School of Myth - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

School of Myths

TN: A lot of characters have been intoduced in this chapter by the author.

Chapter 4: First Day of School: Introduction

Monday; June 17, CS240. Rain woke up early today since now is his first day at school. He is now happily enjoying his breakfast together with his Ate Rach.e.l.le.

"Okay! I am excited to go to school now! It’s been a while since I felt so excited about going to school! *Hahaha!" Rain said merrily.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Let me remind you to avoid fighting again. I don’t want to be called by the school in your first day! I am sick of looking for another job and a place to stay, so don’t go fighting with anyone! Are we clear!?" Rach.e.l.le asked.

"Okay ate, I understand. I promise to avoid fighting and getting into trouble." Rain replied.

Rach.e.l.le noticed Rain’s serious expression and so she did not utter another word and just stared at his younger brother.

"I would have not promised you Ate if the students there are just normal humans." Rain thought.

After their meal, Rain swiftly groomed himself and shortly thereafter, he waited outside of their house for a ride to school,  After a few minutes he decided to walk to school since there were no public transportation vehicles around and Ate Rach.e.l.le uses their car for her work.

AN: There are no public transportation vehicles in Travincial since the majority of  the residents are mythical shamans. The cars in this region are private and not for hire.

(TN: The Author probably refers to buses, jeepneys, taxi, motorcycles etc. Ask google-sensei about Public transport in the Philippines for more details.)

Rain walked around fifteen (15) minutes to reach his new school.  It is still quite early and he probably will not be late but the problem is he doesn’t know the whereabouts of his cla.s.sroom. Due to the sheer size of the campus he is having a difficulty with directions.

While he is walking, his head is turning left and right so he did not notice that there is someone in front of him..

***SFX: Blagg! ***

until he b.u.mped with him.

Rain apologized to the said person. "I’m sorry about that. I am a new student here and I don’t know where is my cla.s.sroom."

After Rain spoke, the other person just continued walking and didn’t mind it anymore. But after a few moments, he replied while continuing to walk.

“Be particularly careful next time, Human. This is not your world.” The person said in response.

Rain was surprised when he heard it and he remembered what Selina told him, that this place is dominated by mythical shamans, not humans. He stopped briefly and blankly stared at the back of the man when suddenly…

***SFX: Tsssssssss Blaaaaag ***

A group of guys approached from behind, one of them pushed Rain and he lost his balance and fell on the floor.

"*Hahaha! A Human?? And what is a human doing here? But this is wonderful because I will have another slave.” 

Rain suddenly became enraged. He then slowly stood and rushed towards the guy who pushed him with clenched fists.

“I’m sorry Ate but I don’t think that I can keep my promise.” Rain thought.

"You!!" Rain yelled.

Rain then attempted to hit the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who pushed him but then somebody stopped him from behind.

"What’s this ruckus Rain?" A girl said.

The voice of this girl is familiar so Rain turned to see who is it.

"Selina?! What are you doing here? Ah!! So, does this mean.. You are a student here?Hehehe.." Rain said happily.

After that, Rain held Selina’s hands. The anger that he felt towards the person who pushed him is gone. All of his attention is diverted towards Selina.

"Yes, I am schooling here. But you.. Why are you looking for a fight so early in the morning?" Selina asked.

"Oh that’s right! It’s because this guy pushed me. You’re gonna pay!" Rain replied and turned his attention back to the guy earlier.

While talking, Rain pointed his finger towards the person who pushed him. When Selina saw who Rain was talking about, her right eyebrow suddenly raised which caused the person concerned and those behind him to be frightened.

"Mhumak?! Saru?! Magu?! Wolkan?! You again?! You really haven’t learned your lesson, huh?" 

"Wai.. wait Selina. We were just trying to befriend him. Right? Right??"

"Befriend? Then why is Rain so angry that he is about to hit you? Did you know that he is not an ordinary Human? His punch rendered a middle cla.s.s Satyr unconscious so be careful with people you are messing with. Being a human doesn’t necessarily mean that he is weak. Be grateful that I stopped him.” Selina said in response.

They gulped when they heard Selina. Shortly after, they apologized to Rain and ran away.

"*Huh? What’s with those guys? Are they mythical shaman too?" Rain asked.

"Yes, indeed they are mythical shamans. They are called Cobold, Cla.s.s-C Mythological Creatures. They were frightened when they heard that you knocked out a mid-cla.s.s Satyr because they are just underdogs of Satyrs. Hahahaha.” Selina replied.

