Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty - Part 125

Part 125

He didn't have any disabilities. He was a f.u.c.king genius, and if he wanted a night in to quiet his mind, he should be allowed to from the people who were meant to care about him.

He could admit to himself that he very much wanted to spend time with Josephine, but he was so set in his ways that he wasn't sure how to spend time with her outside of her head. He also didn't know what her intentions were. She didn't seem like the vapid ma.s.s of women who tried to attach themselves to his money, but it was really all he'd ever known.

He went to create a new message to brush her off blaming his ridiculous, self imposed work schedule, when another of hers appeared.


Dr. Sorelle, I apologize for any impropriety. My request was inappropriate. I didn't think about the awkward position I might put you in to have to refuse.

Josephine __.

Well, s.h.i.t. He didn't want her to feel bed. It was a bit improprietous with his position, but it's not like he was her physicianhe wasn't that type of doctor anyhow, but as the creator of the trial, it might be a bit frowned upon. But only for a little while. He didn't have any ethical issues with it, just personal ones.


Josephine, It isn't that at all. The trial is temporary. I'm just not terribly accommodating with other people in my life. I'd not be a very good date.

Regards, Tesla __.

Josephine could respect his answer. She knew it wasn't quite a lie, but she certainly felt his disinterest keenly, if not kindly.

She wondered if he'd bother to introduce himself now. He had an excuse not to.

Josephine wished she'd kept her mouth shut.

Chapter Eight.

The weeks pa.s.sed quickly. Tesla did introduce himself to Josephine, properly, and even shook her hand, but he was comically shy. He a.s.sumed that probably put her off.

It wasn't normal. He usually had minimal problems socially, but this woman made his brain turn into a p.u.b.escent boy and he wasn't pleased to be revisiting a part of his life that he'd rather forget.

She was pretty. She was pretty in a way that she probably wasn't aware of. Her hair was a messy blonde bob, and from what he could tell through the glow around her, her features were perfectly pleasant.

"I'll show you tonight, if you like."

Josephine forgot her clothes, but she didn't forget the towels, useless as they'd always been.

There was no moon, and the stars were muted. She squinted, but it was no use. It was all very bland. The way he wanted it. She'd been so anxious to see him that she hadn't been particular about those details. But he wanted to show her something and she wanted to see it.

She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, and she wondered how long she would have to wait.

Suddenly, the sand came alive with light, and she sucked in a breath. She'd never seen anything like it. The water rose and rushed past her ankles, and ebbed back out to sea, leaving her feet to press light into the sand.

She wanted him right then, and she could bring him into her dream if she wished. She hadn't thought of that.

She felt lips against her shoulder, hesitant and warm. She didn't know if that was her or him, and at that moment, she didn't care.

She couldn't hear him because of the tide. She couldn't hear anything, but she desperately wanted to hear him breathe. To make it more real. It was real, but she wanted more.

Tesla pressed his face into the crook of her neck, and inhaled. Golden syrup. He'd expected to smell the sea.

He didn't seem to have any sort of methodology, and that likely frustrated him. She would need to be clear in her reactions. She wanted him to be certain of her affections by the end of their shared dream.

He led her to a canopied bed right on the beach surrounded by glowing sand.

His mouth pressed against her breast.

He was an explorer of territory undiscovered by him, and Josephine had first thought it was deliberate, but she thought that he could get lost in touching, finding, and tasting every bit he could find. And she had to submit to it. She wanted to. Submitting to even the whims he couldn't verbalize would be a challenge, but she was up for it.

He found his way inside her right there among the glow, and Josephine knew her heart would break if this wasn't him. If this was her scene and all he brought was the light.

It had to be him.

Please let it be him.

Chapter Nine.

Another place.

Another time.

Raphe decided Greenville, Texas was a s.h.i.t-hole if his accommodations were anything to go by. The Victorian was something straight out of a horror novel. It was f.u.c.king huge, and not even the many layers of wallpaper and paint could hide the infestation of mold. He couldn't see it, but he could smell it. He could feel it.

There were plenty of rooms upstairs that would be more comfortable, but Daniel, that f.u.c.ker, said his father instructed he live down here. To separate him from any girls who might come to stay. Which was hilarious. He a.s.sumed his hot a.s.s was just too tempting and the way that motherf.u.c.ker prayed to a f.u.c.king deity every time Raphe's services were needed, it made his living in an old washroom almost worth it.


It was all patently ridiculous. From what he could ascertain, they brought in different eager females, and Raphe was meant to impregnate them.

