BARIN WELACIN- Prefect of Avacas.
BELAGREN- High Priestess of the Shadowdancers.
BLARENOV- Member of the Brotherhood based in Paislee.
BRAHM HALYN- Sundancer living on Elcast. Brother of Paige Halyn, the Lord of the Suns.
CALLA- Mil's blacksmith.
CASPONA TAKARNOV- Shadowdancer in training with Marqel.
CLEGG- Captain of the Calliope.
DAL FALSTOV- Captain of the Orlando.
DARGIN OTMAR- Master at Arms in the Queen's Guard.
DERWN HAURITZ- Butcher's apprentice. Son of Hauritz the Butcher.
DIRK PROVIN- Second son of Duke Wallin of Elcast and Princess Morna of Damita.
DROGAN SERANOV- Deceased. Duke of Grannon Rock until the War of Shadows. Killed fighting with Johan against Senet. Father of Reithan. Husband of Lexie.
ELESKA ARROWSMITH- Baenlander. Daughter of Novin Arrowsmith. Mellie Thorn's best friend.
ELLA GEON- Shadowdancer and physician. Expert in herbs and drugs. Tia's mother.
ERYK- Orphan from Elcast. Dirk's servant.
FARALAN- Daughter of the Duke of Ionan. Betrothed to Rees Provin of Elcast.
FREDRAK D'ORLON- Deceased. Duke of Bryton. Killed in a hunting accident not long after his wife, Rainan Thorn, a.s.sumed the throne of Dhevyn. Alenor's father.
FRENA- Servant in Elcast Castle. The baker Welma's daughter.
GAVEN GREYBROOK- Pirate on Johan's ship. Killed in the tidal wave that hit Elcast.
GUNTA LATANYA- Deceased. Youngest son of Antonov Latanya and a.n.a.lee of Damita.
Sacrificed as a baby to ensure the return of the second sun.
HARI- Pirate captured in Paislee. Sacrificed on Elcast during the Landfall Festival.
HAURITZ- Butcher living in Elcast Town.
HELGIN- Physician and tutor at Elcast. JOHAN THORN- Pirate. Exiled King of Dhevyn.
KALLEEN- Leader of Kalleen's acrobat troupe.
KIRSHOV LATANYA- Second son of the Prince of Senet.
LANATYNE- Member of Kalleen's acrobats.
LANON RILL- Second son of Tovin Rill, Governor of Elcast.
LEXIE SERANOV THORN- Wife of Johan Thorn. First husband was the Duke of Grannon Rock. Mother of Reithan Seranov and Mellie Thorn.
LILA BAYSTOKE- Herb woman from Elcast.
LILE DROGANOV- Pirate based in Mil.
LINEL- Pirate captured in Paislee. Sacrificed on Elcast during the Landfall Festival.
MADALAN TIROV- Shadowdancer and aide to the High Priestess Belagren.
MARQEL- Also known as Marqel the Magnificent. Landfall b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Performs as an acrobat in Kalleen's troupe until she is taken into the Shadowdancers.
MASTER KEDRON- Elcast Master at Arms.
MELLIE THORN- Daughter of Johan Thorn and Lexie Seranov.
MISHA LATANYA- Eldest son of Antonov, the Lion of Senet. Also known as the Crippled Prince.
MORNA PROVIN- d.u.c.h.ess of Elcast. Princess of Damita. Daughter of Prince Oscon. Sister of a.n.a.lee. Married to Wallin Provin. Mother of Rees and Dirk.
MURRY- Member of Mistress Kalleen's acrobats.
NERIS VERAN- Sundancer and mathematical genius. Believed to be dead.
NOVIN ARROWSMITH- Pirate living in Mil.
OLENA BORNE- Shadowdancer attached to Prince Antonov's court.
OSCON- Exiled ruler of Damita. Father of a.n.a.lee and Morna.
PAIGE HALYN- Lord of the Suns.
PARON s...o...b..OOK- Cobbler's son on Elcast.
PELLA- Baker in Mil.
PORL ISINGRIN- Pirate. Captain of the Makuan. Based in Mil.
RAINAN D'ORLON- Nee Thorn. Queen of Dhevyn. Mother of Alenor. Johan Thorn's younger sister.
REES PROVIN- Eldest son of the Duke of Elcast. Dirk's brother.
REZO- Sailor on the Calliope.
ROVE ELAN- Lord Marshal of Dhevyn.
REITHAN SERANOV- Son of the late Duke of Grannon Rock and Lexie Seranov. Johan's stepson.
SABAN SERANOV- Duke of Grannon Rock. Father of Alexin and Raban.
SERGEY- Captain of the Avacas Palace Guard in Senet. SOOTER- Member of Mistress Kalleen's acrobats.
TABOR ISINGRIN- Son of Porl Isingrin.
TIA VERAN- Daughter of Neris Veran and Ella Geon.
TOVIN RILL- Governor of Elcast.
VARIAN- Nurse to the sons of Elcast.
VIDEON LUKANOV- Head of the Brotherhood in Dhevyn.
VONRIL- Juggler. Son of Kalleen.
WALLIN PROVIN- Duke of Elcast.
WELMA- The master baker at Elcast Castle.
WILIM- Officer in the Queen's Guard.
YORNE- Apprentice baker. Welma's son.
YURI DARANSKI- Physician in the palace at Avacas.
About the Author.
JENNIFER FALLON lives in Alice Springs, works in Melbourne and writes anywhere she can get her hands on a computer. She works in sales, marketing and training in the IT industry and changes jobs so often that even she isn't sure where she works these days.
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