School Beauty Personal Bodyguard - Chapter 313-314

Chapter 313-314

Chapter 279 - Alright, Lingshan

w.a.n.gli was getting really worried- Lingshan looked like she was about to beat Lin Yi up! Both Lin Yi and Yushu were survivors that Lingshan was supposed to be consoling and rescuing, not beating up! What would their superiors say if they heard about this?

Lingshan was really p.i.s.sed now- no one had ever went this far! Who did he think he was calling tigress? This wasn't even the first time!

Ignoring all consequences, she sent a fist at Lin Yi's back- any normal person would've had their breath knocked out from a punch like that.

Lin Yi smiled, but didn't make an attempt to dodge the attack. Lingshan was still a girl, and girls threw small tantrums every once in a while- Lin Yi didn't want to go against the principle of fighting a girl, and decided that he'd let Lingshan win a little. After all, he really did insult her with a nickname, despite it being unintentional.

Lingshan's fist landed on Lin Yi's back, and w.a.n.gli shut his eyes thinking that the guy was done for.

Yet something miraculous happened: Lin Yi only turned back with a smile on his face. "Alright, Lingshan- let's go get the shark, okay?"


Did Lin Yi seriously just call her Lingshan?? Lingshan was at a loss for words- it was the first time a man had addressed her with this much familiarity! The old Lingshan would've exploded long ago, but now…… She really wasn't sure what to do anymore.

She knew how she'd put all her strength into that punch- she even started regretting it after landing it, since even a golden cla.s.s master would've had a hard time taking a hit like that, and she didn't even know if Lin Yi was a golden cla.s.s! Yet that punch seemed to have made contact with soft cotton instead of a solid back……

Lin Yi, on the other hand, didn't seem to have felt anything in the slightest! From the way he spoke it seemed as if she'd just punched at him playfully the way a girl would! What did Lin Yi do to negate the impact of her attack??

Lingshan tensed as she stared at Lin Yi- who was this man? Why did he look completely unaffected by her punch?

Yushu and w.a.n.gli were shocked even more so!

Naturally, neither of them could tell if Lingshan had meant to damage Lin Yi in the first place… What they did know, however, was that Lin Yi didn't seem to be hurt whatsoever from the attack, logically making Lingshan's punch the girly, playful type that you'd see in a couple's argument. Lin Yi's tone and behavior after the punch solidified that!

So that meant that Lingshan really was messing around with him! After all, w.a.n.gli didn't have good enough eyes to be able to see if Lingshan had put any strength to her attack- it was only natural that Yushu would be even less capable of doing so.

Could this man really be the legendary boyfriend of Song Lingshan?! w.a.n.gli remembered at that instant the rumor about what Lingshan had done in the hospital… Wasn't that guy called Lin Yi as well?

w.a.n.gli couldn't help but admire Lin Yi- he gave him another mental thumbs up. Song Lingshan was the beauty of the police force, but she was as much of a G.o.dzilla as she was a pretty flower! There weren't a lot of men who could handle women like that- what if they got into an argument? Would he have to get hospitalized every time he got in a fight with his girlfriend?

Lin Yi had just wanted to mess with Lingshan a bit, but one look at the expressions on w.a.n.gli and Yushu's faces and he knew that the two were taking things too far… He wasn't planning on this type of development……

Lingshan watched as Lin Yi moved the shark towards the speedboat- she wasn't very willing, but refrained from saying anything. This had been another lesson she'd learned from Lin Yi, and she was adapting.

That punch had also prompted Lingshan to treat Lin Yi more seriously from now on- it seemed that his capture of Heibao wasn't by chance at all!

"s.h.i.+eld Bro, are you really together with Song Lingshan??" Yushu whispered curiously as she followed Lin Yi to the speedboat.

"I'm not." Lin Yi didn't see the need to lie to Yushu about stuff like this.

"Really, s.h.i.+eld Bro? There's really nothing between the two of you?" Yushu was a bit disappointed- she'd gotten to know Lin Yi at this point, and understood that he was a forward man. He wouldn't lie about stuff like this.

It was the same with what he'd done in the school field that other day, where he'd slapped Ruoming across the face and announced that Tang Yin was his woman.

