"There was one other thing I wanted to ask."
"Name it."
"Who are you planning to sacrifice at the ceremony?"
Dirk had been dreading that question. And avoiding it. Not even Antonov had been able to get an answer out of him.
"I haven't decided yet," he told her honestly.
"Did you have anybody particular in mind?"
"There are a few people I'd like to see burn," he admitted, wondering what it was about Jacinta D'Orlon that made him so garrulous.
"Is that why you're searching the city so anxiously for Tia Veran?"
Dirk shook his head, amused by the idea. Jacinta had no idea of his past history with Tia. She wouldn't appreciate the irony. But if Eryk was right, if he really had spied Tia in the crowd near the temple the other day, and Dirk was able to find her before the eclipse...
First I killed the man you loved like a father in cold blood right in front of you, then I betrayed you to the High Priestess, and now I'm going to burn you alive, Tia...
Come to think of it, Tia probably wouldn't appreciate the irony, either.
"My lord?"
Dirk dragged his attention back to Jacinta's question. "Sorry. I was just thinking... if I have to burn someone, our new High Priestess would do for a start."
"I'm surprised to hear you say that, my lord," Jacinta remarked. "I gathered she was one of your staunchest supporters. She certainly seemed that way at the swearing-in ceremony."
"In public, perhaps," he agreed. "But make no mistake about it, my lady, Marqel is dangerous,self-centered, untrustworthy and completely amoral. She'd destroy me in a heartbeat if she thought she could get away with it."
"Then why do you deal with her?"
"Because at this point, I have no choice."
"You choose odd allies, Dirk Provin."
"So do you," he pointed out, still uncertain why she had supported him. Or what she hoped to gain from it.
As if she knew he wanted to ask her why she'd gone to such pains to see him confirmed as Lord of the Suns, she laughed airily and changed the subject.
"You know, I always thought Barin Welacin would make a rather attractive sacrifice. Perhaps you could arrange for him to be the main feature of the eclipse ceremony."
"That's a very tempting suggestion, my lady."
"Well, if you are in need of any further ideas, I'd be more than happy to provide the names of a few potential suitors I wouldn't mind seeing turned to ashes."
"Including Lord Birkoff?" he asked.
"Especially Lord Birkoff," Jacinta replied with feeling. Then she curtsied politely. "My lord."
"My lady."
Jacinta picked up her skirts and turned back toward the house, leaving him alone by the lake. Dirk watched her leave with the strange feeling that of all the people he was dealing with in this dangerous enterprise, Jacinta D'Orlon might prove the most perilous of all.
Chapter 52.
Eryk hurried back to the house, delighted he'd been able to find Lord Dirk so Lady Jacinta could see him. He really liked Jacinta, and, as Caterina had pointed out, she was just perfect for Lord Dirk.
The two of them had secretly agreed to facilitate their meeting at every opportunity. Caterina was like that. She treated Eryk like a fellow conspirator, never as if he was stupid or dull. And Eryk was her willing accomplice. He knew why Caterina wanted to stay with Lord Dirk. Going home to her overbearing mother and her four bossy sisters sounded like no fun at all. This was her only chance at a better life. Caterina speculated if the Lady Jacinta married Lord Dirk, then maybe she'd be allowed to stay at the palace as a servant, once Lord Dirk no longer felt the need to keep her hostage.
That seemed like an eminently reasonable plan to Eryk. He didn't have many friends and was anxious to retain the few he did have. Lady Jacinta was very nice and very pretty and she was the right age and everything, and-according to Caterina-Lord Dirk was smitten with her. Eryk wasn't actually sure what smitten meant, but it sounded good, so he happily went along with Caterina's scheme.
Of course, there were a few hurdles to overcome. Getting Lady Jacinta and Lord Dirk alone was only the first thing. Simply getting them to refer to each other by name might prove insurmountable, Caterina worried. All this n.o.ble-born nonsense about courtesy was severely limiting. All those polite "my lords" and "my ladys" were quite a hindrance to getting to know somebody. And Dirk being the Lord of the Suns probably didn't help, either. Suppose he had to take a vow of chast.i.ty?
Caterina explained a "vow of chast.i.ty" meant he couldn't kiss anyone, but Eryk wasn't that stupid.He knew it meant Lord Dirk couldn't do any of the things Marqel had shown him that time he'd met her in Nova, which might not be a bad thing because he couldn't imagine anyone as well bred as Lady Jacinta doing that sort of thing anyway.
He was still wondering about it when he reached the terrace overlooking the lake. He climbed the steps thoughtfully, wondering if there was anything else he could do to help things along between Lord Dirk and Lady Jacinta.
"Why the troubled look, Eryk?"
Startled to hear his name, he looked up to find Marqel sitting on one of the wrought-iron recliners laid out for the palace residents to enjoy the view of the lake.
"I wasn't troubled." He shrugged. "Just thinking."
"And very deep thoughts, I'd wager." Marqel smiled. "I've not seen much of you since I got to Bollow, Eryk. You're not avoiding me, are you?"
"Oh no! Marqel, you're my friend."
"Good. Because you're my friend, too, and we've had hardly any time to chat since you came back from Mil."
"I will chat with you, Marqel," he promised. "But right now I have to fetch something cool for Lady Jacinta."
