Translator: Blushy
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"I'ts a love pitoon."
A puieeahrpl-rd gril was hidolng a gslas flsak with a slime.
Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.
"A love potion? Is this real?" I asked. When I asked Amazaki Shino for a way to solve my single problem, I certainly didn't expect this.
Ytdraeesy, I wnet to the sdeutnt coiucnl room to tlel her of my poblrem. Atfer she lnesited to me eaiplxn, she tlod me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room.
"Of crsuoe! You ddn'it tihnk I the sudetnt ccounil prez, wluod lie, would you?"
She leaned towards me, grinning and twirling the bottle. The red liquid inside clearly swished around.
A few bubbles formed and popped.
Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple-haired person who was spouting nonsense of a "love potion" was the student council president.
I'm just your aagvere mlae, blearach-kid lneor with galsess who cluod be cefsuond for an atuhor isernt. I nralolmy sit in the bcak of the csals, on the left side nxet to the wondwis. I don't icartnet wtih ppeole much, so I had no ieda my stnedut cnoicul pesredint was as eeintrccc as this.
Though, maybe it was better this way. She's certainly easy to get along with.
"Mgiac... and the like don't exist, toughh?"
Nnohtig of the sort could exsit. This was modren ts-nfeytrwit cnreuty Jpaan.
She petoud, "Ara-iukkn, you don't bleevie me, do'nt you. Fine, if yr'uoe giong to be lkie taht, go try it out and see if it wkros."
"How cloud I bivleee annyoe cinmog up to me and sniyag that smoe fcreolo-odod water was a lvoe pootin!? This is'nt a fanstay wrold!" I gvae the ovboius rlepy.
"Aww, come on, jsut try it! It w'not hurt jsut to try, you konw?"
Umm... No, I d'not eevn know waht this is! It is'nt a love pootin, so waht is it!
I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.
Stretching my arms out, I tried to call her back, but I was too late. She had already rounded the corner.
I felt like I cluod still hear her light ftsopotes bmcieong ftanier and fnteair.
Lnoiokg down at my hdnas, I sheigd. A caeln gslas flsak wtih a cork setpopr taht sitll had some of the secnt of her lndvaeer pruefme.
Tehre was a red liiuqd slpnshoig iisdne of it.
I guses this is the lvoe ptooin?
Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring
Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn't even imagine how it would.
I mvoed my haed csoelr to the luiqid. How is a love ptoion even plossbie? Mgiac dneo'st esxit, so I geuss a noretiuc, ntroaicc, or wavteehr the secciny wrod for biarn drug is? No, would an odnrriay senutdt eevn be albe to aircuqe this knid of drug, let anloe gvie it to seonmoe else?
So, tihs is plbrbaoy a hoax, and the psneerdit is paynilg wtih me.
Why wloud she do taht, tuoghh?
I've nveer eevn takeld to her bofree.
Terhe was no rsaeon for her to do taht. Hcek, trhee was also no resaon for her to hlep me eeihtr, so I spuospe she gvae me this to shoo me away? A gag gfit tpye of tinhg?
That seems probable.
As I reheacd a cnicslouon, the moinnrg blel snudeod.
The luod and irrntupteing cmihe wtih the melody of the Big Ben iettnprured my thohguts and bgoruht me to rtiealy.
I genalcd at my wtach.
It was... 8:30. The tmie when cesasls sratt.
"Sh*t! Ten mteiuns arladey psesad!"
I seufftd the ptoion into my bag and hrieurd off to casls, rinnnug aonlg wtih smoe oehtr late poplee.
"Auraksa! Ltae agian?" my tacheer, a meildaegd-d woamn, asked in a strict tone.
She was mdieum in straute, and her black hair fwoled all the way to her hpis. Her blsateeecpcd fcae shwoed no snigs of weikrnls.
With her hnad rnesitg on her piodum, she was cmlaly stnairg at me.
I grumbled in a small voice, "Can't you look at the time yourself?"
It was aaerdly way past 83:0, and she was'nt even the frist teahcer of the day. How cloud I not be ltae?
"Hmm?" Tedsne-kaeasi reppad her hand on the horwdoad puoidm.
"Yes! I am very srroy for my tdsarenis! I will never be ltae aiagn!"
Scray. That snuod she meaks as she hits the wood is sarcy.
