. Okay. I just don't want to mess up our working relationship."

Jonah caught her gaze. "It won't. Whatever happens."

Anna squirmed. How could he be so sure? Did it mean so little to him or did the consequences not worry him? "Should we ... be discreet?"

"You mean don't tell anyone?" He zeroed in on her meaning immediately.

"I guess." She wanted things to work - more than anything. However, if their relationship fizzled, there was no reason to increase her embarra.s.sment with pitying looks from everyone in the office.

Jonah made a dismissive gesture. "I have no objection. I'm not fond of being the topic of office gossip. Be prepared, though. People are bound to find out eventually."

Anna smirked. Did Jonah have any idea of the constant chatter and speculation regarding his social life?

Jonah forked his fingers through his hair, leaving furrows in the thick strands. "What?"

Anna coughed delicately. "Well, Jonah, you have to admit you lead an interesting life."

His eyebrows drew together as he frowned. "No, I don't. People just think I do. My life is completely normal."

Anna laughed. "Well, I guess it depends on your definition of normal."

Jonah rolled his eyes. "Let's change the subject. Dinner this evening? We'll leave from the office together. That way I can't be late."

For a moment, Anna's breath hung suspended. She recognized his offer for what it was - an attempt to make up for the previous evening. Jonah hadn't set out with intent to hurt. He wasn't thoughtless. But his work consumed him at times, to the exclusion of all else.

She reached out and squeezed his arm. "That sounds lovely."

Jonah grinned, looking almost boyishly pleased. "Frank's expecting me. I'd better get going." He kissed her quickly and exited the room.

Anna turned in a circle, resisting the urge to spin around dizzily. The light in the room took on a dreamlike quality. She'd made love with Jonah. Well, maybe they'd had s.e.x from his perspective. Still, it was the culmination of a fantasy - one that she'd spun in her mind for years. The reality of it had been everything she'd imagined and more. Jonah had been both tender and urgent. She still throbbed inside. Crossing her arms, she hugged herself to hold on to the fading echo of his touch.

Sinking into the chair, Anna closed her eyes. Her head spun as she relived each caress, each stroke. She quivered as her mind replayed every sensation, every reaction.

The door clicked and her eyes flew open as she spun in the chair. Her a.s.sistant stood in the doorway. "Carrie, you startled me."

Carrie winced. "Sorry. Thought I would check to see if you needed anything in here."

Anna shook her head. "No, I'm good. Go ahead and continue on the statistical a.n.a.lysis."

"Okay. Cool." Carrie ducked out of the room.

Anna was alone again, but the spell was broken. She turned her attention back to her project as she pushed thoughts of Jonah to the back of her mind with determination.

Chapter 4.

As the day wore on, Anna reined in her rambling mind to focus on her work. Thankfully, Jonah wasn't close at hand. She could just imagine the distraction he'd provide today, however unwittingly. Would her desire fade with time? She didn't think so. When she moved back to her own lab, that would solve many problems - at least the distraction-related problems. But that was weeks away. Would it make any difference by then? Would their relationship have run its course?

At 6:30, Jonah sauntered into the lab. "Are you ready to wrap up?"

Anna nodded. "Yes, actually. Just give me a moment to put things away.

Jonah poured the remaining coffee from the pot into the sink and flipped off the coffeemaker.

Anna checked her desk area and slipped off her lab coat. She grabbed her purse and they left, locking the door behind them. As they approached the elevators, Anna realized she needed to go back.

"Jonah, I left something out and I need to secure it. I'll only be a minute."

"Sure, I'll wait here." He slipped his phone from his pocket, glancing at the screen.

Anna hurried back to the lab and unlocked the outer door. Crossing to the inner lab, she entered and stored several samples left on the counter. She'd been careless. Her orderly mind went haywire in Jonah's presence. She'd better learn to control her reactions before it affected her work, she admonished herself. She grabbed her notebook and jogged back out through the labs and down the hall. Jonah was holding the elevator. They stepped inside together.

"Everything good?" Jonah took her hand.

"Yes." Anna smiled as warmth traveled through her fingers and up her arm.

"I have a proposal." Jonah kissed her palm and then each finger in turn.

Anna jumped and her breath hitched. "A proposal?"

"Why don't we pick up takeout and bring it back to my place? We can watch a movie."

He didn't mean a proposal proposal, Anna thought. You are getting way ahead of yourself, Anna dear. Anna steadied herself. "That sounds great actually. I was on my feet a lot today and I'd love to relax."

Jonah hailed a cab and they settled inside. The warm summer evening welcomed the urban dwellers, and the sidewalks bustled with people. With sunset hours away, the populace didn't pa.s.s up the opportunity for outdoor activities now that the heat of the day was waning.