Marqel's eyes narrowed. "What's she doing here?"
"She came to see Lord Dirk."
"I don't know. Maybe she just wanted to talk to him?"
"The highborn never do anything unless they're plotting something, Eryk. Especially Lord Dirk."
"What do you mean?" he asked, a little concerned by her tone.
But Marqel smiled brightly and laughed at her own foolishness. "Nothing, Eryk. You'd better run along and fetch Lady Jacinta her drink." Marqel looked at him in concern as his face crumbled into a worried frown. "What's the matter?"
"I forgot to ask her what she wanted. Lord Dirk just said something about a cool drink."
"Perhaps you'd better go ask her."
"She'll think I'm stupid."
"Who? Jacinta? Of course she won't think you're stupid, Eryk. She's very nice. Why, I remember her from the palace when I was in Kalarada. She was always very nice to me."
"I suppose. Caterina really likes her."
"And who could ask for a more glowing character reference than that?"
"I hope she's right about Lady Jacinta and Lord Dirk."
The High Priestess smiled warmly and swung her legs around so she was sitting on the edge of the chaise. She beckoned him forward and patted the s.p.a.ce beside her.
"What do you mean, you hope she's right about them?"
Eryk sat beside her and took a deep breath. It was good to talk about these things to another friend besides Caterina. And Marqel was really good at this sort of thing. She'd known exactly what Eryk needed to do about Mellie."Can I ask you something, Marqel?"
"I'm your friend, Eryk," she a.s.sured him. "You can ask me anything."
"Well, Caterina thinks Lord Dirk and Lady Jacinta... well, that they like each other."
"Really?" Marqel asked with interest. "How do you know? Or, more to the point, how does Caterina know?"
"She just does. She says it's her women's intrusion."
"Women's intuition?" Marqel corrected with a soft laugh. "I suppose it must be. Unless she's seen something?"
"I don't think so," Eryk said. "That's the problem, you see. I mean we know they like each other, but we don't know how to make them see it."
"So you and Caterina are worried that Dirk hasn't got the... wherewithal to get things moving, eh?"
"Maybe he doesn't know what to say to her."
"Yes, well, I can see how being romantic might prove a bit of a challenge for him," Marqel agreed.
"Dirk's not the most open sort of fellow, is he?"
"Could you help, Marqel?"
His comment sent Marqel into a fit of choking coughs.
"Are you all right?" he asked in alarm.
She nodded, wiping streaming eyes. It took her a moment or two to get her breathing back under control. "You want me to help Dirk seduce Jacinta D'Orlon?"
"Well, you know all the right things to say. And what to do. Don't you remember what you showed me in Nova?"
Marqel looked around nervously. "I remember, Eryk. But that's our little secret. You promised not to mention it again."
"I'm sorry. I haven't told anyone else about it, I promise. But I was just thinking that if you could do the same for Lord Dirk... then he'd know what to do, and Caterina could stay here..."
"Ah, so that's what all this is about. You don't want Caterina to leave. But I thought you were in love with Mellie?"
"Well, I was...am," he agreed, suddenly confused. "But Caterina... well, she's here, and Mellie's gone..."
Marqel put her arm around his shoulder and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "It's all right, Eryk. I understand. It doesn't make you a bad person. Most boys can't be faithful if there's another girl close by to distract them. It's just the way men are made."
"Will you help Lord Dirk, then?"
She smiled broadly. "Of course I will. In fact, I think I'll follow them right now and see how things are going between Lady Jacinta and Lord Dirk, just so I can figure out the best way to deal with the situation."
Eryk sighed contentedly at the suggestion, thinking there were few friends as selfless or generous as Marqel. In fact, he was probably the luckiest person in the whole world to have friends like Lord Dirk and Caterina and Marqel.
"You're just the best friend, Marqel.""Don't mention it, Eryk. Believe me when I say nothing will give me more pleasure than finding out there is something going on between Dirk Provin and Jacinta D'Orlon. And doing something about it."
Chapter 53.
Marqel cut across the lawns when she couldn't see Dirk or Jacinta, guessing they had walked down past the trees, so she angled off the left to take a shortcut through the woodland, cursing her foolishness for not paying more attention.
How could something like an affair between Dirk and Jacinta D'Orlon be going on without her noticing anything? She allowed herself a small smile over Eryk's request that she show Dirk what he needed to do to win Jacinta over.
I've already shown your precious Lord Dirk things you wouldn't even dream of, you loathsome little creep.
What would Eryk think of Dirk if he knew that? Marqel would never confide such a thing to the boy, of course. Regardless of what he might think of Dirk, the news would tarnish her saintly image in Eryk's eyes and that was far too valuable a commodity to throw away for the fleeting pleasure of seeing the half-wit's crestfallen expression.
Marqel stilled suddenly as voices reached her. She crept forward, unable to see Dirk or Jacinta, but their voices carried clearly through the thick foliage.
"There was one other thing I wanted to ask," Jacinta was saying.
"Name it," Dirk replied.
"Who are you planning to sacrifice at the ceremony?"
Marqel halted, wondering at the answer. She still couldn't believe Dirk was going to burn anybody at the ceremony. He seemed to despise Landfall too much for that.
"I haven't decided yet," Marqel heard him say.
"Did you have anybody particular in mind?"