Secret Marriage: Wife Spoiling Husband - Chapter 78: Don't want to die again...

Chapter 78: Don't want to die again...

On his reaching his apartment, Zhehan rushed inside only to find Yang Mi knocking on his bedroom door and calling out Li Xiaolu's name.

Seeing him, Yang Mi released a sigh in relief before moving aside, " Ceo Zhang thank god you came... Xiaolu... she is not opening the door."

"Sister Yang Mi, let me try.... " he huffed walking towards the door and knocked, "Xiaolu.... it's me. Please open the door love"


"Xiaolu baby... please open the door" he again called softly knocking on the door.

Complete silence.

There was no sounds from inside. Zhang Zhehan didn't know how to describe how he was feeling at that moment. It felt like at any point his heart would jump right out of his chest, if Xiaolu doesn't open the door.

"Xiaolu open the door" he said anxiously but he still got no reply from inside. Yang Mi who saw that nothing was working suddenly asked, "Ceo Zhang do you have a spare key?"

Spare key?

How more stupid can he get? Cursing himself he ran towards a bookshelf and took out a key. Hastily inserting the key he opened his bedroom door only to be extremely shocked.

Darkness.... His whole room was dark without a single light. Clicking on the lights he searched for xiaolu. There on the ground, at the side of the bed he saw xiaolu sitting on the floor hugging her knees with her head hidden in her lap.

Seeing that she was alright he sighed in relief. "Sister Yang Mi, I want to talk to her alone... " he said glancing at Yang Mi who was just behind him.

Yang Mi realised that right now what xiaolu needed the most was her husband. Nodding her head, she calmly walked outside the room giving the couple some privacy.

Zhehan smiled at her gesture before closing the door and making his way towards his wife. Quitely sitting down on the ground infront of Li Xiaolu he called her name softly, "Xiaolu... "

Not getting a reply, he scooted closer to her and ran his palm over her head, calling her name, "Xiaolu...."

Li Xiaolu immediately jerked her head up on feeling somebody touching her head. On seeing her face, Zhehan felt a pang in his heart. Her eyes were red and swollen with tears falling and she looked scared.

Blinking her eyes, Li Xiaolu recognized the person infront of her. "Z-Zhehan...." she called shakily and immediately jumped into his arms.

Zhehan almost fell backwards when Li Xiaolu jumped into his arms, but he immediately stabilized himself by holding the bed with one hand while the other one was holding Li Xiaolu by her waist.

After making her sit properly on his lap so that they don't fall back he patted her head, "Xiaolu... what happened baby? You scared me so much. Baby, if you are afraid of fire, you should have cancel the scene. Nobody would say anything to you.... Baby are you alright? "

Tightening her arms around Zhehan she shook her head, " N-No... Z-Zhehan... you don't understand... They will kill me again..."

"I-I d-don't want to go back there, f-fire.... big fire. No, I don't want to go back there.... They will kill me again.. I-I d-don't want to die....."

Kill? Again? They... Who? The Li family.... Zhang Zhehan was completely clueless on what Li Xiaolu was speaking but softly patting her back he asked, "Xiaolu who are they? Who wants to hurt you?"

"I-I don't die again.... They are awful. I l-loved them but they killed me.... N-no don't want to die... They used me, I was just a tool for them. They played me like a puppet.... like a slave I was working for them... "

"I loved them to such an extent that I did everything for them.... I-i never questioned them. W-what wrong had I done? Why did they kill me? W-why did they burn me alive? Zhehan am I so unlovable?"

"No!!! You are not unlovable. If you were unlovable, I would not have fallen in love with you.... Never think like this xiaolu. You will always have me with you. You will never be alone. No one will ever hurt you. I will not let them hurt you ever again!! " Zhehan said patting her back and consoling her.

Suddenly he felt Li Xiaolu tightening her grip even more and them looking up at him with tear filled eyes, "Really?"

His heart ached and he nodded his head. Her eyes were full of insecurities, full of loneliness and full of fear and hurt. He wished to take all her pains away.

"P-promise me? Promise me that you will never useme. Promise me that you'll never betray me and promise me that you will never leave me like they did.... "

Holding her face in his hand he nodded kissing her forehead, "I promise I will always love you. I promise you that I will never leave you alone. I promise you that I will never betray you and I promise that I will spend the rest of my life with you only...."

She smiled at him before resting her face on his chest. Patting her back he let her cry out her every grieverance of her heart. For almost an hour he sat in the same position holding Li Xiaolu in his arms.

Looking down he suddenly noticed that she has fallen asleep. Picking her up, he carefully laid her on the bed. Wiping her tears he bent down and kissed her forehead.

Most of the words that Li Xiaolu spoke while crying, he didn't understand any of it. But he got one thing clear.... her fear of fire was somehow related to that despicable Li family. And he was going to investigate that for sure!

Clenching his fist, he looked at xiaolu's sleeping figure. Properly covering her with the duvet he glanced at her and left.

Outside, Yang Mi was quite worried about Li Xiaolu's condition. She should not have listened to her. She should have spoken to Director Ye to cancel that scene. It's all her fault....

The picture of Xioalu's lonely figure sitting alone in the darkness flashed across her brain again and again. Yang Mi cursed herself for everything that happened today when suddenly she heard CEO Zheng's voice, " It's not your fault Sister Yang Mi.... "