Raphe didn't have a moral problem with this. He knew he should, but as he was being held prisoner with threats on his life, he felt he couldn't be terribly picky about where he was sticking it. And he had stuck it in worse.

Obviously, the great land of Texas was trying to f.u.c.k its way out of unvaried bloodlines, and trying to find someone who didn't share the same grandmother was a bit of a challenge. It was understandable. Raphe approved. However, had Raphe known Texas was after some new DNA, he would have happily given numerous deposits. Kidnapping him would've been unnecessary. His rates would have been reasonable. He would have even entertained a bulk discount. After all, if he charged $50 to watch his own come hit the concrete, he didn't see any reason to charge more.

Quite frankly, the thought of hundreds of his offspring infiltrating Texas was beyond amusing. It would be f.u.c.king history and he wouldn't even mind if they whitewashed it.

He'd found out Daniel's name as he woke handcuffed to his current bed that first morning. His room was windowless, but there wasn't a lock on the door yet, and it was opened just enough for hear an older man speaking on the phone. "Daniel brought home a pretty blond male. I think you'll be pleased."

Raphe hadn't understood what that meant. He'd heard of the s.e.x trade, but that was primarily for young females or pre-adolescent males. He couldn't think why else it would be relevant he be' pretty'.

Later on, when Daniel came to install the lock on the door, Raphe asked outright, "Daniel darling, how did you know I liked to be handcuffed to the bed?"

Daniel was unsettled by him, and Raphe loved to make him uncomfortable those short moments he was forced to be in his presence. When his meals were brought to him, and those long walks up the stairs into a bedroom with a woman waiting for him were highlights for Raphe because Daniel was clearly unnerved by him.

Raphe had been in Greenville two weeks, and was close to manic when his role was explained. He was brought there for breeding purposes. He laughed and laughed until he couldn't breathe. "Why didn't you just ask, you f.u.c.ker?"

Daniel had been slow to answer, but was very proud when it came to him. "Because your answer didn't matter. You should be thanking G.o.d you have this chance for salvation."

His brain quieted and a touch of fear set in. Raphe had heard of cults, but thought enough history had pa.s.sed to render them obsolete. History had taught him nothing good had ever come of delusion in large numbers. "G.o.d? Which part of this would your G.o.d approve of? If he or she thought drugging me, kidnapping me, and forcing me to breed with women I don't know is acceptable to him, I think I'd rather shop for a new one." He looked at Daniel. "Wait. Do people down here think a G.o.d exists? Is it widespread? Or is it just off the grid people who are stunted? Because I'm telling you, you're slowing down evolution."

Daniel looked angry. "Of course everyone believes He exists! The States are rotting from the absence of G.o.d! How can you not see that?"

Raphe realized then Daniel was certifiable. Dead s.e.xy, but completely crazy. Only insane people could believe such nonsense. "Well, you brought part of the filth back with you with the intention of spreading it around. I could have a deadly disease. Or have an IQ the length of your d.i.c.k. My children could be dumber than a box of rocks."

Daniel didn't have anything to say at first, and when he did, he didn't sound very convinced. "G.o.d will protect the women if you do."

The first girl was a shy young thing, but very eager. Not eager in the way one was when they want to get off, but eager to be filled with a blessing. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, and she looked entirely too innocent to be wanting what she was about to get. He was told not to speak, and he wouldn't have obeyed, except Daniel sat in a chair with a rifle while Raphe f.u.c.ked her.

It was interesting at first. She was lying down on the bed with her dress pooled around her upper thighs. She held the dress there, and Raphe could see then how nervous she was.

Raphe was a bit of an exhibitionist, and removed his clothes all while looking at Daniel. It took him a moment to realize she had become noticeably uncomfortable when Daniel sat in the chair next to the bed, and when Raphe tried to rea.s.sure her, the barrel of a rifle skimmed his hip. "Just close your eyes," he whispered to her.

She did, but when Raphe pushed inside, it hurt her and she hadn't been eager any longer. "I'm sorry," he spoke close to her ear.

"Get your face away from her. She doesn't know where your mouth has been."

Raphe rolled his eyes. He was straining to keep his erection now. She was clearly inexperienced and he should have had a bit of time to ease her into it. He was good at it. But now he properly understood his predicament. Normally, he didn't have a problem f.u.c.king anyone. He had his preferences, but he loved the pleasure for its own sake. He would have loved to introduce this girl to how fantastic it could be.

He sat up on his knees, so he could have better access to her. He didn't know if he could get her off, but he would try. He thumbed at her c.l.i.toris and she thrashed, nearly dislodging his c.o.c.k.

