Secret Marriage: Wife Spoiling Husband - Chapter 404: Good reason

Chapter 404: Good reason

Long Xun touched his nose helplessly. That night, after Lin's party, when he called Zhang Zhehan to meet him at their secret place, he told him about everything he knew.

Zhang Zhehan was also shocked after knowing the truth. He didn't even think that somebody would lay a net over their lives and they were falling into it unknowingly. Luckily, Long Xun found out the truth and now they can overturn the whole trap onto their enemy.

That night, Zhang Zhehan discussed with him on how they will trap their enemy into her net, her own game. Long Xun had already figured out a plan and when he told Zhang Zhehan about it, Zhang Zhehan too felt that the plan was good.

"I am sorry. I didn't know about it, " he apologized.

"Can your apology fix your broken body?" Zhang Zhehan asked. He felt so bad looking at Long Xun's body. He was completely mummified. His entire body was wrapped up in bandages and there wasn't even a single place in his body that was not wounded.

"And don't even get me on that freaking bomb? I mean, what on earth was that? You didn't mention anything about that bomb to me, " Zhang Zhehan argued. "If I was just a few minutes late, do you know what would have happened?" he yelled angrily.

"Zhehan, even I was caught off guard. I didn't think that they would put a bomb inside the house. I am sorry," Long Xun apologized sincerely. He knew that Zhang Zhehan was scared for him.

After venting all of his anger, Zhang Zhehan sighed. He knew that it wasn't Long Xun's fault but he just couldn't help himself. He was so scared. He was waiting in his car outside the Long Xun Mansion when he heard the bomb blast. Only he knows, what a terrible, terrible feeling it was. He was very sacred.

"I'll forgive you this time but if this happens again, then I'll, I'll ....." Zhang Zhehan paused.

"You'll do what?" Long Xun raised his brows.

"Then I'll break off our friendship and never talk to you, " Zhang Zhehan threatened.

"Okay, " Long Xun chuckled.

"Don't laugh. I am very serious. I have lost you once Long Xun, and I can't afford to lose you again." Zhang Zhehan sighed not knowing how else to express his feelings.

Long Xun smiled. After their reconciliation, that night, everything went back to how it was before. There was immense peace inside of Long Xun's heart after getting his friendship back. That night he realized one thing, that no matter how hard he tried to hate Zhang Zhehan, inside his heart, Long Xun missed him. He longed for their friendship.

"I know and I promise that nothing like this will ever happen again, " Long Xun promised. "Also, Zhehan, next time, don't say such cheesy lines otherwise our wives would misunderstand our relationship as something else." he joked.

"Y-You!!" Zhang Zhehan almost staggered on his feet when he heard Long Xun's words but soon he frowned. "Our wives? What do you mean?"

"Oops!!! You see, that, hehe... Zhehan, I...." Long Xun laughed nervously scratching his neck. He didn't want to inform Zhang Zhehan about his marriage right now. He wanted to disclose the after his revenge was done but the words just escaped his lips, before he could stop himself.

"What good thing have you done?" Zhang Zhehan asked narrowing his eyes at his best friend.

"IgotmarriedtoSuyanyan...." Long Xun said quickly.


"I got married to Su Yanyan this morning. She's my wife now, " Long Xun sighed as he looked at Zhang Zhehan nervously.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Zhang Zhehan screamed. His voice echoing throughout the whole room. He glanced at Long Xun as if he was seeing the most foolish person in the whole world.

Just when he was about to ask more questions to Long Xun, the door opened. Li Xiaolu entered the door with a puzzled face and she glanced at her husband, "Why are you shouting at Long Xun? I can hear your voice from the other room."

"Ask him, " Zhang Zhehan said pointing towards Long Xun.

Li Xiaolu raised her brows and she looked at Long Xun. "How are you?" she asked.

"I am fine." he smiled at her. "How is Su Yan?" he asked her knowing well that Zhang Zhahan won't tell him anything about her.

"She's fine and she is sleeping." Li Xiaolu answered.

"That's good!" Long Xun sighed in relief.

"Now, why was he shouting at you?" she asked Long Xun.

"Well, that... I, " Long Xun hesitated.

"Why are you hesitating now?" Zhang Zhehan asked. " Tell her that you got married to a wonderful person who wants your life. Everybody wants a good wife for themselves and you want a destructive wife for yourself, who doesn't even want her own life. Great choice you have, Long Xun. Congratulations on your marriage, " Zhang Zhehan said in a snappy tone.

Long Xun pouted.

"Oh! Will you stop being overdramatic?" Li Xiaolu rolled her eyes at Zhang Zhehan.

"Now, I am being overdramatic? Xiaolu, you think he made a good decision to marry that woman?" Zhang Zhehan asked feeling a little wrong when Li Xiaolu was taking Long Xun's side.

He didn't understand why his wife was agreeing with Long Xun's decision. What so good about that Yanyan girl? First, she acted as an innocent person to get close to Long Xun, then taking advantage of his best friends' goodness so almost got him killed. So, after all of this, why his wife and his best friend were taking that girl's side?

"Long Xun got married to her. I'm sure that he must have done it for a good reason, right Long Xun?" Li Xiaolu asked glancing at Long Xun.

Long Xun nodded quickly.

"Oh! What good reason do you have?" Zhang Zhehan asked.

"I fell in love with her, " Long Xun said giving them his purest ans happiest smile. This time, he was smiling from his heart.


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