"Really." Lin Yi said. "Why, did you want that?"

"Man, there's something you don't know! My brother's been chasing her for years, but she always ignored him! She even shamed my brother for losing to her: she said he wasn't a real man!!" Yushu was getting a little upset. "I a.s.sumed that you'd been able to tame that h.o.r.n.y fox, s.h.i.+eld Bro! I thought you showed her who's boss!"

"........" Lin Yi's eyes were wide open, speechless as he looked at Yushu. "Why're you calling her a h.o.r.n.y fox..?"

"Didn't she do that…. with you? Back in the hospital……" As open-minded as Yushu was, even she'd get embarra.s.sed talking about stuff like this.

"It's not what you think……" Lin Yi smiled bitterly. "There was an injury on my leg, and she just wanted to press on it to punish me……"

"So that's what it was……" Yushu nodded, realizing that she'd misunderstood Lingshan- she thought that the girl had grown h.o.r.n.y all of a sudden after maturing! Although, her fear of s.h.i.+eld Bro still remained a fact- she wasn't his woman, but it was clear that s.h.i.+eld Bro had the potential to tame the beast. Not bad, not bad. Yushu decided that this was good too.

Lin Yi and Yushu's mumbling together at the back had all been heard by Lingshan, who was as glad as she could be that w.a.n.gli was at the front driving the boat, and that she was the only one who'd heard the conversation.

She really wanted to strangle that girl- who the h.e.l.l was she calling 'h.o.r.n.y fox'?? She suddenly remembered that rumor about her when Yushu got to it, and recalled the odd way her colleagues had gazed at her with the next couple days after it had spread to the police station…...

Lingshan, naturally, knew what they were thinking! They were probably all wondering how a violent woman like her could do stuff like that for a man!!

She was about to turn back and explain herself before Lin Yi ruined her name when the guy explained what had happened- Lingshan hadn't expected that.

The guy was apparently still a proper man, not taking the chance to soil her reputation even further. Yushu's childish mentality, on the other hand, made Lingshan quite speechless- so this was her idea of revenge? Her idea of getting back at her for rejecting her brother??

Lingshan shook her head. She acknowledged Lin Yi's formidable strength, but believed herself to be superior in fair, direct hand-to-hand combat.

Chapter 280 - We're Friends!

Mengyao wasn't as worried anymore after Uncle Fu and her father talked to her, but it was only natural that she'd still be tense.

She couldn't sit right since she'd gotten home, worried for the soulmate she'd grown up with!! That Lin Yi, too- she wondered if he were okay? He was a bit irritating sometimes, but she still didn't want anything bad happening to him.

She didn't know why, but reckoned that it was because Lin Yi was more or less her employee. She didn't want him to get into trouble.

Lin Yi and Yushu got back a while later, safe and sound. It was Liu w.a.n.gli who drove the two back- Lingshan had delegated that task to w.a.n.gli the moment they'd gotten back to the police station! She wanted to get as far away from Lin Yi as possible!

She wasn't in a position to p.i.s.s him off, but she could still hide from him! Driving that Lin Yi home as Captain Song? It wasn't something she was very keen on doing.

It didn't matter to w.a.n.gli- he got a big van from the police team and drove Lin Yi, Yushu, and the shark back to the villa. Truth be told, w.a.n.gli found himself quite impressed with Lin Yi- he had to be quite an extraordinary man to tame Lingshan, the female dinosaur.

"Shu!! You're okay!!" Mengyao ran to Yushu with her arms open and engulfed her in an embrace, clearly very excited that Yushu had returned home safely.

"I'm fine, Yao Yao! I actually had a pretty nice time!" Yushu was nowhere near Mengyao's mental state- unlike her, Yushu had just enjoyed some nice shark meat and even got to make a sand castle. It had been a pleasant

Meanwhile, Lin Yi walked in with a shark over his shoulder and shook his head at the two girls hugging each other. Seriously? If people got this excited over falling into the sea then he probably would've been hugging Huaijun and his team all the time during his war days.

Mengyao only noticed Lin Yi after hugging Yushu- she managed to keep the worry she had had concealed, planning to give the guy some words of comfort when she saw the shark on Lin Yi's shoulder. "Excuse me, Lin Yi, what's that on your shoulder?"