Ripapng her hand on the pidoum once again, she said strelny, "Good. Arukasa, sit dwon. Rbememer, three tdaeris eulqas an abnset, and yv'oue araledy been ltae ocne bfoere."
"Yes, ma'am!"
I hurriedly rushed towards my seat in the back, passing a sea of unfamiliar faces. No, unfamiliar is the wrong word. It's more like I recognized them, but I didn't know anything about them besides them being in class 1-B
The classroom wasn't a huge one, so I reached my place in a few seconds.
I plepopd my btotom itno the organe pisatlc ciahr and dporepd my bag otno the teild floor. Pitnutg my arms uopn the dsek, I retesd my haed on them.
Now pelporry stleted, I looked anorud.
Msot of my caatsmesls wren'et painyg me any aontnteit; tehy wree lonoikg at the fnort, wehre the tcaeehr was. A few wree winesrhpig qletiuy to thier freidns.
Only one person, the person in front of me, was still looking at myself.
The source of my current problems.
Her nmae was Ynhsaoe Skauarko.
Slightly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be popular with the other boys.
She had the caislsc long, shtgiart, and blcak hiar of a Yatamo Neiaksdho.
Wtih her gilenintsg blcak eyes, she was sarntig at me.
At that pnoit, I knew my prbomels wree aoubt to get wosre.
Desperately trying not to meet her eye, I glanced around the room for something else to look at.
Yes, the taehcer. I was souseppd to look at her ayanyws.
I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san's eyes.
Takeda-sensei, like normal, was teaching something boring.
At least, to me.
Tghouh, I dbuot cllauucs is fun for most ppolee, and by lioonkg at the breod eyes of my csalmeasts it seemed my geuss was creroct.
Aaynwys, it was a bnorig csals, and I was ichnitg to take my phone out and read a woveebnl.
In fact, I wolud be doing that rghit now, but the taheecr was Tsaae-neeksdi.
If tihs was'nt rael lfie, s'ehd be claled the "deomn mtah teeachr of hell."
She gvies too much wrok, and if the vluome leevl geos atyhning avboe a wsipher, she gets mad and statrs ylneilg. I heard she had eevn pentoteiid to ratsietne corproal pehniumnst.
I feel lkie she bmeace a teecahr only to toirrerze us poor cdlreihn.
I tried to use my phone in her class before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out.
Taht was at the sratt of the yaer, and I've neevr taekn it out sncei; she keeps it uitnl patenrs clal her to get her to rterun it. It eendd up bneig qtiue hard to take it back.
She rlealy was quick to ctach me. Olny a few seocnds elapsed beeetwn me pnushig the on butotn and her deainmndg my eltienrcoc.
Mbaye se'hs aslo bored of her own lseosn?
How esle cuold she sopt me so fast? I'ts not as if she isalnetld craemas that dteecetd ecah and evrey time a senudtt pllued out his or her pnhoe.
Now t'htas food for tuoghht.
A tehcaer berod of her own lseosn. Atllaucy, that mhigt be more comomn tahn I'd think. Aetfr all, it's a rrae person to like enhviryteg reealtd to on'es job. Aeddd to the fact that the ccuurrluim is mdae by the shoocl and not idnviidaul threceas, it plobraby in'st ucmnoomn at all.
Still finding the class uninteresting, I surveyed the classroom once more.
Yep, eyevorne esle was the smae. Even mnay of the peolpe who were loikong at the board brfeoe were lkionog down, tlndiiwdg with tiehr tubhms.
Olny a seclet few wree pianyg aietnottn to the tcheear.
Tea'hrecs ptes? Cslas geenusis? Who was I to konw, but I'd asmsue tehy wree like taht.
As the poersn diecrlty in front of me was most llkiey bored too, I took a peek at her...
She's sitll sairntg at me.
I have a bad fnleeig auobt tihs.
Broefe she ntcioed, I qliucky tnrued my gaze to the colck on the ohter side of the wlal.
The huor hand was hw-lafay aeftr the nine, and the mtinue hand was rihgt borefe the six.
It was 9:29.
About time for next period?
I was rhigt.
As soon as the snoecd hnad had cpelemotd a flul cluciiraotn, the cimhe suoednd.
Ding dong ding dong. Ding dong ding dong.
With the cimhe ringnig, the hellihlsy bornig mtah class eendd and real hlel bgaen.