AN: Cobolds are cla.s.s-C mythological creatures that features a dog that has the ability to stand like a Human. They are also able too speak and use weapons. Even though they are not very strong in terms of strength, they are skilled in the use of weapons such as swords, spears, axes sledgehammers, bows, guns, etc.

"The thing is, I do not know where is my cla.s.sroom. Do you know where is the cla.s.s Fire-1?" Rain asked.

"Cla.s.s fire-1? *Hahaha! If that is the case, then come with me and I will be your guide." Selina said cheerfully.

Selina then grabbed Rain’s  hand and the pair started walking. A few moments later, the bell rang and cla.s.s is about to start.

"Come, hurry up or we will be late." Selina said

Rain just nodded in response as the two picked up the pace towards cla.s.s Fire-1.

Almost a minute has pa.s.sed  and they finally reached cla.s.s Fire-1. They then entered the room and Rain suddenly stopped and was awed. He didn’t expect this kind of cla.s.sroom which was different in his previous schools. The arrangement of the cla.s.s desks and chairs are stair like; the people at the back at the highest can still see their teacher clearly who was at the bottom.

"Come on now Rain, cla.s.s is about to start." Selina said

"*Huh?! Okay." Rain replied.

They then headed towards the edge of the cla.s.sroom where there were available seats. While they are walking, stares and gazes are directed towards them for what it seems like something unusual but Rain didn’t mind because his mind is filled with how awesome his cla.s.sroom is.

Rain then sat and he noticed that Selina was sitting next to him and a thought popped in his mind.

"Wait.. Don’t tell me.. that we are cla.s.smates?!" Rain asked

"*Hahaha! Isn’t it obvious? You should be happy that we are cla.s.smates.” Selina said happily in response.

After the exchange, their teacher arrived. He then moved towards his desk and began the cla.s.s.

"Okay cla.s.s, I received an information that you have a new cla.s.smate. Is he around? If you are here, would you please come here in front and introduce yourself?" The teacher said.

Rain immediately stood and started walking. He then position himself beside their teacher, facing his cla.s.smates.

"Good Morning everyone, my name is Rain Estfalls, Human, 15 years old. I know that this school is quite different but I am here to show you that even though I’m human, that doesn’t make me a lower cla.s.s. A human like me can contend face to face with you mythical shamans." Rain introduced himself with pride.

In that same moment, he observed that the size of their cla.s.s is quite small. He estimates around 25 students are here in this cla.s.sroom but he is not really sure.

"It seems like Mr. Esfalls is already aware of our world and I like what he just said. But you are not the only human in this cla.s.s, you will get to know them later. Okay cla.s.s  before we start out lessons for today, let us introduce ourselves to Mr. Esfalls and it will start with myself. I’m Unice Ocea.n.u.s, your homeroom teacher. I belong to the Ocea.n.u.s clan and I am an Undine, a mythical shaman.” Teacher Unice said.

AN: Unice Ocea.n.u.s, 28 years old is the English teacher for all the freshmen at the Olympus University. She really likes her work and it annoys her when she is interrupted while teaching. She is kind, smart, and trustworthy but her nasty side is revealed when she gets mad.

She is slim, at around 5’4” height, fair skin. She has purple hair, with length that is up to her shoulders. She also has a good future.

(AN: I you know what I mean…:D)

(TN: Sigh…….)

*** AN: The Undine are Cla.s.s-B Mythological Creatures closely related to mermaid but unlike them, they have feet instead of having tails. They have also similar abilities but the main difference is that Undines use a harp (a musical instrument) which acts as their main weapon. In a similar way, they can also control others who hear the sound of their harp, with every sound denoting a particular command so it is not a joke fighting these guys.***

"Ocea.n.u.s? Is she Selina’s relative?" Rain pondered.

"Okay cla.s.s, it’s your turn. Let’s start with you, Aron.” Teacher Unice said

He stood and began introducing himself, as ordered.

“I am Aron Draken, 15y.o. from the “Dragon Clan” and I am a mythical shaman, an elemental fire dragon.”

***Aron Draken. 15 years old and he is the eldest son of the current clan leader. He has a strong physique, he is kind but somewhat poor in terms of his studies.