"Ooh, Yao Yao, that's the shark s.h.i.+eld Bro killed! He even cooked it for me, it was so good! I got him to pack the leftovers for you, let's go roast it!" Yushu explained excitedly.

Mengyao's heart warmed up at the gesture- her soulmate never forgot about her even when in an accident, even remembering to share the good stuff she had with her… "Thanks, Shu……."

"Hey, I'm the one carrying the shark…." Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, thank you too…… Lin Yi……" Mengyao nodded a little embarra.s.sedly at Lin Yi, but naturally couldn't hug him the way she hugged Yushu. Something important came to mind all of a sudden. "Wait, shark? Shu, did you say shark??"

"Yep!!" Yushu nodded. "A big one, too! It was really good."

"What??" Mengyao's eyes were wide with surprise. "Lin Yi, you killed a shark?!"

"Ah……" Lin Yi smiled. "Shu and I would've gotten eaten if I didn't kill it."

Mengyao was utterly speechless as she stared at this man- so that was why he killed the shark?? What about all those other shark attack victims, why didn't they kill their sharks as well? Why was Lin Yi acting so casual about this?

Yet Mengyao could imagine how intense and dangerous the situation must've been, despite Lin Yi's casual att.i.tude towards the whole thing.

Although that wasn't an accurate guess- Lin Yi took out the shark pretty easily.

"Thanks for protecting Shu." Mengyao nodded- there wasn't much left to say.

"She's my friend, no need to thank me for that." Lin Yi shook his head.

Those words sunk Mengyao's heart into emptiness- apparently Lin Yi would only save her because she was his employer…… She had wanted to thank Lin Yi for saving Yushu because it wasn't included in his job description, but…

The guy had made it clear with one simple sentence- he protected Yushu because his relations.h.i.+p with her wasn't just professional… He protected her because he was friends with her!!

If he was friends with Yushu, then….. Who was Mengyao to him? Mengyao's heart dropped at the thought. "What about me?"

"Ah… I wouldn't have saved An Jianwen if you weren't, right? That guy me off." Lin Yi smiled, not expecting Mengyao's heart to be this delicate.

Mengyao realized then that Lin Yi did look rather unwilling when she asked him for help… He'd only really saved Jianwen because she made it a personal request……. Ah… personal request… 

So that meant that they were friends……

Mengyao had slowly started to care about this guy she'd once loathed so much……

Mengyao pulled Yushu to the living room to have a chat with her- the girl was probably still in shock! She had to cheer her up.

Yet Yushu was nowhere near being in shock at all… She only described how she'd built a sand castle, how they got a fire to start, how they cooked the shark meat……

It sounded no different from a vacation, and Mengyao started to get envious, to the point where she wondered why it hadn't been her who fell into the sea with Lin Yi. What was there to be afraid about if she'd known how capable Lin Yi was? It'd be a pretty fine vacation!

"Man, but Yao Yao- I need to tell you some bad news!" Yushu recalled the whole Song Lingshan thing.

"Bad news? What bad news??" Mengyao had been fully immersed in Yushu's descriptions of a sun-basked beach where she got to play with some sand, and the pleasant smell of that roasted shark meat on their campfire… What an enjoyable wildlife experience!

"Lingshan isn't s.h.i.+eld Bro's woman! They're not in a relations.h.i.+p at all!" Yushu said disappointedly. "I was hoping she could be a concubine we could cramp in another room, I'd get to step on her as much as I want! But now….."

"Not Lin Yi's woman? But…… What's that have to do with being a concubine..?" Mengyao didn't understand how this was bad news- it was quite pleasant news! Lin Yi hitting on women everywhere was one of her most troubling concerns!

"Come on, Yao Yao! Think about it, Uncle Chu wants s.h.i.+eld Bro to be his son-in-law, right?" Yushu started explaining her thought process to Mengyao. "Then you'd be s.h.i.+eld Bro's main wife, and, as agreed, I'll be s.h.i.+eld Bro's small wife, his second wife! That Song Lingshan wants to get with s.h.i.+eld Bro too, yeah? So the only spot left for her is the concubine spot! Just imagine it, a rank lower than even my second wife position, I'd get to kick her around as I please!"