Hel. Yes. And when you got to the top of the tree--
Poe. O, what did I do then?
Hel. Why, you see this was the biggest giant that _e-v-e-r_ lived--and his head was just as high as the top of the tree--so when he came by--
Poe. I know! I know! I just out with my sword, and off went his head!
Hel. So it did! And then you climbed down from the tree--
Poe. And the little girl came out of the cave--
Hel. And you went off together happy ever after!
Poe. What was that little girl's name, mama?
Hel. Why, I don't think you ever told me that, did you?
Poe. I was just thinking--
Hel. What, darling?
Poe. That I wish you weren't my mama, so you could be that little girl!
Hel. O, I can, dear. For there were the fairies. We forgot the fairies. They gave me this pretty ring, so that when I put it on I can be whoever I please, and I please to be just whoever my little boy likes best.
Poe. (Rises, and speaks in his own manner) Madonna, Oh, Madonna! You will save me. (Kisses her forehead) Good-night. To-morrow I will tell you about my work--our work. There are miracles yet to be. And Poesy shall speak them.
Hel. But do not try to write out all your soul, Edgar. That cannot be. Poetry is but one gate. The soul goes out by a thousand ways.
Poe. True. And we will find those ways together, Helen. We will gather truth in every path,--truth that flowers out of the struggle and carnage of life like the bloom of song on the crimson of war.
Hel. But we may not know all. Man's greatest knowledge is but the alphabet of the eternal book. We must be content with the letters, and not unhappily strive to read.
Poe. I will remember. But what mortal can attain shall be mine.
Already thoughts that fled my agony come to me as gently as the alighting of birds. Truths open about me like the unfolding of roses yet warm with G.o.d's secret. Good-night.
(Takes her hand) I am not the greatest genius, Helen, for I can not stand alone. (Drops her hand and goes to window.
Hesitates and turns back) One kiss. (Kisses her) O, look at me! I lose divinity when you close your eyes! Look at me, and I can not fall for Heaven bears me up!
Hel. (In sudden alarm) I hear a step!
Poe. (Looking at her reproachfully) Listen better, you will hear G.o.d's footfall.
Hel. Some one is up.
Poe. And do you care? Would you put a stain upon this hour?
This flower of love blown perfect from the skies?
Hel. Ah, it is gone.
Poe. (Wildly) O, you will leave me, Helen! You can not stay!
For I will play the madman to thy sense when I am sanest, and like a shivering Atlas shake thy world when most thou wouldst be still. This body wraps more lives then one, my girl. When I was born no pitying angel dipped my spirit-fire in Lethe. I weep with all the dead as they my brothers were, and haunt the track of time to shudder with his ghosts. Wilt fare with me, brave Helen? Wilt tread the nadir gloom and golden paths of suns? Canst gaze with me into the fearful, grey infinitude--
Hel. That grey infinitude is yet the circle of your being. The mind can not leave itself. You are always in your own country. Why should you fear?
Poe. The mind that can not leave itself knows nothing. Not the 'I am' but 'Thou art' is G.o.d. O, there is a realm of which imagination is but a shadow--where the mind is burnt away in His vision's fire, and thought becomes celestial angel of itself! And you turn back with the first step--already I am alone--
Hel. No! I, too, have hung upon the boundaries of the world to catch G.o.d's flying dreams! O, trust me! Thou shalt fling no lance but I will cast it on to gleam in a farther sun!
Bring me roses from Jupiter, I'll bring thee lilies from Ura.n.u.s! O,--
Poe. Mine, by Heaven! (Catches her to him) Here we'll begin the immortal pilgrimage! We need not wait for death! From world to world--
Hel. (Springing from him) It _is_ a step!
Go, Edgar! Go!
Poe. No! By the G.o.d in my bosom, you are mine from this moment!
Hel. My father! my father! He will tear me from you--You do not know him!
Poe. I know he's mortal. Heaven could not part us. I will not move!
(He is standing in the window. She hastily draws the curtain before him)
Hel. Then keep your word!
(A knock at the door. Helen is silent)
Voice. Helen?
Hel. It is you, Roger? Come in.
(Roger enters, carrying a lamp. Looks about and sees Helen.)
Rog. I heard voices.... Who was with you, Helen?... I could not be mistaken.... (puts lamp on a table, and comes nearer Helen.) Look at me, Helen.... I am your brother. Who was here?... I know that Love has laid his mighty hand upon you, but yet you are an angel. I thought--it was--his voice.... Tell me what this means.... _He_ was not here!
O, I shall die when I learn that you are but a woman!
Poe. (Leaping out) I am here, sir, to defend that lady's honor!
Rog. (Staggers back, regains composure, and bows ironically) I rejoice to hear it, sir, for you alone can do it. It is wholly in your keeping. (Turns to go)
Hel. Roger!
Rog. Madam.
Hel. You forsake me?
Rog. You have forsaken yourself.
Hel. Oh! (Swoons. Poe bends over her wildly affectionate. Roger stands apart, proud and despairing)