He has a slightly muscular build, his height is around 5’3″, he has a slightly dark complexion and he has a long, red hair. ***

*** AN: Dragons are cla.s.s A mythological creatures. There are many kinds of dragons but the strong ones are the “elemental” dragons. These elemental dragons are made up of “Water”, “Earth”, “Fire”, “Air” types.

Elemental dragons are powerful and their element signifies what type of ability they posses.***

Aron sat shortly after he introduced himself. Then, his seatmate stood up.

(AN: The others will introduce in a similar manner. xD)

"I am David Hegantes. 15 years old. I am from the “Gaia” Clan, a mythical shaman of Giant." David said.

***David Hegantes,15 years old. He is huge but it is quite evident that he is serious and silent. He also likes to read and it is probably why he is of the cla.s.s’ achievers.

David has a muscular build. He is around 6’11” tall, he has fair complexion and has a yellow hair.***

AN: Giants are Cla.s.s-B mythological creatures. They are literally large and their physical strength are unparalleled. However, due to their size, they are quite slow as a result.

"I'm Annie Lernards, 15 years old. A human"

*** Annie Lernards. 15 years old and she is the only child of the wealthiest man in Travincial. Her parents are influential and are feared even by the stronger mythical shamans. But, she is kind and friendly. She also appears to be boyish.

She is slim, her height is about 5’4″, has a fair color, and her shoulder-long hair is brown. She also has a good bust size. (AN: if you know what I mean! :3)***

"Mark Lionheart, 16 years old. Also a human."

***Mark Lionheart, 16 years old. Although a human, he still belongs to the stronger of mythical shamans. He wears due to his poor eyesight but it doesn’t stop him from doing his hobby, reading. He is smart, also kind, and very reliable especially during exams.

(TN: I see where this is coming from.)

Mark is slim, also quite average in height at around 5″4″ tall. He also has a fair color nd his hair is brown. ***

"June Swartzon, 16 years old too and also a Human. Just go with us always and we will always have fun here in school!" He said cheerfully.

***June Swatzron. 16 years old, and he is Mark’s best friend. They have just lived in Travincial for almost a year but they have settled nicely. June is cheerful, friendly and also poor in his studies which somehow explains why he and Aron are friends as well.

June is also slim. His complexion is fair and his height is average at around 5’4″. He has a slightly long black hair. ***

"Alex Nightmiere. 15 years old. Vampire Mythical Shaman from the “Vampire” Clan. Hmmm.. It seems like your blood is tasty. Let me have a sip sometime… *Hehe.” Alex said without showing any emotion.

*** Alex Nightmiere. 15 years old and the eldest child of the would-be leader of the Vampire Clan. His facial is always just plan or blank(Emotionless). Many wonder as to what is her real personality but all other Vampires behave in a similar manner.

Alex is really slim, her height is around 5’2″, she has a pale skin color, she has a long, black hair and a modest breast size. (AN:if you know what I mean! :3)***

***Note: Vampires are Cla.s.s-S mythological creatures, and they are notable for having a very keen sense, they have the ability to detect nearby enemies or possible dangers nearby. They are strong and agile especially at night, and more so during a full moon. Moreover, their ability is much more amplified in the event they drink blood, it also enables them to heal their injuries at an amazing rate.

Each vampire have different sets of abilities, which is relative to the clan where they belong. These different abilities are still much of a mystery to others.***

Meanwhile, Rain just scratched his head upon hearing the introduction of Alex.

"Okay, it’s our turn. You have met us earlier, hehehehe.. By the way, my name is Mhumak Eyesdrap. 16 years old." 

***Mhumak Eyesdrap. The eldest and the “mastermind” of the pranks.

He is chubby, at around 5’00” in height. He has a dark complexion and a bluish, long hair. ***

"I’m Saru Eyesdrap. 15 years old."

*** Saru Eyesdrap. 15 years old and he is the “normal” guy among them cousins. He doesn’t want trouble but is however always involved because of his other cousins. He is quiet and smart and he is the most adept in using weapons among them.

Saru is slim, around 5'3" tall, he has a fair color and he also has a bluish hair.***

"Magu Eyesdrap. 14 years old." Said the next one.

*** Magu Eyesdrap. 14 years old and also has a huge apet.i.te like Mhumak. He also has a difficulty in his studies.

He is short and chubby, at around 4’11” tall. His complexion is dark and his long hair is bluish in color.***

"Wolkan Eyesdrap. 14 years old too." Said the last one.

