Secret Invitation: Tempted By Pleasure - Part 14

Part 14

"Forgive me." He frowns. "That didn't come out the right way."

I know what he meant. Insulting or not, he can't change what he is, a Texas boy.

"About that night eight years ago . . ."

"No reason to dredge up the past." I laugh nervously, the wound still fresh. And although some might consider it stupid to dwell on it, our past is exactly what's haunted me all these years, maybe what's kept me from committing to anyone.

"It's important to you."

"Maybe. Perhaps you can work on that blatant disregard you have for any woman who says no."

He rolls his eyes. "Stop pretending to be tough. It's just us here. After last night, I'm more than determined to show you how much I care. That body . . ." He edges forward and cups my cheek. "This face."

His touch sends a ripple of sensations through me. "I can't emphasize this enough. Friendship first."

"Forgot to mention that brilliant mind," he says.

"You think I'm smart?" I smile, hoping to steer the conversation in a happier direction.

"Smart enough to realize I'm what you've been waiting for all your life."

The real Foster is back. "Keep dreaming."

"It's not a fantasy, just a matter of time." He reaches inside his jacket and pulls out a short-stemmed red rose. "For you."

I smell it. "Thank you."

"You deserve fresh flowers every day for the rest of your life."

I could live with that. "Keep talking."

"Fur coats and diamond rings."

"Skip the fur."

"Silk sheets and caviar."


"Shopping sprees in Paris and London."

"You're turning me on."

"Skiing in Aspen and soaking up rays in Hawaii."

"I'll settle for South Padre," I say.

"South Padre? With all the kids running around? How about a private beach in Maui?"

"Is that an invitation?"

"Baby, you don't know the half of it." His eyes are ablaze. "Come here."

He lifts me off my chair, then embraces me, our foreheads touching. "Don't make me wait too long, Erin," he rumbles against my mouth. "Lunch tomorrow?"


"You choose."


"Fast food?" Dipping his head, he gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

"Avocado bacon burger on Texas toast, French fries, and a strawberry shake."

He licks his lips. "Done."

"Meet me outside, I'll drive."

Chapter 15.

Foster I reserved a private dining room for dinner tonight. There's already a round of whiskey sours sitting on the table. Kevin just called to let me know he's in the parking lot. I take a swig and look up just in time to see the hostess standing in the doorway with Thomas.

"Mr. Wagner, your guest is here."

"Thanks, Sheila."

It looks like a flamingo puked out Kingsley. He's wearing pink. I stand to greet him. "Glad you could make it."

He approaches the table. We shake hands, and he fails my first test. Limp noodle hand qualifies him as half a man in my eyes. Not to mention his sweaty palm. I wipe my hand on my pants and sit back down. He claims the chair across from me.

"Haven't seen you in a few years," he says, looking me over. "How's your family?"

"Good. And yours?"

"Mom and Dad are in New York and Bristol is touring Europe."


"With all the new construction, we're backlogged."

I stifle a laugh that the image his words conjure. Backlogged s.h.i.tters. "Glad to hear it."

Kevin finally arrives, sitting to my left. "Sorry I'm late. Crosstown is jammed."

We fist "Thomas and I were just catching up."

Kevin grabs his drink and picks up a menu. "f.u.c.king starving. My staff ordered vegetarian tacos for lunch. Tasted like cardboard."

Thomas checks his watch, then eyes me. "I have an appointment soon. Why did you invite me to dinner?"

"Funny you should ask."

Kevin opens his briefcase and slaps an envelope on the table. "Open it."

Thomas stares at it and his eyes go wide. "Lazarus?"

I lean forward. "You're familiar with our club?"

"Well-acquainted." He slides the envelope closer, then picks it up. "Been trying to get approved for a membership for five years."

b.a.s.t.a.r.d. "Well here's your chance."

"f.u.c.k!" He's beyond excited. "Did you nominate me?" Grat.i.tude laces his voice.

"The board never reveals that kind of information," Kevin informs him. "Rest a.s.sured you've been on their radar for quite a long time."

Mallory knows how to slather on the bulls.h.i.t. "Aren't you getting married soon?"

Thomas coughs. "How did you know?"

"Word travels fast," I say.

"Little c.u.n.t won't seal the deal."

Rage consumes me and I fist my hands under the table, ready to rip his head off. "Erin Covington is a lady."

His forehead crinkles. "If you prefer a prudish A-type personality." His insult lingers in the air like smoke. "She doesn't know what's good for her."

Kevin glances at me. "Perhaps you'd prefer membership in a different club? Lazarus has strict protocol dealing with our female members. We don't tolerate abuse of any kind."

"Abuse?" Thomas's eyebrows shoot up. "I'd never tell Erin how I feel."

My spine stiffens. "Why get married?"

He shifts in his chair again, his glare tells me I'm already getting under his skin.

"Not sure I'm comfortable with this line of questioning, Foster."

Kevin chuckles and places another file on the table. "No reason to hide anything, Thomas, we've completed an extensive background check. Had some problems in Costa Rica last year?"

He turns red. "That record is sealed."

"Apparently not." I relax, enjoying the shock on his face. f.u.c.king idiot. Hired a fifteen-year-old prost.i.tute and was charged with s.e.xual a.s.sault. "Good thing your father knows people."

"No one can find out about this."

I raise my hands. "No problem here. Just know if you're going to join Lazarus, you can't afford to make the same mistake again."

Not that I'd let him touch any of our members, the piece of s.h.i.t.

A server enters the room. "Good evening, Mr. Wagner and Dr. Mallory. Ready to order?"

"What's special tonight?" I query.

She smiles. "Cajun blackened steak with sugar snap peas and roasted potatoes."

"Sounds perfect." Kevin rubs his hands together.

"We'll take three plates," I say.

"Wait." Thomas gazes at the waitress. "None for me. I'll have the chicken sandwich and spinach salad with raspberry vinaigrette."

Salad over steak? G.o.dd.a.m.n vegan. "On a diet?"

He shakes his head. "I don't eat red meat."

Makes me want to choke him, but I remember Erin's choice for lunch tomorrow, a greasy hamburger, and it makes me smile. Based on that fact alone, he doesn't deserve her.

"Guess we'll be seeing each other Sunday night at the Covington's."

"Meredith invited you?"

"No. Erin did."

"You're in contact with my fiance?"

"Practically every day." I rub it in, testing his limits. "We're meeting for lunch tomorrow." If the pencil neck knew I was licking her p.u.s.s.y last night on the beach he'd probably run home and cry on his mommy's shoulder.

He doesn't respond, only glances at the file and invitation.

"About the membership . . ." Kevin breaks the silence.

"I need a couple days to consider it."

"Take all the time you want," I say.

A few minutes later, our food arrives.

"I'd like a to-go box," Thomas tells the server.

She nods and leaves the room.