She always gets in the ways of his plans and visions.
Why does that dastardly girl get those dastardly dreams – the kind that lets on his plans – and worse, she knows he's the source.
She's not supposed to know that.
They're supposed to be playing on the minds and hearts of humans and do that sorcery trick of letting them destroy themselves, with no one the wiser.
That's an old demon trick.
Let them think it's their mind playing tricks on them.
But no, this girl KNOWS he's the source of all those dirty tricks and deeds.
She wakes when no one wakes up.
As if she's a sentinel of some sort.
He seems to be an open book to her.
How'd she get the news hot off the stand?
And he can't seem to touch her, as if a dome of light protects this toad.
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He and his generals can't seem to penetrate that darn dome – or whatever it is protecting her.
Surely, it's not prayers.
Who prays in this day and age?
He made sure of that.
He's kept everyone busy with money, vanity, fear, greed, death, and illusions of grandeur.
Foolish humans!
So simple to manipulate.
His demons are taking on bellies, getting lazy now, as these humans succ.u.mb so very easily!
Give them the latest movie, or music, or video, or gadget, or clothes, or sports hero, lots of moolah, and they're happily off – not really caring what happened to their souls.
"What soul?" he sneered.
He was getting bored.
Humans have really gotten so boring.
Perhaps he's been at this game too long.
Maybe he's getting old.
Maybe that bottomless pit would be a welcome.
His jewels and acquisitions pleased him no more.
Sure, he was defeated at The Cross.
Still, he managed to survive and create even more lingering havoc.
He was not about to let one soul slip and join Heaven.
G.o.d's gonna go home hungry.
Skal was always known to be rebellious and defiant.
That's why he got kicked out in the first place.
He knew better.
He was not born good.
His dark heart sought only to devour souls.
That's all humans were – food.
That's how he and his generals got fat.
Humans were aplenty.
For every soul gained, another jewel to his crown.
Was he ever going to relinquish that crown or that throne?
Now, let me see…
Hmm, his generals were all fat.
His troops were just that, troops – followers – though he had become aware of some back-biting, hungry members waiting in the wings.
Well, they can wait all they want, he was not about to step down from his ancient, lavish throne.
And do what?
Nah, he'll stick around.
Especially since that darn girl was stealing his dreams.
How could she have known what he was up to?