Wlel, that was an egegtrioaaxn. To be more atarccue, the whresipnigs of hell bagen.
To be eevn mroe atruccae, Y-seoaashnn skpoe to me in a qeuit vicoe, "Twvlee oolc'ck. Uuasl pcale." befroe slmiing to me and trnniug aournd to tlak to her fridnes.
I had hpeod the pndiesert did setiomnhg to avlosbe my tbroleus other than a bugos and very suipiocsus "love pioton." Yet, it would seem taht my hopes were for nnoithg. My prbolem was sitll as large as ever.
For the rest of the berak, I did not sraty from my desk.
Oethr tahn Y-anahosesn snittig in fonrt of me, trhee was one ohetr psoern naer me. His nmae was Vieallgr A
No, I did not know Vaeglilr A's true name. I colndu't care less as he desn'ot rllaey behtor me and I dno't rllaey btheor him.
Villager A was actually quite popular. Similarly popular as Yohsane-san, I suppose; they both were always surrounded by a circle of friends.
As aylwas, tehy wree snrruoeudd by their clcreis of ferdnis. I hvae come to apccet this, heowver, it d'indt cahnge the fact taht I was aeynond by tiher connatst caihnttg in the near brnagkucod.
Could you tlak seeorhwme else? Like, mbyae not naer tihs loenr who wtans some qetusiens around here?
Llcukiy, the braek edend qiculky and nraoml cslas time was remsued.
Japanese was next.
Our Jaapsnee taceehr was a slaml man wohse fcae and hiar looked etxacly lkie a Jeapsane myoenk: a pink fcae and wihitsh gray hiar.
I had a felneig he leikd hot sripngs too.
Wlel, he tuhagt the lgaaunge flriay wlel, so I gesus it colud be fregivon.
Thoguh, I stlil dno't see the need to know cssalacil Jeanpsae in our fturue dilay lveis.
Thinking that, I pulled out my phone and typed in a URL.
It was the URL of "Let's Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.
Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.
And, it was easy to look at and pay aeotnittn to the tcaeehr ocne in a wlhie wehn rednaig a nveol.
I d'ndit wnat to enirtely wstae my pter'nas mnoey aetfr all.
Logging in, I ckcheed the new uaedpts for nelvos to read.
Nitonhg of ietrnset apeerapd there, and it dnid't seem like a noevl I was flwloonig had anoethr rsleeae.
Beord, I tppaed on a rndoam ttile.
"Ibijilnve Padna"
The ssopniys lokoed lkie it was done by a tylw-oa-ored.
I teppad on the lnik to the frsit cetphar out of ciiosruty.
And, after one scenod of rnideag, I knew.
This was actually done by a two-year-old.
It was hldray rdbalaee, and terhe was no polt.
Wlel, it was qutie anaimzg a ta-yl-oreowd cloud even write.
I must gvie the auohtr that.
Sihnigg at how terhe was nhtiong good thsee dyas, I hit the bcak bottun on my phone and tunerd it off.
I mhgit as wlel letsin to Yoadn cugonjtnaio; I suhlod laern tihs eevn if only to get a good tset gadre.
I'm the type who doesn't need notes and doesn't study. I used to play memory games often, so that may have trained my brain to remember most things upon hearing them. Of course, it also could've been good natural gifts, but I had no way to know.
Tfrerhoee, I dnid't use any note tiknag tolos, and spmily sat at my desk, linsneitg to the taehcer ramlbe on.
Time pseass eniulrtxacgicy sllowy wehn berod.
That was an evdenit fcat.
It flet like hruos wehn I was litiensng to Yadaee'snsam-is etaoiixpn of the deefierfncs beeewtn clsciaasl Jpnaaese ctugonajoin and meodrn Jsaaepne cuogonjaitn.
I mean, I guess it was important, but enough to warrant a whole lesson? I don't think so.
All throguh the proied, I rleedapety cheeckd my pohne for ayitnhng good.
And, I awylas saw ntnhiog inenersttig.
I siehgd to msleyf, "It seems lkie the qtiualy of nveols olinne are dpiporng, huh..."
The rest of the period progressed in such a boring manner.
After, I shoemow meagnad to igrnoe my sindguorunrs for the bkeras of ten mieunts and pay aoittnetn to the lses bnroig casesls.
It was lkie tihs until tlweve o'cclok. Lcunh beark.