*** Wolkan Eyesdrap. 14 years old and his physical appearance is similar to Mhumak and Magu. He also has a large apet.i.te but unlike the other two, he likes to read.

He is also chubby, around 4’11” tall. He has a fair complexion and his long hair is blue also.***

"And we are the Cobold Brothers! From the “Re-armed Clan”." The four said in unison.

"*Heh?!" Rain said.

"It would be better for you to just ignore them." Selina said disappointedly.

"Looks like it." Rain replied

"Okay sit down now, the four of you. Rein, you’re next." Teacher Unice said.

The four of them took their seats upon hearing their teacher.

"Rein Serpenta. 15 years old from the Ocea.n.u.s clan and I am a mythical shaman of Serpent."

*** Rein Serpenta. 15 years old and she is a Serpent under the care of the Ocea.n.u.s clan, she is the only serpent left that is under the said clan. Rein is silent and always seen alone, reading her books. She seldom shows reaction to anything or any subject.

Rein is very slim, around 5’1″ tall. Her complexion is fair, her short hair is pink and her bust size is modest. (AN: if you know what I mean! :3)***

Note: Serpents are Cla.s.s-B mythological creatures. They aren’t so strong physically but their poisons are dangerous and deadly. They are swift and silent because of their special ability “invisibility”.

"Riki Maru. 15 years old. Satyr mythical shaman form the Re-armed clan." The next one introduced himself.

*** Riki Maru, 15 years old. His personality is very complicated since he hates the higher level and higher tier mythological creatures. He tries his very best in training and practice in combat to overcome them in the future. He fancies quality tools and weapons and that is why he is lacking in cla.s.s. It is because, only fighting is all in his mind.

Riki is slim at around 5 ft tall. He has a fair complexion and also has a quite long, black hair. ***

"Aris Vielzkud. 16 years old." Aris said.

*** Aris Vielzkud. 16 years old and like Riki, he too doesn’t like other mythical shamans, including fellow humans. As a result of this behaviour, he seldom speaks to others.

He has a slightly muscular build and his height is at around 5’5″ tall. He has a fair skin and has a slightly long black hair.***

"Wow, I sure have many human cla.s.smates." Rain said happily.

"And who said that I belong to an inferior species like yourself!?" Aris said angrily.

"What did you say?!" Rain replied angrily too.

"Please excuse him Mr. Estfalls, Mr. Vielzkud is just shy." Teacher Unice said.

Rain felt annoyed at what Aris told him earlier but he thought that he will not fight fellow humans so he just let it pa.s.s for now and tried to calm himself.

"Okay Melisa, your turn." Teacher Unice said.

"I'm Melisa Ocea.n.u.s, 15 years old. Mermaid mythical shaman and from the Ocea.n.u.s Clan." She said.

*** Melisa Ocea.n.u.s, 15 years old. She is Selina’s cousin and childhood friend. Like Selina, her combat potential is high but Selina is better in comparison. She is kind and a little shy. She is also smart and silent most of the time.

Melisa is slim, around 5’3″ tall. Her skin color is fair and her light blue hair is quite long.  She has a bountiful breast size as well. (AN: if you know what I mean! :3)***

"Another Ocea.n.u.s like Selina and she is also a mermaid! Could they be relatives?" Rain thought.

"Chris Crescentmoon, 16 years old. Like Aris, I do not have a reason to reveal more information to the likes of you."

*** Chris Crescentmoon, 16 years old. He doesn’t like to socialize but unlike Riki and Aris, he doesn’t resent other mythical shamans. It’s just he feels so highly of himself. He is just quiet but he is good with the lessons at school.

His build is slightly muscular. He stands at 5'5" in height. He has a fair complexion and he has a white, slightly long hair. ***

"*Hmm.. Aside from the absent, it seems that you’re the only one who haven’t introduced yet Selina." Teacher Unice said.

"I am Selina Ocea.n.u.s and I am from the Ocea.n.u.s Clan too. I hope that you will enjoy your new world. *Hehehe.." Selina said cheerfully.

After the introduction, Rain returned to his seat beside Selina. He haven’t met 9 cla.s.smates of his yet, based on the number of empty seats in the cla.s.sroom, he thought. Afterwards, his first cla.s.s in his new school began.


TN: This was an exhausting chapter. Sorry for the really delayed update..