"What the f.u.c.k are you doing to her?"

His hip was slapped with the barrel. "Helping her enjoy it. Obviously."

"Don't. You are only meant to get her pregnant." He was still pressing the barrel to Raphe's hip.

"I'm helping her along. Do you all not have s.e.x education down here? f.u.c.k." Raphe was irritated. "Just don't talk anymore. I'm trying to get this over with quickly for her sake, and you're making me lose my b.o.n.e.r. Just shut up, and let me finish it. And I'd rather her not be traumatized because we may have to do this again." He decided to ignore Daniel. He thought the chances of him getting shot were slim.

He dropped back on top of the girl. "What's your name?" He whispered.

She opened her eyes, but didn't say anything.

"You don't have to tell me. Can I kiss you? Your mouth is gorgeous." He waited for her to blush, and at her timid nod, he dipped his head and kissed her. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, and as soon as she opened hers, he found her tongue with his, while still stroking her c.l.i.toris with the pad of his thumb.

It wasn't going to be such a task now. "Mmm. You feel amazing. Can you hear how wet you are?" Raphe pulled himself out nearly all the way, letting her hear it, before pushing back in slowly. He nuzzled at her breast, finding her nipple underneath her bra and dress. He soaked the material with his tongue, and bit down.

She was thoroughly enjoying herself now. Her hips were rising to meet him, and her hands were yanking at the sheets. Raphe looked back at Daniel, and licked his bottom lip. Daniel was pressing against his erection, and Raphe wondered if that would mean anything at all for him. He hoped so.

Raphe kissed her one more time. "Want to feel you come on my c.o.c.k." It was possibly too crude, but he didn't care. She was a natural. He circled her c.l.i.toris rapidly, and less than a minute later, she was whining and curling into herself. And squeezing his c.o.c.k. He pounded her pliant once more, emptying himself fully. It was the first time he'd ever e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed fully inside someone else without a condom. It was troubling, and quite possibly the most intimate thing he'd ever done.

"Time to go." Daniel tapped the bed once with the gun, and Raphe kissed her once on the mouth and once again on her inner thigh as he got up. Her natural modesty pushed her dress back down. She was blushing again.

As soon as the bedroom door was closed, Raphe was pushed to his knees, and his mouth full of so much c.o.c.k. He didn't even have time to show his skill, because Daniel was coming on the back of his tongue.

As he was pulled upward, he wanted to laugh.

Later, when Daniel brought him dinner, Raphe asked more about her, and surprisingly, he answered. "She's very poor, so she is selling the baby to Mr. Agnesson."

Agnesson. That sounded horrible. "My baby. She's selling this Mr. Agnesson my baby. Don't mistake what you're doing here." Raphe hadn't considered the babies would be sold, but of course they would be. "I just don't know why me specifically. Why you needed to cross the border. Surely not everyone in this f.u.c.king country is inbred."

Daniel shrugged. "It was what Mr. Agnesson instructed. I don't question him."

"Apparently," Raphe sighed. "Does she not have family? A lover? A friend?"

"No. Her parents could never afford a contract, and they were isolated. It was only recently she was found."

Raphe didn't quite understand. "What sort of contract?"

Daniel frowned at him. "A marriage contract. How else would you get a spouse?"

Raphe couldn't stop his eyes from rolling. "The normal way. On the Internet. At school. At the market. At a library. At a club. At a coffee shop. You meet someone, spend time with them, and sometimes you fall in love and want to get married."

He shook his head. "We don't do it that way. Here, these things are planned before birth or shortly after."

"So, where's your wife then?"

"She's only fourteen, so we have a couple of years still before we are to be married." Daniel told him, matter of factly.

Raphe thought he might vomit. "She's just a child."

"She can bear children-"

"Then why wait?"

Daniel looked at him like it was obvious. "Because her mother is still teaching her what her role will be."

"Her role? What the f.u.c.k does that mean? Like how to boil water or get stains out of the arm pits of your shirts? You can look s.h.i.t up on the Internet."

"Not everyone has access to the Internet, and those things are best learned with practice."

The Internet not being readily available made Raphe reevaluate what he wanted to say. "But not that much practice. It only took me weeks to figure out how to care for myself when I left home. What in the world takes years to learn?"

Daniel didn't say anything at first. "It's just the way we do things here. We are taught by our fathers how to take financial care of our families, and our mothers teach our sisters how to take care of the home."

Raphe thought that was pretty logical, but still, everyone would need to be in agreement. "What if she wants to work and not have kids?"

"That's unheard of."