The cabbie negotiated through the heavy traffic until midtown skysc.r.a.pers turned into the lower profile buildings of the Village. The driver pulled to the curb. Anna and Jonah climbed out of the cab outside an Indian restaurant a few blocks from Jonah's building.

Jonah gestured toward the door. "This is a great place. I get food here all the time."

Though Indian food wasn't her first choice, she liked it well enough. "Indian food is fine."

Patrons crowded the restaurant, but the efficient staff had them on their way quickly. As a regular, Jonah's order received special attention. They walked the short distance to his apartment hand in hand, enjoying the cooling air of the evening.

Sitting on the couch, they consumed Chicken Tikka and puffy bread while Jonah shuffled through streaming programming on the television.

Jonah stopped on a comedy special. "What do you think?"

Anna glanced at the photograph of a well-known comedian. "Is that the new show? I heard it was funny. Let's watch."

Jonah punched the b.u.t.ton on the remote, and the program buffered for a moment before the opening credits rolled. He tossed the remote onto the coffee table and picked up his plate. For a few minutes, food and laughter absorbed them both.

Anna set her plate on the coffee table. The comedian's commentary on dating and relationships. .h.i.t close to home.

Jonah gestured toward the television. "Not funny?"

"It's funny." Anna took a sip of her drink, trying to put her finger on what exactly bothered her about the comedian's monologue.

"Then what?" Jonah raised his eyebrow.

Anna chose her words with care. "He's making me ... think about us."

"Oh?" Jonah replied.

Anna waved her hand dismissively. "I'm being silly."

Jonah put down his plate and grasped her fluttering hand. "Your feelings aren't silly, Anna."

Memories of their tryst in the lab flooded into her mind. Her skin pinked and she softened inside. "It isn't every day that I have s.e.x in the lab. In fact, it isn't any day."

"I haven't been involved with a co-worker before myself." He left unanswered the question of whether he'd brought a woman to the lab before.

Anna met his eyes. "It makes things complicated. Working together, I mean. I know we brought it up before, but ..." Her thought drifted off, unfinished.

Jonah rubbed her palm. "It's not against policy - not strictly. I supervise you in the most general way. I'm not your boss."

Anna shook her head. "I wasn't so concerned about that. I don't want anyone to think there is favoritism. It makes me uncomfortable."

Jonah shrugged. "They might. Anyone who knows us should know better. Does it bother you enough to change course?"

"No." Her answer was quick and sure. She reminded herself to redirect her thoughts when they started along a negative path. She did not intend to let her chance with Jonah slip away.

"Good." Jonah pulled her to him, depositing her on his lap.

Anna straddled his legs and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She smiled as she brought her face close to his, nibbling across his jawline. "You make me crazy, Jonah. I feel like I'm going to burn up."

He grasped her a.s.s in his hands. "You know what they say."

Anna looked into his eyes. "What's that?"

"Scientists have chemistry."

Anna collapsed into him, giggling.

Jonah's hands traveled the curves of her body. He squeezed and stroked, exploring every hollow and crevice.

Anna's skin burned in the wake of his touch. Emboldened, she reached for the b.u.t.tons of her shirt. She bit her lip as her eyes locked with his, but didn't hesitate. One by one, she slipped the b.u.t.tons free until her blouse hung open.

Jonah swept the fabric off her shoulders. He reached between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and unfastened the hook holding the cups of her bra. As the fabric loosened, he pulled the cups away, replacing them with his hands. His thumbs grazed Anna's nipples and her flesh became firm with desire. "I want you, Anna."

Anna blinked as tears threatened. How long had she waited to hear those words? She covered her surging emotion by stealing a kiss. Her tongue coaxed his lips open and met his tongue in a sensual duel.

"Take off your skirt." Impatient excitement roughened his voice.

Anna rose off his lap, more than happy to follow his directive. She removed her skirt, sliding it slowly down her body as he watched. Her hands shook as she slipped off her panties.

He gestured toward the couch. "This time, I get to be on top."

Anna shivered. Did he know she wanted him to take charge? She arranged herself on the cushions.

Jonah stood and divested himself of his clothing under Anna's admiring regard. His eyes returned the favor, gazing at her appreciatively. "You're so beautiful."

With Jonah so clearly aroused by her, Anna saw herself as he did - as a beautiful and desirable woman. She usually receded into the background, a proverbial wallflower. But not here. Not now.

Anna held out her hand and drew him down on top of her. He crushed her into the soft cushions of the sofa, stoking her arousal. She wanted him. She wanted to feel him everywhere.

Jonah's legs tangled with Anna's as he smoothed her hair off her face and kissed her, making his way from her lips to her neck.